Utah Shed Hunting Closed!


2017: After a few days of seeing nothing but boot tracks and horse tracks the last time this happened, I called Gabe Petersonand asked what was going on. He stated that wrote a bunch of citations but the counties that they were written in refused to prosecute the people sited. This will only stop the honest guys.
Here's the response from the guy that was the "Hunting Influencer" representative for our Emerging Technologies committee. Looks like the UDWR picked a real winner.

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Anything for likes And content I suppose, He definitely isn’t representing the blue blood fire knuts, ginger influencing Southern Utah horniac majority well, all though he’s probably kidding I’d keep that HuSh. Fables getting torched with good reason on the DNR page for some good entertainment.
Horn hunting has gotten so popular the last few years that it's also become competitive. People go out earlier and earlier to beat the competition. As much as I like to look for sheds I'd be for all Western States to put a later start time on shed hunting permanently.

Yes there will be some law breakers but it would be easier to enforce than trying to make adjustments only when you have
a seemingly hard winter.

Elk and deer are getting pushed around and often times off of their winter range at a time they should be saving their energy. I've been guilty of doing that to them myself but am trying to wise up to the fact that it's just hard on the animals.
I'm okay with this decision. This closure came up at the general legislative session the other day as well, so it was not a surprise to see it happen. Based on the two feet of snow that I have at my house, and how all the elk are running horses off their hay, this is a good call. Personally, I'm surprised Utah has not gone to an April opening date every year like other western states. April 30th is later than I was expecting.
I'm okay with this decision. This closure came up at the general legislative session the other day as well, so it was not a surprise to see it happen. Based on the two feet of snow that I have at my house, and how all the elk are running horses off their hay, this is a good call. Personally, I'm surprised Utah has not gone to an April opening date every year like other western states. April 30th is later than I was expecting.
Dillionhoyt-- Unfortunately where I live in Montana , other than a few specified areas, there is no start time for shed hunting at all.
I don't think Idaho or Washington have put in shed hunting start times either. If they have it's just happened recently.
That Ought To Help Keep Everybody Obeying The Law!

2017: After a few days of seeing nothing but boot tracks and horse tracks the last time this happened, I called Gabe Petersonand asked what was going on. He stated that wrote a bunch of citations but the counties that they were written in refused to prosecute the people sited. This will only stop the honest guys.
Horn hunting has gotten so popular the last few years that it's also become competitive. People go out earlier and earlier to beat the competition. As much as I like to look for sheds I'd be for all Western States to put a later start time on shed hunting permanently.

Yes there will be some law breakers but it would be easier to enforce than trying to make adjustments only when you have
a seemingly hard winter.

Elk and deer are getting pushed around and often times off of their winter range at a time they should be saving their energy. I've been guilty of doing that to them myself but am trying to wise up to the fact that it's just hard on the animals.
I agree.
It's being looked at very seriously by the Division to do season dates like Wyoming.
I have a question, so does this closure include the coyote hunters, rabbit hunters, snowmobiling, basically all winter range activities, or just shed collectors? Are the honest guys getting screwed over again? If it isn’t closed to ALL, then this closure means nothing just like it did in 2017.
I have a question, so does this closure include the coyote hunters, rabbit hunters, snowmobiling, basically all winter range activities, or just shed collectors? Are the honest guys getting screwed over again? If it isn’t closed to ALL, then this closure means nothing just like it did in 2017.
Stop making sense!
What's being addressed? A joke he made? You guys gonna kick him out the committee for a joke and having a conflicting opinion to the stupid rule?
No one said he was getting kicked off Jake.

"Stupid Rule", are you serious right now?
Shed hunting should have been shut down a month ago!

You Basin boys are complaining about deer quality and quantity out in the Books, you're getting pounded by snow and you are now calling a postponed shed hunt a "Stupid Rule"?

I'm seriously at a loss of words Jake......shocked actually.
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I’m all for it and will leave the deer and elk alone. Enforcing it will require higher punishment and be tough. I also think hunting cows late into the year isn’t the best idea either. When elk are below parleys next to the freeway it’s bad.
You're opposed to closing shed hunting when you are fully aware of the herd conditions of both deer and elk in the Book Cliffs?

I'm just not understanding you and Jake on this at all.
No one said he was getting kicked off Jake.

"Stupid Rule", are you serious right now?
Shed hunting should have been shut down a month ago!

You Basin boys are complaining about deer quality and quantity out in the Books, you're getting pounded by snow and you are now calling a postponed shed hunt a "Stupid Rule"?

I'm seriously at a loss of words Jake......shocked actually.
Then how is it "being addressed" do explain rather than being vague how bout you spill the beans?

You are obviously not a shed hunter, I've been a die hard shed hunter since I wad 16, I don't chase game, I don't see people chasing game, does it happen sure it happens but it's not the majority of people.

These Stupid closures have no teeth, and do nothing for the honest individual, and I could argue a "OpeningDay" of shed hunting does far more damage then deer or elk getting bumped here and there occasionally throughout the month. On an opening day, they literally have nowhere to go, I witnessed it with my own eyes in 2017 as herds of elk were ran ragged with there toungs hanging out because there was literally people everywhere, and nowherefor them to go.

You want to protect wildlife, then come up with a reward program for turning people in for actually harassing game, closures just make it easier for people to get away with actually harassing game as there isn't as many people out to witness it. Everyone has a camera in there pocket, incentives people to turn others in with proof and you will keep people from doing things they shouldn't be.

You can look for sheds and not pressure wildlife, I do it every year.
Then how is it "being addressed" do explain rather than being vague how bout you spill the beans?

You are obviously not a shed hunter, I've been a die hard shed hunter since I wad 16, I don't chase game, I don't see people chasing game, does it happen sure it happens but it's not the majority of people.

These Stupid closures have no teeth, and do nothing for the honest individual, and I could argue a "OpeningDay" of shed hunting does far more damage then deer or elk getting bumped here and there occasionally throughout the month. On an opening day, they literally have nowhere to go, I witnessed it with my own eyes in 2017 as herds of elk were ran ragged with there toungs hanging out because there was literally people everywhere, and nowherefor them to go.

You want to protect wildlife, then come up with a reward program for turning people in for actually harassing game, closures just make it easier for people to get away with actually harassing game as there isn't as many people out to witness it. Everyone has a camera in there pocket, incentives people to turn others in with proof and you will keep people from doing things they shouldn't be.

You can look for sheds and not pressure wildlife, I do it every year.
Yes I believe you are a good ethical shed hunter, but don't be mad at the system that was put into place, be mad at the people who cause it.

And yes BTW, I am a shed hunter and have canceled my trip to the Paunsaugunt in early April and have absolutely no problems postponing my elk shed trips in Central Utah either.
(I hate more rules and laws.) I guess I can’t really say the closure will help the game or make no difference. Common sense tells me it will help them. But I’m not out there to see cause I don’t look for sheds. Jake says the closure doesn’t help and he has seen it with his own eyes. Now I’m the one that is baffeled
Yes I believe you are a good ethical shed hunter, but don't be mad at the system that was put into place, be mad at the people who cause it.

And yes BTW, I am a shed hunter and have canceled my trip to the Paunsaugunt in early April and have absolutely no problems postponing my elk shed trips in Central Utah either.
Slam I used to do a lot of shed hunting in Colorado, and rarely did I see many people out and about, then they implemented the shed season, now opening day has a few thousand people running around literally everywhere, and you know what the majority of people find? Month old boot tracks from all the people that don't care. There is also nowhere for the animals to go so they just run and run and run. I've witnessed more stress on the animals because of the shed season than I ever did before it was in place.

Like I said, if you want to stop the few people that do chase game and do stupid stuff the last thing you want to do is remove the majority of people that would have been there to either witness, or at least deture that kind of behavior.

Why punish the majority for the actions of a few, why not enable the majority to take action against the few that are being idiots.

When I talked to the big game coordinator a couple weeks ago he said they (the division) and the director did not want to do a season, but they was getting push for it from a number of people including some members of the wildlife board. The division does not want to do this, they are being forced to.
I would like see evidence of a single deer or elk killed due to shed hunters. I don’t think it’s ever happened but let’s see some evidence.
I get what you're saying and I know beyond a shadow of doubt you are careful, smart and respectful of wildlife when many others simply are not.

There is a lot of difference between February and "Opening Day" of shed gathering season.

As in my spike hunt post, I have had a large herd of elk above my home in Lindon where I've lived my whole life and have never seen Elk there before.
On several occasions in the past weeks I have seen guys up there putting pressure on them right in their feeding and bedding areas, even during the night we've seen head lamps exactly where the Elk are, or "where the Elk were".
They are gone now.

Several people on this site agree there are too many hunts and our game doesn't get much needed rest.
As you know, right now they need rest far more than in November.

Your Book Cliffs have abortion issues in cow Elk, fact.
Right now those cows are 5 month's pregnant, the last thing they need is even one bad person out of 10 good one's keeping them on the move.
I get what you're saying and I know beyond a shadow of doubt you are careful, smart and respectful of wildlife when many others simply are not.

There is a lot of difference between February and "Opening Day" of shed gathering season.

As in my spike hunt post, I have had a large herd of elk above my home in Lindon where I've lived my whole life and have never seen Elk there before.
On several occasions in the past weeks I have seen guys up there putting pressure on them right in their feeding and bedding areas, even during the night we've seen head lamps exactly where the Elk are, or "where the Elk were".
They are gone now.

Several people on this site agree there are too many hunts and our game doesn't get much needed rest.
As you know, right now they need rest far more than in November.

Your Book Cliffs have abortion issues in cow Elk, fact.
Right now those cows are 5 month's pregnant, the last thing they need is even one bad person out of 10 good one's keeping them on the move.
Why in the hell would anyone be out walking around where a herd of cows and spikes are in January looking for elk sheds? If that is indeed what they are looking for they are not shed hunters, those are tweekers thinking they can make a quick buck.

Did you call them in? Sounds like harassment issues to me. You really think a shed season is going to stop people that don't know enough to know they ain't going to find any antlers there this time of year? Especially elk antlers?
So you think a shed season is going to stop a tweaker that don't know that elk antlers don't drop until mid march to April from going out and chasing off game?

Did you call them in to the DWR?
So you think a shed season is going to stop a tweaker that don't know that elk antlers don't drop until mid march to April from going out and chasing off game?

Did you call them in to the DWR?
He doesn’t have time to call the DWR about that. He’s too busy dealing with sarcastic remarks on social media. Someone identified as a horse dammit!!! That must be stopped!
No I didn't call because they weren't breaking any laws.
They don't have to be "chasing" or purposely pushing animals to get them to move.

You know as well as anyone that the game will move and feel threatened when they see a human, even a half mile away.

If I see them up there now, I will call.

The postponement of shed hunting isn't implemented solely to stop the aggressive hunters, it's to give the animals a much needed break so they can conserve what little body fat they have left on them.
If you thought they was pressuring the animals what harm comes from calling it in so they can come and watch for people actually Breaking the law?

If you are walking into a herd of elk in deep snow that is harassment and needs to be reported, that way they can at least be questioned and warned that they better stop or they will be ticketed.

If you was able to distinguish what they was doing why couldn't a DWR officer do the same and act according to how he seen fit to handle the situation.

You guys can't ***** about this stuff if you aren't willing to get involved and start reporting this kind of stuff.
Did anyone let the mountain lions, coyotes, bobcats, hikers, low flying planes, rattlesnakes, lost balloons, wind, shadows, lightning, dirt bikers, horse riders, WILD horses, Mondays, SXS riders, mountain bikers, helicopters, etc know about leaving the mule deer alone right now?

Mule deer are the biggest pussies in the ungulate world. All the millions spent. They can’t be saved. So let’s just enjoy them while we can.

Did anyone let the mountain lions, coyotes, bobcats, hikers, low flying planes, rattlesnakes, lost balloons, wind, shadows, lightning, dirt bikers, horse riders, WILD horses, Mondays, SXS riders, mountain bikers, helicopters, etc know about leaving the mule deer alone right now?

Mule deer are the biggest pussies in the ungulate world. All the millions spent. They can’t be saved. So let’s just enjoy them while we can.
I'm Not Against Closing The SHED Hunt!


Let's See Some Enforcement on the LAW-BREAKIN BITTCHES!

ATV's Confiscated!

UTV's Confiscated!

The 100,000.00 Truck That Pulled them in Confiscated!

Loss Of All Hunting Privileges For Life!

A 50,000.00 Fine!

Loss of Fishing Licenses for Life!

8,000,000 Hours of Community Service!

A Felony For Life!

That Means You Turn in Your Weapons & You Can't Possess them ever again!

Banned From Hunting in All other 49 States & All Other Countries!

That's a 1st Offense!

You Don't Even Wanna Hear The 2nd Offense Consequences!
I'm Not Against Closing The SHED Hunt!


Let's See Some Enforcement on the LAW-BREAKIN BITTCHES!

ATV's Confiscated!

UTV's Confiscated!

The 100,000.00 Truck That Pulled them in Confiscated!

Loss Of All Hunting Privileges For Life!

A 50,000.00 Fine!

Loss of Fishing Licenses for Life!

8,000,000 Hours of Community Service!

A Felony For Life!

That Means You Turn in Your Weapons & You Can't Possess them ever again!

Banned From Hunting in All other 49 States & All Other Countries!

That's a 1st Offense!

You Don't Even Wanna Hear The 2nd Offense Consequences!
Man you scared me so bad I'm afraid to go shed hunting where it's legal!!

You do make a great point though. It needs to be more than a slap in the hand or some kind of minimal fine or the only people it will deter will be the law abiding citizens.

My money says even if all the things you listed were enforced there would still be a few people that wouldn't comply.
I know of an emery county case from a few years back that the subject that was sited for picking up sheds on closed STATE ground walked free after going to court. I believe the sheds were taken from his home but did not receive any penalties from losing privileges. Picking up antlers at the time on closed state ground did not Constitute a Wild Life Violation.
Not sure If any rule has been added to make picking up sheds with a closure an actual wildlife violation.
to start, just do your part. turn those in that you can. if you stir the pot too much it may backfire. it's just till May 1, so relax. It's all about the wildlife, not antlers. To have radical fines, and up to taking your kids away from you is not a way to start. Remain positive. may you, and your families be safe and ethical. Doctor recommended.
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My prob with a closure is the punishment is on me for staying home until the legal opener just to go out and follow boot tracks made during the closure. Why the heck can’t there be a stiffer punishment to persuade those who disobey the laws? I can’t be out there policing the area to turn in law breakers. I plan around what the rules are. Between now and then, its a free for all for the clowns that don’t care.

Why not just let people do what they’re going to do when they want to and trust they will do the right thing. At least there will always be enough folks out there in the field at any given time to police those who harass the animals.

You tell the good guys to stay home until May and the bad guys will be out in full force knowing they aren’t being watched. ??‍♂️
to start, just do your part. turn those in that you can. if you stir the pot too much it may backfire. it's just till May 1, so relax. It's all about the wildlife, not antlers. To have radical fines, and up to taking your kids away from you is not a way to start. Remain positive. may you, and your families be safe and ethical. Doctor recommended.
Well Doc, if I had to guess, you’re a doctor of feelings. This site probably ain’t the place for you. Good luck on your quest though.
Nobody said you had to stay home. i believe most people are good, and will do the right thing.
not sure why BLooDTRaCKer thinks i have feelings. you should change your user name to Johnny 10 beers, or hate monger
Sure would awesome to put a bunch of tracker's in some big shed's and put them close to the roads and see how many stop and pick them up. Might stop the early birds are seeing them in the Newpaper.
They do this in Colorado, it doesn't stop anyone.

And what the hell am I suppose to do when I'm in this situation again?


Drive over it and pop a tire, or bust through the brush around it and then I have bessy giving my truck a tune up.
I wouldn't think so.
You tossed it aside. The law doesn't say anything about dropping a pin?‍♂️
It clearly says "locating, attempting to locate, gathering, or marking loctions" in the rule, so technically, just driving around the winter range with the intent to scout for finding sheds is illegal.
It clearly says "locating, attempting to locate, gathering, or marking loctions" in the rule, so technically, just driving around the winter range with the intent to scout for finding sheds is illegal.
Fair enough.
I know what I'd do even though this is a 1 in a million incident
So I just wanted to see if I have this correct. You’re allowed to disturb wintering deer and elk by:
Driving on roads
Coyote hunting
Rabbit hunting
Setting up trail cams (legal time of the year)
Snow shoeing
Cross country skiing
Or just by being on the winter range in general

But, you’re not allowed to disturb deer/elk by:
Attempting to locate
Looking at
Bending over and to pick up /moving a shed

I totally get the sentiment or reason for the shut down, especially this year and bad winters but I don’t think this works unless they completely shut down the winter ranges for everyone I’m not even sure how that is possible or technically legal
I have shed hunted 15 plus years. The last 8 years have truly gotten out of hand. That said I will agree when it was shut down in 2017 there was boot tracks all over and also ATV tracks everywhere. But I did find more horns that year then the last 5 years.
But what I didn't see was during the 2017 closure was ATV/ Side x Sides chasing elk and deer down to try and get them to drop their horns.
The last 5 years I have seen animals get chased pretty much every time I went out from February threw March.
Having a shed season date is not a bad thing at all. Pretty much everything has dropped there antlers by then. Also there will be less shed hunters from Colorado and Wyoming coming over So I would suggest you take the week off.

So me and my buddies will write and Email to the DWR and the board and ask them to make May 1st the shed opener from now on.
I have shed hunted 15 plus years. The last 8 years have truly gotten out of hand. That said I will agree when it was shut down in 2017 there was boot tracks all over and also ATV tracks everywhere. But I did find more horns that year then the last 5 years.
But what I didn't see was during the 2017 closure was ATV/ Side x Sides chasing elk and deer down to try and get them to drop their horns.
The last 5 years I have seen animals get chased pretty much every time I went out from February threw March.
Having a shed season date is not a bad thing at all. Pretty much everything has dropped there antlers by then. Also there will be less shed hunters from Colorado and Wyoming coming over So I would suggest you take the week off.

So me and my buddies will write and Email to the DWR and the board and ask them to make May 1st the shed opener from now on.
15 years? You’re one of the newbies to shed hunting. And how many people from WY really go to Utah to shed hunt? Hahahahahahha
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The complaints about it not being fair to shed hunters because people are still out hiking and walking their dogs is about 10% of an issue.

People don't take their dog's for a walk on the Oak Creek range, Beaver, Monroe, Scipio, Holden, Book Cliffs, etc, etc.

Urban areas yes, Rural, no.
The complaints about it not being fair to shed hunters because people are still out hiking and walking their dogs is about 10% of an issue.

People don't take their dog's for a walk on the Oak Creek range, Beaver, Monroe, Scipio, Holden, Book Cliffs, etc, etc.

Urban areas yes, Rural, no.
Summary: make up a % and then point out ONE user group. And the user group is someone walking their dog?

I have shed hunted 15 plus years. The last 8 years have truly gotten out of hand. That said I will agree when it was shut down in 2017 there was boot tracks all over and also ATV tracks everywhere. But I did find more horns that year then the last 5 years.
But what I didn't see was during the 2017 closure was ATV/ Side x Sides chasing elk and deer down to try and get them to drop their horns.
The last 5 years I have seen animals get chased pretty much every time I went out from February threw March.
Having a shed season date is not a bad thing at all. Pretty much everything has dropped there antlers by then. Also there will be less shed hunters from Colorado and Wyoming coming over So I would suggest you take the week off.

So me and my buddies will write and Email to the DWR and the board and ask them to make May 1st the shed opener from now on.
You have seen people chasing down elk and deer every time you went out with sxs and atvs?

How many times did you call the division on them for it and turn them in?

Did you video it?

Did you confront them and tell them to knock that crap off?

And during the 2017 closure how often was you out there to actually watch and witness those activities in Feb and March? My guess is not much because you couldn't have been or you would have been breaking the law.
You have seen people chasing down elk and deer every time you went out with sxs and atvs?

How many times did you call the division on them for it and turn them in?

Did you video it?

Did you confront them and tell them to knock that crap off?

And during the 2017 closure how often was you out there to actually watch and witness those activities in Feb and March? My guess is not much because you couldn't have been or you would have been breaking the law.
Jake you have a way better way of calling out someone’s BS than I.
15 years? You’re one of the newbies to shed hunting. And how many people from WY really go to Utah to shed hunt? Hahahahahahha
More than you think. I mean why wouldn’t you if you’re waiting on your state to open up. There are some areas with big deer not far from Wyoming in Utah. And with as much as people love she’d hunting why wouldn’t they and Idaho isn’t far from SW Wyoming either.
More than you think. I mean why wouldn’t you if you’re waiting on your state to open up. There are some areas with big deer not far from Wyoming in Utah. And with as much as people love she’d hunting why wouldn’t they and Idaho isn’t far from SW Wyoming either.
Waiting? Hahahahahaha. Who’s making all those boot tracks the utards are complaining about on the opener? It’s not happening if you’re slumming to Utah or Idaho for sheds.

Living in WY and going to shed hunt Utah is like wiping your ass before you ****.
I didn’t say people don’t go out early I’m well aware that goes on. But if I lived in Wyoming I’d definitely hit those other states while waiting for May 1st.
I’m all for it and will leave the deer and elk alone. Enforcing it will require higher punishment and be tough. I also think hunting cows late into the year isn’t the best idea either. When elk are below parleys next to the freeway it’s bad.
I’m understanding mostly and confused on the last part of this statement. When elk are below parleys and in city limits - that’s when some hunting pressure is needed. 8 cow elk have been hit and damage to vehicles and people from that herd. I called the DWR office and asked if they would offer some depredation permits just for this area - and received a solid no.
The other hard part on parleys is the fact that private property (developers) owners in the area have prohibited hunting- but the area is open for hikers. If you were to hunt where the forest service boundary resides - you likely would push the elk further down into the city. Conflicts of interest are not in favor of the elk issue in parleys. If not addressed and the elk stay low -DWR will just blast the entire herd - just like emigration canyon many years back.

The original beginning of your statement to reduce pressure on the winter range - I agree with. It’s hard to get the issue resolved easily. Depredation permits are needed to keep the animals out of city limits. Less cow elk late season tags should be given and depredation tags need to go into February only if needed- like right now.
So just kill em all off so they never have a chance? That’s the answer here? More depredation tags to fill freezers because it’s easy meat? Risk less hunting opportunity in the future because we killed a bunch of pregnant cows….because we feared they would injure vehicles?

Yes, it’s a hard winter in some areas. We don’t need to kill any more. Nature will take what she takes. We encroached on their habitat. Drive those areas with caution.
I’m understanding mostly and confused on the last part of this statement. When elk are below parleys and in city limits - that’s when some hunting pressure is needed. 8 cow elk have been hit and damage to vehicles and people from that herd. I called the DWR office and asked if they would offer some depredation permits just for this area - and received a solid no.
The other hard part on parleys is the fact that private property (developers) owners in the area have prohibited hunting- but the area is open for hikers. If you were to hunt where the forest service boundary resides - you likely would push the elk further down into the city. Conflicts of interest are not in favor of the elk issue in parleys. If not addressed and the elk stay low -DWR will just blast the entire herd - just like emigration canyon many years back.

The original beginning of your statement to reduce pressure on the winter range - I agree with. It’s hard to get the issue resolved easily. Depredation permits are needed to keep the animals out of city limits. Less cow elk late season tags should be given and depredation tags need to go into February only if needed- like right now.
I’m beyond confused with your response t”hunting right in tanner park for cow elk. Slaughtering elk isn’t going to be the answer. I can’t believe you called thinking you’d get a yes??
So just kill em all off so they never have a chance? That’s the answer here? More depredation tags to fill freezers because it’s easy meat? Risk less hunting opportunity in the future because we killed a bunch of pregnant cows….because we feared they would injure vehicles?

Yes, it’s a hard winter in some areas. We don’t need to kill any more. Nature will take what she takes. We encroached on their habitat. Drive those areas with caution.
Come up with a plan. And then post how your going to manage it.
I’m beyond confused with your response t”hunting right in tanner park for cow elk. Slaughtering elk isn’t going to be the answer. I can’t believe you called thinking you’d get a yes??
Have you ever dealt with injury or loss from wildlife ? If you had - you would look at the issue differently.
8 dead elk to date at the mouth of parleys. Hmmm…
Could have a few archery or any weapon depredation tags helped prevent this ?

Depredation tags are separate than late season cow tags and are needed.

Do you even know what a depredation tag is ?
Whats your answer on how to manage the current issue ? Please post.
I have shed hunted 15 plus years. The last 8 years have truly gotten out of hand. That said I will agree when it was shut down in 2017 there was boot tracks all over and also ATV tracks everywhere. But I did find more horns that year than the last 5 years.

So me and my buddies will write and Email to the DWR and the board and ask them to make May 1st the shed opener from now on.
So you got lucky the last closure in 2017 and now you and your buddies are going to email the DWR and ask them for more permanent regulations? What about the years when we have hardly any snow? You think we should all wait until May on easy winters?

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