Vortex customer service


Very Active Member
Last month I bought a Vortex Razor HD 20-60x85 off of the classified forum. I got the scope in the mail. Looked through it and played with it for awhile. I ended up sending it into Vortex to have it looked over for the upcoming season. Scope came back a week latter with a note listing about ten problems with the scope. At the end it said COMPLETE REFURBISH, NO CHARGE. Vortex is an outstanding company who aims to please the consumer.
Ive got a scope in the mail on its way to them right now, has a cracked front lens. It's a discontinued product, curious to see what they do with it. I'll report back when I know!

Vortex optics are cheaply made with very poor quality control. Without a stellar warranty they would have nothing to offer.

I too had the 85 razor. First eyepiece had bubbles in the lenses. Vortex replaced it very quick at no charge. Great. Second scope lasted about two weeks and the eyepiece locking mechanism broke.

I would never buy another made-in-China set of optics. No thanks.

Do you have the Razor? If so, not made in China, my friend. It's Japanese......different deal.

Having said that, I own Swaro EL (pre swarovision) & Razor bino's....one of each. My Swaro went back twice before they were fixed correct (wrong outta the box). The Razor's have been flawless.

They all got problems.....at least Vortex doesn't ask (like Swaro did back then). Buy some $2K glass & have it bad out of the box...then get interrogated when you try to send it in. Swaro made it right, but it took 3 months back then to go thru the process. It is my understanding they are better now.

Sorry you had a bad Razor spotter, you are in the minority with that situation.....a lot of guys are using that glass these days for a reason.
I USED to be under the agreement that Vortex was a great product, affordable, good quality, etc. I would agree that Vortex customer service is outstanding. I have sent them 3 scopes and 2 spotters and they repaired or replaced no questions asked.
But.....the reason they were repaired or replaced is that they were broken. I have had quite a few Vortex items, no binos, but have had a hand full of scopes and 2 spotters from them. NONE of them have held up, ALL of them have failed at one point or another. Had a scope on a .17hmr, crosshairs went loose one day, took them until the third replacement scope to get that one right. Had a high power scope, couldn't see thru it for $hit! Another scope had floaters in the view. Spotters were never clear after a year.
When i was comparing a Swaro spotter to the new Vortex, the Vortex was pretty compareable I will give them that. But remembering my experiences with them i bought the Swaro and have never looked back.
I will never even consider any Vortex product anymore. There is a reason they all needed repair, cheap price almost always means cheaply made.
Just my experience and opinion.

Pretty much sums it up.

The issue that seems to be the most predominant I have heard, which plagues all of the asian glass is that the coatings are not holding up over time. What looks great one year, looks like crap in 5.
Sorry; made in China and assembled in Japan if that makes you feel better. Either way it is still broken in two months and worth half the original value.
LOL....their camera glass doesn't hold up either.

Not promoting anything.....not demoting it either.

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