

Very Active Member
This is my first elk. Shot him this morning. Going to be good eatin.

You could probably cut them steaks with the fork, real good eating there Dax. Is this a Montana Elk? Congrats to you and a nice clear picture too.

Daxter nothing wrong with getting a calf on an antlerless hunt. I have shot many a calf on antlerless hunts. Best elk meat ever. Also better than shooting the cow if you ask me. Congratulations on your first elk. I got my first muzz elk this year. Although I have taken many cows with my rifle, this year was my first for a muzz. It was also a calf. I have one more cow tag for rifle but I may use a muzzloader for fun.
I shot this guy in Northern Utah. I spent quite a while butchering him today even with the help of a neighbor who is a butcher for a living. I can't imagine the amount of work it would take to butcher a big old bull. We had some steaks for dinner tonight and they were great, real tender with a mild flavor.
I've shot valves before as well. A hell of alot easier to get out and the meat is out of this world. I have a late season anlerless tag in Colorado through the end of January and will try to hold out for a calf. Quality sure beats the hell out of quantity.

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