VERY important NM Guys


Active Member
Won't be long and the lefties will be going after your hunting rights. At this time there are anti hunting and trapping groups that have mounted a massive email campaign directly into the NM Game Commissioners to end trapping, in preperation for June public comments. I recieved one of their activists mass emails.

NM Commissioners directly

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected]
Thanks for sharing. I hope that we can all unite as one and fight for what we believe is right.

"Windage & Elevation Pilgrim, Windage & Elevation"
I am sure the NMWF will help fight it.

Seriously, all the pro hunting groups in NM need to weigh in on trapping and support it.
This type of attack... if successful will snowball and before we know it the hunting heritage will be taught in the history books as a terrible thing that happened in the old days.

Stand and fight for the right to hunt, fish, and trap. If you don't stand up, you will have no right to complain when these privledges are taken away.

Paul, is there a way to get an official statment going that all of us can sign here in the NM forumn & then send it to all of the powers that be?

"Windage & Elevation Pilgrim, Windage & Elevation"
Do you want nonres. to sign it too or just a small percentage of us? I'm sure no one wants the no good nonres, non NM tax paying, out of state hunter/trapper to interfear with NM business ! (something like that from another thread)....good luck.
LAST EDITED ON May-13-11 AT 11:25AM (MST)[p]I subscribe to some leftie activities I like to monitor in my opinion this particular movement has considerable inertia.
They are picking on the emotional issue of leghold traps, I am sure when they have won this hunting will be in their sights.
I am willing to spend some time gathering support to protect the trappers and keep in mind their ungulate predator reduction impact. Please forward this information to all the hunter friendly groups you can and have people email and call the Game Commissioners.
Following is the circulated email
Dear Friends,

You are getting this message because you have either signed the
petition opposing trapping on New Mexico public lands and/or are
helping to gather additional signed petitions.

The Dept of Game and Fish will probably be making proposals to Game
Commissioners about the trapping rule review at the next Commission
meeting tentatively set for June. (No final vote will happen until at
least the meeting after that.) In order to best influence those
proposals, if you are gathering signatures, please send what you have
to me so I can receive them by May 23. That way, I can make copies and
get them to the Department of Game and Fish and the Game Commissioners
before then. You can still continue to gather signatures after that as
there is no official deadline yet.

The Department of Game and Fish is also accepting more detailed
comment here: [email protected] If you feel strongly
that trapping is not compatible with public use, that living animals
with their skins intact have value to the many wildlife enthusiasts
who do not kill them and that these creatures also have importance
living in the wild, please send a personal message. Remind decision
makers that traps do not discriminate which is why hikers, their dogs
and many other wildlife species are placed in harm?s way. You can also
copy these email addresses for the Game Commissioners into the
recipient box and they will all get your message too:
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected]

If you'd like a copy of the petition to help get more signatures,
reply to this email and I will send a digital copy that can be easily

For more information about trapping in New Mexico, please visit:

Thank you all so much for helping New Mexico?s wildlife,


Mary Katherine Ray
Wildlife Chair Rio Grande Chapter Sierra Club
HC 30 Box 244
Winston, NM 87943"
That is funny jodog. I do not think we (No Residents) are wanted for this fight either. It would suck if the trapping opportunity was reduced by 50%
guys this isn't about res or non res issues, this is about gathering all sportsmen to stand in the path of the anti lefties. The lefties are very organized and funded their goal is to chip away at trapping and hunting rights and build a world in their image, damn all others. If people don't fight these lefties they will wake up to a Kalifornicated world. Time to get into action.
LAST EDITED ON May-13-11 AT 04:02PM (MST)[p]elkhunter/jdog...

Really? Are you that butthurt that you think it is really necessary to make comments like this on a topic as serious as this one is?

Do you not see the writing on the wall?

The sierra club has been trying to put a stop to fishing for years! They are against hunting! They are against everything that a true sportsman holds dear. They do NOTHING for conservation. They only STOP things. They DO NOT create anything. They are masters of destruction!

The way I see it, you will either take a stand against them or you will support them. Doing nothing is the same as supporting them.

HELL YES your voice matters! If you are a hunter, fisherman, or trapper, you darn sure SHOULD take a stand against the sierra club!!!

Do you think they will stop with leg hold traps in New Mexico? Think again smarty pants!

"Windage & Elevation Pilgrim, Windage & Elevation"
LAST EDITED ON May-13-11 AT 05:46PM (MST)[p]Agreed Gambler^...and hell, I'm pretty sure Freeman himself is a nonresident

Regard the "Note to Hunters" bullscheiss appeal in the link as well...a 'clever' attempt to gain hunter support on the attack against themselves, eh? Insidious tactics to beguile the gullable...very reminiscent of another rather unsavory group, NMWF

Thanks for the heads up get on it Folks!
>Paul, is there a way to
>get an official statment going
>that all of us can
>sign here in the NM
>forumn & then send it
>to all of the powers
>that be?

What could be done is a post made that allows others to post their support and then the link could be forwarded to whatever individual or entity that is considered appropriate.
The traps are not actually "leg hold traps". In the trapping community they are called "foot hold traps". If you look in the Furbearer section of the Regulations booklet (page 56, under Land Sets), you will see that the Game Department also calls them "foot hold traps". The anti-trappers call them "leg hold traps" because it sounds worse. If you make a good catch on an animal, they are usually caught on the foot, across the pad, and you can release the animal with no harm to them.
-- Bob
If you want to win this battle you have to fight it in the cities that who voted to ban foothold traps here and they was able to ban lion hunting too,these folks believe a few pictures and a few hollywood stars and bingo you don't get to hunt lions and trap using foot holds. I'm sure you have a few of those Hollyweird types down that way.

All those townfolks are what will carry the vote yea or nay the country folks are to small in numbers..
Now if you could make it so only the people who buy a license to hunt and trap can vote, you might be able to win it.

I see you losing it on a huge City folks vote.
Like I said before GOOD LUCK.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
All that NM hate on 196 (and not just on this board) left a bad taste in my mouth....Good luck.
>guys this isn't about res or
>non res issues, this is
>about gathering all sportsmen to
>stand in the path of
>the anti lefties. The lefties
>are very organized and funded
>their goal is to chip
>away at trapping and hunting
>rights and build a world
>in their image, damn all
> others. If people don't
>fight these lefties they will
>wake up to a Kalifornicated
>world. Time to get into

I was wondering when someone would blame it on me...



HH & Son
Our Album
Bad taste in my mouth as well for new mexico. I hope they shut the whole state down for trapping what ever they want. I may even donate. Which organization is leading the way so I can help shut down New mex resident opportunities without them being able to do a thing about it.
LAST EDITED ON May-25-11 AT 05:55PM (MST)[p]+1 TerynitUp

Summer's Eve is probably right there, too. Makes ya wonder how much effort there will be from the residents to get rid of the outfitter set-aside later when some NRs want to support the trapping ban.
Maybe you guys should be helping each other down that Aisle while holding hands and singing we will overcome. A couple of months back it was all about get the NR out, now it come on back and help us fight the fight against the Anti-trap bunch. Tell us again how great it will be get those few percentage point you got on those cut tags for NR DIY Hunters. Hey no hard feeling here you got what you all wanted now live with it and handle it with all the New Mexico hunters who backed the Change.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
Well I never supported the stupid damn change, and I certainly recognize that the majority of nonresidents are not fish-headed window lickers like #17 and a few notable others that come around here...but I think that we ALL as hunters can lend support to the opposition of the insidious agendas of 'conservation' groups like Sierra Club and NWF, regardless of any particular 'where' that such battles WILL continue to arise
GW, I agree. There is no relation to this and SB196. That would be like us New Mexicans jumping on to oppose SB-1070 in AZ just because we didn't draw a Mogollon elk tag.
I was in favor of 196 but I will NEVER jump on with an ANTI group. Pretty childish IMO.

So that being said, pop in your Carrie Underwood CD and have fun with the ANTI's.

Hunt Hard. Shoot Straight. Kill Clean. APOLOGIZE TO NO ONE.
LAST EDITED ON May-26-11 AT 09:26AM (MST)[p]tooele,


Willing to openly support the Sierra Club?!?!?!? You've GOT to be joking! Or are you really just a waste of skin?

Appologize sincerely for your dimwitted mistake or forever be branded has a hipocrite. One can not hunt, trap, or fish on Saturday and then help END these traditions on Monday.

The enemy of my enemy is my friend.
The friend of my enemy is my enemy also.

Taking sides with the Sierra Club because non-resident DIY hunters got the shaft just to try and "get back" at the lowly NM resident is like chopping off your foot because you stubbed your toe and it hurts a little bit.

There are LOTS of NM Residents like GW & Myself who DID NOT support SB196.

I will never stoop to your lowly worm level of lame existence and support the Sierra Club when they come to your state. I will instead stand beside the residents of your state who still have a brain and fight all those ill-informed supporters of the Sierra Club, Peta, Earth Guardians, etc.

"Windage & Elevation Pilgrim, Windage & Elevation"

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