Vortex Viper HD vs. Cabela's Euro


Active Member
I am looking hard for a solid pair of binoculars. I know these aren't top of the line glass, but they are both way better than what I have, and they both fit my budget. I know I will probably get some people who say if I can't spend $2K to keep saving, but right now I need other gear (and tags) so $600 or so is about what I can spend on binoculars.

I have looked through them both individually and like what I see. I used a pair of Euros for a while and really tried them out. I liked them a great deal except they were a little heavy and I wasn't sure if I could find something I like more. I am now down to those or the Vipers. I wish I could compare them side by side, but I am many miles from a Cabela's store, so I would like to get some opinions. What do you think?

Thanks for the help.
Vortex Viper HD

Vortex Warranty blows cabelas out of the water.

I'll tell you who it was . . . it was that D@MN Sasquatch!
It seems everyone who has Vortex loves them. I agree they are nice.

Has anyone compared these two side by side, particularly in the field?

Of course, all this may be irrelevant because I looked at the Cabela's website and the Euro is no longer on sale, but back up to the original price of $800. Unless they go back on sale, I doubt I will get those.
Thanks for the votes of confidence on the Vipers.

Has anyone compared these two side by side?

Of course, the Euros are no longer on sale at Cabela's, so that could make my decision much simpler if they don't put them back on sale.

Thanks everyone.
I have compared them both side by side and to my eyes the Euros beats the Viper HD hands down. I wanted the Vipers to be better because of the warranty. I just couldnt do it,so I went with the Euro's cause they were that much better. just my .02
A friend bought a new 10x42 viper HD and was pissed when my other friends cabelas euro (not new hd) bested it quite a bit. In particular edge sharpness.
Euro's, made by Meopta is better optically than the Vipers and the Razors. If you can afford them get the Euro's. fatrooster.
How are the 12x50's in the Euro's compared to vortex ? HD is not available in the Euro's . Has anyone compared the 12x50's in the Euro's w/ anything similar ?
I have been hearing & reading alot of good reviews on the Zen Ray EDs also I have not been able to get ahold of a pair to look thru might check them out also...just my 2 cents but I would ask Cabelas about their warranty I think if its a Cabelas brand they have a Lifetime replacement warranty take them in & leave with a Brand New pair !!!
I've used both in the field. I was sorely disappointed with the Vipers. TONS of edge distortion! To the the point it almost made you nauseous to move them back and forth.

Now the Euro's aren't perfect, but they are much better than the Vipers, in my experience.

I put them side by side. The vipers are better. In the late afternoon, looking into the sun, try and look into the shade of the mountain...........the Euros wont do it but the vipers will. I tried it twice at cabelas, looking at camp williams in the late afternoon into the shade of the mountain........the Euros were horrible and the vipers were crystal clear......Just make sure they are the HD vipers, not the original vipers.....there is a difference.
I think this is one of those where I am just going to have to go to a Cabela's store and compare them side by side, then get the one that looks best to my eye.

Thanks for all the input and opinions guys!
Hands down Viper. You need to go compare yourself. That way you are comfortable and certain of your decision!

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