Utah Electric Car owners due for some taxes


Active Member
"State officials in Utah have announced plans to launch a road-user fee program expected to raise money for highways that could someday replace gas taxes.

Utah would become the second state to implement the program Jan. 1 where volunteer drivers would pay a 1.5 cent per mile fee in exchange for getting charged less for a special registration fee the state implemented for electric car owners, The Salt Lake Tribune reports."

The Las Vegas socialists that run this once proud state of Nv. mandated that we start reporting our mileage upon registration. I am thinking we are heading for a road use tax ourselves, though it looks to charge all of us with a usage fee. It's more tied to the California Socialists who seem to be pulling the strings of our duly puppets. All part of the global warming hysteria emanating from our western neighbor.
When it comes to taking money out of your wallet, California leads the way with our liberal socialist Democrats. Then the Democrats in other states follow in line to over tax their citizens. One of several reasons I will not vote for any Democrat for the past 20 years.

Democrats suckered citizens into going with electric cars to save the environment and save money by not having to buy gasoline. Then after they bought into the program they pulled this fee scam on them and use the excuse "you use the roadways, you must also pay your share" to soften the reason for the fees. Got to hand to them, they are slick smooth talkers and would screw their grandma out of her last dime.

I think California is headed for some type of mileage charge as the station I use requires a card under your name. When you buy gas you have to enter the mileage on your odometer. One time I'll enter in 157 miles and the next time I'll enter 875,321. I bet they scratch their head when they see it. They must think I get a new car every week.
be careful eel....that milage will get you a $13,127.46 bill at 1.5 cents a mile.....

Looks like Homer is a Mathematician too!

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
>be careful eel....that milage will get
>you a $13,127.46 bill at
>1.5 cents a mile.....

Ms. Grammar, what is milage?

?Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful people with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. "
LAST EDITED ON Dec-30-19 AT 08:33AM (MST)[p]Most highway funding whether for new roads or road maintenance comes from gasoline/diesel taxes.

In my state I am paying 54 cents combined State and Federal taxes per gallon. So getting 15 mpg I am paying 3.6 cents per mile. So why aren't the electric car owners not paying their fair share?
Now to get the those dam bicycles included with a road use tax too.

"Courage is being scared to death but
saddling up anyway."

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