Utah Mule Deer Committee

LAST EDITED ON Jul-01-14 AT 07:33PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Jul-01-14 AT 07:31?PM (MST)

>waste of time, big money gets
>what they want every time.....!!

Unfortunately, big money DOES NOT get what they want every time and that's why we're staying in the fight and so should you.

You and I and the other 350,000+ sportsmen and women are the big money! We just don't know it since our quiet individual $200+ per year doesn't seem like much compared to the flamboyant once or twice a year $350,000 "donation" given by some organized "conservation" group.

DWR's fiscal year 2013 budget of $78,580,924 consisted of:

1) $34,804,677(44%) Restricted Funds that come from the sale of licenses, permits, Certificates of Registration, from donations (I think this is from the sale of donated items, see contributions below.), wildlife vehicle license fees, and other wildlife fees which you and I pay.

2) $21,022,327(27%) Federal Funds per the Pittman-Robertson Act (hunting and shooting equipment excise taxes) and the Dingell-Johnson Act (fishing and boating equipment and gasoline excise taxes) which we pay when we buy hunting and fishing gear.

3) $6,034,530(8%) General State Funds from state taxes which we all pay.

4) $16,719,391(21%) Dedicated Funds coming from monies from certain operations (Hardware Ranch, Lee Kay Center, etc., and from contributions (cash).

Though the organized groups and their members contribute to all 4 funds, you and I and the other 350,000+ are the major contributors by far. I'm certainly not well to do and have to keep an eye on my money like most of you, but I love hunting and fishing to the point that this year, I have already "donated" $255 to Restricted Funds (#1) and $78 to Dedicated Funds (#4) and I don't have any idea how much I've donated to Federal Funds (#2) and General Funds (#3). And I still don't have my bull elk tag. And I know many, if not most, of you spend more than that. It's time we all realized WE'RE THE BIG MONEY!

What does that really mean? The big money organizes and goes in with goals. Individually we fight all over the place. Why do you think this country has unions.

That being said, if, and that's a very big impossible IF, all of you would write the RAC and Big Game Board members, it would have meaning. To sit here and whine on MM means nothing. ACTION takes it all. The best analogy I can give is when I called the regional hatchery director of the DWR and asked him why they were planting such smaller fish and he mentioned that I was the first person to call regarding that and thanked me. Funny, all of the fishermen around here were complaining, just no action, just whine.
I was at two RAC meetings when the Expo was proposed. The Public was loud and clear that they did not want the expo. It was easily 10 to 1 against the expo. everybody was given a strict time limit that had to adhere to, well...everybody with the notable exception of DP. He was in the audience as a "regular joe" while Tony Abbot presented/pitched the expo. DP was given no time limit while many people who got up to speak were cut off due to the strictly enforced time limit. There were a lot of people involved and against this proposal. That is where I learned that the RAC process was nothing more an a rubber stamp. There were numerous members of SFW sitting on the central RAC who were allowed to vote to give their organization tags with no string attached. Talk about a conflict of interest. It also clearly demonstrated to me that DP was given whatever he wants by the RACs that are occupied by SFW people.
Ever thought about writing the Governor. One is not going to make a change, 100's would. We're the people - remember!! Where do you think we would be, if we would have quit during WWII, when we lost a battle. Us ol'timers remember going to the movie house and watching the news reel showing all of the victories. We thought we were winning ALL of the battles, only to find out later that wasn't the case, but we did win the war.

By the way, regardless what you youngsters think - - you have been brain washed - - deer hunting is terrible now. We need to shorten the archery season. I saw a study where only 20% of archers tell the truth. :)

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