

Active Member
just returned from a 4 state road trip, I always stop at the Walmarts to see what is different in the hunting dept, every Wally that I went in was just about out of the hunting gear bussiness, couple of scopes no camo and almost no binos, are they all going that way ?
Hang in there hunter,....they'll have the hunting and the Christmas stuff out real soon!
No Firearms in California at any Wally World.........and probably never will after a run in with ATF over shoddy book keeping on sold firearms.

LAST EDITED ON Jul-01-09 AT 10:55PM (MST)[p]Brian;

You are right about no more selling firearms in the state of CA. To avoid criminal prosecution and far heavier fines, they agreed to not sell any firearms again in CA.

I got that straight from one of the CA. Dept. of Justice agents that was involved in the investigation of Wal Mart.
Wal Mart failed to train their clerks in the records keeping requirements and guns went out the door with NO paper work being done. Numerous guns could not even be accounted for or found after Wal Mart received them from the jobber or firearm maker. Cheap labor, no training=costly screwups.

The real crime was the fact that Wal Mart caused a lot of small gun shops,that did everything legal, to go out of business with cheaper firearm sales, then they can no longer sell firearms though their stupidity and greed for not propertly training their min. wage clerks.

Troutsniffer...........Walmart saw your post.

They don't want anybody to hate them.

You can have your job back and you will be allowed to continue to name the shopping carts after NASCAR drivers.

They would not however, relent on their requirement that you MUST wear your underwear on the inside of your Levi's
+1 RELH. To add a comment about Wally World. My home state of AZ has a real BAD A$$ Attorney General named Terry Goddard and he is suing Walmart. The reason is because they charge their customers more than the advertised price. I won't buy a pair of underwear there. I can't stand that outfit.

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
>AT 10:55?PM (MST)

>You are right about no more
>selling firearms in the state
>of CA. To avoid criminal
>prosecution and far heavier fines,
>they agreed to not sell
>any firearms again in CA.
> I got
>that straight from one of
>the CA. Dept. of Justice
>agents that was involved in
>the investigation of Wal Mart.
> Wal
>Mart failed to train their
>clerks in the records keeping
>requirements and guns went out
>the door with NO paper
>work being done. Numerous guns
>could not even be accounted
>for or found after Wal
>Mart received them from the
>jobber or firearm maker. Cheap
>labor, no training=costly screwups.
>The real crime was the fact
>that Wal Mart caused a
>lot of small gun shops,that
>did everything legal, to go
>out of business with cheaper
>firearm sales, then they can
>no longer sell firearms though
>their stupidity and greed for
>not propertly training their min.
>wage clerks.

And the Jack-Boot Thugs win again :(

"If it moves shoot it again"

Get this straight in your head. That which promotes freedom is GOOD..that which takes away from freedom is BAD. Government, by its very nature, is evil...that is precisly why the founders insisted upon the citizens being armed and prepared to resist tyranny.
Walmart would never hire me because english is my first language. My favorite part about Walmart is the checkout. The lines are 15 people long. They have 40 registers, but only 2 are open.
>AT 10:55?PM (MST)

>You are right about no more
>selling firearms in the state
>of CA. To avoid criminal
>prosecution and far heavier fines,
>they agreed to not sell
>any firearms again in CA.
> I got
>that straight from one of
>the CA. Dept. of Justice
>agents that was involved in
>the investigation of Wal Mart.
> Wal
>Mart failed to train their
>clerks in the records keeping
>requirements and guns went out
>the door with NO paper
>work being done. Numerous guns
>could not even be accounted
>for or found after Wal
>Mart received them from the
>jobber or firearm maker. Cheap
>labor, no training=costly screwups.
>The real crime was the fact
>that Wal Mart caused a
>lot of small gun shops,that
>did everything legal, to go
>out of business with cheaper
>firearm sales, then they can
>no longer sell firearms though
>their stupidity and greed for
>not propertly training their min.
>wage clerks.

You're exactly right and additionally, it is not just limited to inflicting damage to the firearms industry. Big box stores wipe out small mom and pop stores and american manufacturing.

I'm not a big Wally World fan but I stopped to see the new store in Logan tonight. They have a fly shop in the store so I checked it out. Same flies as the local shops (all tied in China and Africa) but at less than half the price. I'm all for buying local, but not if they're screwing me. Walmart keeps 'em honest.

I'm one of the mom and pop stores that big box stores helped put out of business, I resented the Walmarts of the world for a while but then I found myself shopping there and asked myself why ? The answer was simple , when I was in business I bought what I could afford to stock and everything else was special order, I couldn't buy in large enough volume so I didn't get the lowest wholesale price and to make a profit I had to charge more than the item was really worth, because of limited space and budget I couldn't really stock everything that I should have, bottom line was as honest as I thought I was my customers weren't getting the best value for their dollar, as far as customer loyalty goe's when they saw they could get a better deal down the road they left in drove's, it's really nobody's fault, it's just a current trend that made ineffective store's obsolete, if you are willing to accept the Walmart quality then you will get your moneys worth, if it wasn't a value they wouldn't be the largest retailer in the world , everything is drivin by overall customer satisfaction. as far as the harsh descriptions of their help thats unfair and uncalled for, maybe you haven't looked in a mirror lately, ugly isn't confined to Walmart employee's ! What make's walmart any different than Cosco/Sam's Club/Cabela's or bass pro shop, not to mention all the ammo purchased online instead of from your local mom and pop store.
Where else can you get your Prozac prescription, Cheetos, ammo, and tires for your truck in one stop.

--I'm looking for a man... who calls himself Bucho! That's all! And you had to do it, the hard way!--
Well, I haven't sworn the place off totally, but only if I must go there....The support the national gay month, by giving money...I heard it on NPR. There were demontrations(parties) in Rogers, or wherever their home city is.

I went there yesterday, and it took me almost 2 hours to get a flat fixed (they do have cheap prices on tires and will give you the road hazard replacement, no problem (if you paid for it)). My wife hates going there for tires (after the same deal getting two tires in Helena). You'd think, drop of the car, go in side and shop for an hour and dirve away....only after you wait for another hour....also, I forgot to mention, shop for an hour, check out for 15 minutes (as already mentioned) then wait for an hour, then leave.

What a PITA that place is...all to save $.59...people will do the same thing for gas. ONe place is five cents cheaper, they'll go in there and wait in line and almost go to fist-a-cuffs to get to a pump...and they'll buy 10 gallons (or fifty cents worth of savings). Then the places charges .25 more, each, for the 2 cokes that they bought and they think that everything is cool.
Wait just one minute, I'm looking forward to working for them in about 12-15 years as a greeter at the front door. I will be old enough to then get a job. So you all take back what you said about us soon to be employees. Thank you very much and now have a nice day and drive careful out there, Cleanup in aisle 89

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
Believe it or not, the closest Walmart is about 80 miles away, and I have never been to one. Sounds like an adventure though.

A Royal Coachman tied in China, that's just not right!:)

>Well, I haven't sworn the place
>off totally, but only if
>I must go there....The support
>the national gay month, by
>giving money...I heard it on
>NPR. There were demontrations(parties)
>in Rogers, or wherever their
>home city is.
>I went there yesterday, and it
>took me almost 2 hours
>to get a flat fixed
>(they do have cheap prices
>on tires and will give
>you the road hazard replacement,
>no problem (if you paid
>for it)). My wife
>hates going there for tires
>(after the same deal getting
>two tires in Helena).
>You'd think, drop of the
>car, go in side and
>shop for an hour and
>dirve away....only after you wait
>for another hour....also, I forgot
>to mention, shop for an
>hour, check out for 15
>minutes (as already mentioned) then
>wait for an hour, then
>What a PITA that place is...all
>to save $.59...people will do
>the same thing for gas.
> ONe place is five
>cents cheaper, they'll go in
>there and wait in line
>and almost go to fist-a-cuffs
>to get to a pump...and
>they'll buy 10 gallons (or
>fifty cents worth of savings).
> Then the places charges
>.25 more, each, for the
>2 cokes that they bought
>and they think that everything
>is cool.

Stinky, I agree completely but then we'll have to write off Pepsico /Oblama and 50 other corps that support the gay thing.
LAST EDITED ON Jul-03-09 AT 06:09PM (MST)[p]

>I went there yesterday, and it
>took me almost 2 hours
>to get a flat fixed

Get yourself a Safety Seal tire repair kit and a compressor that plugs into your cigarette lighter.
Absolutley some of the best money I have ever spent.
I have fixed dozens of flats way out in the sticks.
I plugged my rear tire today as a matter of fact.
Just pull out the nail, auger out the hole, then jam in a lubed up plug.
Done, takes less than 5 minutes and you are on your way.
Costs about 50 bucks but you will never again jack up your rig, change the tire, replace the old........

Safety Seal.[/IMG]

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