Wasatch Bear


Long Time Member
Hello all!

I wanted to let you all know I finally got my Utah bear last night! It was a very hard earned bear to say the least! Last night at about 4 pm Ryan and I restocked the bait, set up the double bull blind, started a bear crack burn and settled in for a long night of sitting! We watched chipmunks and squirrels etc for almost 2 hours solid. We also got to listen to a ruffed grouse thumping and strutting on the not to distant hillside. It was pretty cool. We had not had a single bear hit for 4-5 weeks on this bait. Then last weekend that all changed. We had visits from 4 different bears in 2 days. As the season was winding down, Ryan and I decided we would sit this bait and hope our luck would change!

At about 6 pm We both looked at each other as we started to hear a guttural form of breathing coming down the trail BEHIND our blind. The breathing got louder and louder as the bear closed on our location. The bear ended up stopping just over my right shoulder at approximately 1 foot away. He pushed his nose and head against the tent trying to smell us and figure out what we were. That was intense as I was not sure there was enough room in the blind for Ryan, myself and a bear! Due to the configuration of the blind, I was unable to see him let alone get a shot.

The bear got a snout full of our scent but never ran away, he slowly walked back up the trail he came in on. About 2-3 minutes later we could hear him coming around behind us to our left. He finally came into view to me as he stood on his hind legs to scratch a giant pine that was only 5 yards in front of us. When I 1st saw him I knew he was not the big chocolate bear we had on the bait but he is the most beautiful blonde bear I have ever seen in the wild.

Ryan turned the camera on him as I prepared to take the shot. He crossed broadside at under 7 yards and I made a great shot on him. He only went about 65-70 yards before he died. What an exciting trip. That was over so fast, but those couple of minutes were some of the most adrenaline pumping moments of my life! It was awesome!

Thank you to all of you who helped me with bait, suggestions, advice, and moral support! It is all very appreciated! It is nice to know others are out there pulling for ya sometimes!!

Thanks for all your help Ryan. This has been a very exciting, frustrating, and eventful spring! I have learned a lot about bears and learned that I need to learn a lot more!!! Hope you enjoy the photo's!




Wow , I love the color on that bear . Sounds like a pretty intense hunt , and a hunt you will think about often . That had to be a little nerve racking having that bear that close to your blind . Congrats on getting your bear .
Silent! Very cool colored bear. Glad to see that all you hard work n patince paid off with a nice bear. Now I suppose you may be hooked on bear hunt. It is quite a rush and fun huh? Great Job!

Congrats again Chad, i'm glad i was able to be a part of such an exciting hunt!

I thought people might like to see some live photos of this beautiful bear less than 12 hours before we shot him.



LAST EDITED ON Jun-04-09 AT 07:01PM (MST)[p]Silent & Neverstop,

WAY TO GO on what I dare say is the most beautiful and unique bear killed this year on mm! You've shown (us) the importance of sticking with it and hanging in there--and look at your reward. FREAKING AWESOME! Bottom of the 9th & you hit it out of the park. Congrats both of you on a hard earned trophy.
Long live those precious "few minutes of pure adrenaline" silentstalker we call the moment of truth...where you sink or swim...the difference between a punched tag and tag soup...a trophy on the wall or the anguish of the one that got away...the relief that it's over and the bittersweet realization that it's over...the sense of accomplishment of goals realized...the respect shown to YOUR trophy with a clean kill...the moment where you keep it together or come completely unravelled...the spender of mother nature during springtime and the opportunity to hunt during such a great time of the year...cherished memories with friends...the few minutes that are YOURS FOREVER to remember...EXCELLENT JOB you guys and thanks for keeping us involved with your hunt!
Thanks for posting those Ryan and thanks for all the help and support along the way! That was an incredible adventure! I still have to keep pinching myself to see if it is real!

Mathews, you put it very well! I even told Ryan right after shooting that bear, that it was bittersweet! I love the adventure, matching wits with mother natures critters and it saddens me to see it come to an end. On the other hand, I couldn't wait to seal the deal!! Memories for ever with good friends. That is what hunting is all about to me! Here is to many more!!

Bear hunting is addictive. I would caution anyone reading this, do not start unless you can do it year after year! Can anyone say 2010??
I forgot to mention, Ryan got the kill on video. It is short but great daylight footage. As soon as I can get it on my computer I will upload it so you guy's can check it out! I have only watched it a thousand times today!!




THERE'S ONLY ONE bobcat!!!
One more bear to go, if the big black tank hits the ground by Sunday you will see some neat pics and everybody in Utah will hear the victory party from bear camp.Ha
Chad how much do you think the black one weighs I showed you a trail cam picture of?He has been a very smart bear so far so I don't know if they will get him or not.If either the blonde or the black screws up just once it will all be caught on video can't wait to hear the report once they get back to camp tonight.
I am looking forward to seeing your footage silentstalker and congrats once again to both of you guys on your successful hunts.
If anyone can figure that smart old bear out, it's you! All the pointers you gave me along with all the other guys, I believe, made the difference in the outcome of my hunt. Karma's going to catch up to you & your crew! Seal the deal and lets finish off 2009 with a bang!
By the way, I forgot to ask, did you stick with the montec or did you try a reaper? Which ever head you used, that looks like some SERIOUS trauma!

It is tough to tell for sure from trail cams, but it is giant! A guess would be 500+. That thing looks giant to me! I say keep throwing everything you have got at him. Make him want to make a mistake! You will get him. Still plenty of time! I can't wait to see the pics! Good luck!

I stuck with the Montec. It laid open a great blood trail and my arrow was almost 14" in the dirt! I have no doubt the Reapers would have had the same result. I just couldn't mess with the set up this late in the game! Thanks again for your help on that!

Being as late in the game as it was, sticking with the montec was a smart move. Now try a reaper for your fall hunts-plenty of time to tinker and tweak.
that is one cool story and pretty bear. how does bear tast? Alot better than tag soup!

Archery is a year round commitment!!
Thanks Scott,

I really don't like tag soup! It does not taste like chicken!


How do you practice with the reapers? Just shoot them and replace the blades or do they offer practice blades? I am really happy with my Montecs but in certain applications think that reaper would be awesome! Do they come out of the target easy?
Here is the link to my hunt. It is very short and a little close to see the arrow flight, but I thought it was cool!

Hope you enjoy!

For practicing with the reapers, you have to buy a ferrule ring that keeps the blades closed. They pull out of the target easily, but I will say they shoot out a target faster than most broadheads. I just bought a pack and use them for my practice heads, although I don't shoot them a lot because they fly so close to my field points.
Thanks, I was thinking they would fly about the same, just did not want to "guess" and prove myself wrong on a hunt! I will give them a try this summer! Have a great night.


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