Vick To The Eagles

The Eagles just got better, IMO

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
Just what a steeler fan living in eagle country likes to see....
choas in the eagle clubhouse. McNabb will never be able to handle Vicks presence. By the more stray dog problems in Philly. (just kidding)
I don't care where he goes.. Never was that impressed with him and I'm glad I don't live in Philly and have to worry about my dog.
Instead of "Philadelphia Eagles", Vick heard "Kill me a pen full of beagles" and he was all over that.
Maybe the Eagles will put McNab and Vick in a ring and have them fight to see who starts that week. Any bets as to who will win?

What a disgrace this guy is freaking messed up. Why they would sign him is beyond me. I can see the headlines next spring. Vick has a shot at the Superbowl and just last year he was doing time for killing/torturing dogs by means of fighting, electrocutions, drowning, choking. WTF?. What a waste of wrongfully warmed up global air space he takes up.

I hope DeMarcus Ware gets a good crack at him. Guess the Eagles ain't a stand-up respectable All American team after all. mtmuley
The 60 Minutes story with Wayne Pacelle was a classic. Vick said little of wanting to be the best father he could be, granted the biggest job of anyones life. Tony Dungy better be on his payroll. Arthur Blank (billionaire) wasn't on top the situation to protect his investment. I wish him great success ahead, may all of his creditors get paid in full.

Dean Parisian
On a long enough timeline the survival rate for everyone drops to zero.
Piece of garbage or not, I say let him play. Professional athletes aren't known for having good character and since we continue to watch and pay to watch these dirtballs, why is this guy any different? Just take a look at the NBA, those guys smoke more marijuana than Cheech and Chonch and have more illegitimate kids than Warren Jeffs.

The NFL, like all sports leagues, could care less about the character of their players. If the NFL let a murderer and witness tamperer like Ray Lewis play without even a suspension, then a dog killer that served two years in a Fed Pen should be able to play. If there is enough outrage by the public, the market place will sort it out and the Eagles will cut him loose. It is that simple.

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