Wasatch Late


Very Active Member
I ran into a tag holder today with his dad and uncle who are both in thier late 60s.

They had been watching a bull that had gone near a thick draw full of aspens, pines, and brush.

I sat down with my 15s and found the bedded bull. After an hour or so of trying to get the bull to stand he decided to shift so I could see which side he was sitting. The hunter could see the vitals so he set up fir the shot.

The first shot must have missed because the right antler didn't even flinch. The second shot hit home and the bull never even tried to stand before taking a dirt nap.


"That's a special feeling, Lloyd"
If anyone still has a tag and wants to kill a 290-320 or bigger mature bull in the Wasatch let me know. You?ll be in for a hike but it's better than tag soup.

Some of these bulls you could really get a good look at before making the call.

Tick Tock!!!!!

"That's a special feeling, Lloyd"
I was watching him at 50 power through my spotter for over a half hour. I even coughed on purpose to get him to move or stand. I could see how he was laying.

The only thing I was worried about was the tag holder had borrowed the rifle from another family member and it was a left handed 7 mag and he was right handed.

The dope card he had was in MOA and they thought it was one click per MOA when the turret clearly stated 1/2 MOA per click.

Anyway. It worked out good and they were all pumped. That bull was holding tight like a rooster pheasant. We did everything but run and throw rocks at him.

"That's a special feeling, Lloyd"
And That Right There is Why there's a Bunch of Wounded Sshiitt Around here!

She Don't Just Rain She Pours!

That Girl Right There's The Perfect Storm!

Crap. And I was so worried that you would approve. How many bulls can you show me a picture of that were shot in their beds, never got up, went home in the back of a truck, then decided to get off the butchers table and walk back to the mountain so you can take a picture?

I wonder how many people don't post on this site anymore because of bobcat trolling around? Way more than Founder would like to admit that's for dang sure.


"That's a special feeling, Lloyd"
>Crap. And I
>was so worried that you
>would approve.
>How many bulls can you
>show me a picture of
>that were shot in their
>beds, never got up, went
>home in the back of
>a truck, then decided to
>get off the butchers table
>and walk back to the
>mountain so you can take
>a picture?
>I wonder how many people don't
>post on this site anymore
>because of bobcat trolling around?
> Way more
>than Founder would like to
>admit that's for dang sure.
>"That's a special feeling, Lloyd"

No Trolling around at all Stu!

I Seriously Thought you were Smarter than to let any Hunter take a Shot like that!

You Keep that Sshhiitt Up & You're Asking for Trouble!

I've never Hunted with Founder!

But I'd Place Money on Him Not Taking Shots like that on the Bucks He Takes!

With Your Story You Tell I'm Amazed You Guys ended up Getting the Bull,I'm Glad you did Get the Bull,Beats Wounding one from Pulling STUPID Shots anyday!

She Don't Just Rain She Pours!

That Girl Right There's The Perfect Storm!

Here we go again. Ol bessy reigning down judgement from on high.

Why don't you re-read what I said.

Better yet: answer these two questions

1. How come you've had to have at least two other ?handles? on this site?

2. How come your latest one already has 16,000 plus posts, very few of which are actually contributing to anything other than telling people what a pisscutter or a tune up is? I think you are a funny dude but if you can't identify yourself as the MM troll then nobody will.

Nothing I said involving Founder had anything to do with shots in the field. Heck, he probably had to start charging for scouting deer in Wyoming because of lost revenue in this site from people you've ran off and they don't post anymore.

The other guys who posted also questioned the shot. So did we. But after getting the shooter set up, taking our time, finding where the bulls vitals were, it was time to let the barrel get warm.

After watching from a distance some dude try to hit a bull at 800 yards with his ?guide? earlier that morning I felt sick to my stomach. After watching this bull get hammered at less then half that distance from a calm prone position the only thing my stomach was feeling was ?break open another Dr Pepper?.

"That's a special feeling, Lloyd"
You're an MM ROOKIE if You Think I've only Had 2 MM Handles!

Guess I've Wasted a Minute or two on MM!

This Has nothing to do with How Many Posts anybody has made!

This Shows PISS POOR Ethics in the Field!


Glad You Guys got the Bull Stu!

You Hear that Part?

You Boys Keep that Style of Hunting/Shooting Going & You'll be wishing you could Locate the Animal after You Wounded them!

And Since you're gonna Keep defending Poor Ethics!

You Answer this GAWD-DAMNED Question:

What kind of a Hunter Draws a LE Tag & Has to Borrow a Gun that doesn't even Fit Him & Doesn't know how to Operate the Borrowed Gun?

Once again Stu!

Glad You Guys got the Bull!

You've never seen me when somebody pulls a Shot like that & the Bull gets Wounded & Limps off & Dies without recovery due to PISS POOR Ethics!

She Don't Just Rain She Pours!

That Girl Right There's The Perfect Storm!

Bet Stu wouldn't be poking his chest out if it had gone bad. Thick cover, borrowed rifle, wrongly handed with a bad drop chart. What could happen? But it's ok cause Stu says so. mtmuley
And I Quote:

"""The First Shot must have Missed!"""

Imagine that!

She Don't Just Rain She Pours!

That Girl Right There's The Perfect Storm!

I can't agree more about the gear selection and borrowing someone else?s gun. Heck if I hadn't have showed up and tagged along who knows what would have happened with the ?clicks?. I'd just met the guys and offered a hand.

I offered to go get my rifle from my truck but they declined.

At that distance and what I could see it was an ethical shot. I just helped locate the animal and assisted with the turret adjustment. I even offered to send a warning shot at the with my 22-250 that I did have just to get the elk to stand up. That way he could be locked and loaded.

Once the hunter said he could see the vitals and was calm enough to feel good about the shot the rest was history.

Hey Muley I'm not pounding my chest but I do wish he'd have let me go get my 6.5 creedmoor from the truck. :)

"That's a special feeling, Lloyd"
Bess is dead on!!

It's pure luck that bull isn't laid up somewhere a mile away with a bullet hole in him just waiting around to die.
Your story ended up good. But the whole thing sounds like a dog and pony show to me. Like others have pointed out, way too many bad things could of happened. You got lucky. And sending a warning shot with a 22-250 is about as stupid of a thing to post as I have heard!!! What was the plan there? Shoot a rifle into a thicket of Quakies where you could only see part of a bull elk and hope you didn't hit a cow or calf? Disaster waiting to happen. Wonder if a game warden would have any heartburn with you shooting a warning shot at a bull you don't have a tag for? Bess is RIGHT.
Neat picture. I assume the sight picture for the shooter was a lot better than that of the spotter - which is common. Dead bull, all is well that ends well.

Been on enough goat ropes when I did everything right to know ##### happens out there, you try and make the best decision you can at the time with the situation you are presented.

Wasn't your tag, wasn't your call to shoot or not, you weren't paid to guide, so don't let the keyboard warriors here get you down. Feed em fish heads.
No dude. I wouldn't. I'd shoot it into the dirt 59 yards away. Not 58 but 59.

You can target shoot a rifle any time in the NF. I didn't pull the trigger brah!!!!

I simply found the bedded elk and assisted where needed. I wasn?t going to stop him from shooting but based on what I saw even if the bull would have stood clear broadside then there was a better chance of it getting wounded as they didn't know how to dial the scope.

Would I let my kid or wife make that shot? No but I'm not this kids dad. I was just trying to help him end his hunt. I don't even know his name or nothin. Do you guys want me to try to find him and get his blue card so you can rip it up? Judas.

"That's a special feeling, Lloyd"
Well I suppose I will chime in as well.

I do not believe Stu is the party anyone should be mad towards.

I fully agree that this is a perfect example of why there are a large majority of people that should not be allowed in the field hunting.

as I said I do not believe Stu is at fault, unless he is leaving a portion of the story out.

I personally before helping anyone will get a feel for the shooter: his/her ability, dedication and so forth. I am not claiming the high road here. But if I would have been in Stu's position I probably would have deduced the problems prior to locating and assisting.

I would rather have a bull/buck walk, or be taken by someone I dislike then having a wounded animal suffering on the mountain. When I was helping Tony on this late hunt, we could have numerous times taken a less favorable shot or a rushed shot, but instead Tony, Robrat Mess, Cody and myself decided to sit in the wind an on that cold rock, patiently waiting for the correct shot for 6 hours, we had decided that we would hunt that bull day after day until we had an ethical shot.

Stu is not to blame, whether I would have helped, or anyone else would have. The only thing that Stu is culpable in, is helping. Maybe he should have voiced his opinion (not my call to make). but I do agree with other opinions, that contemplating shoot to scare is a horrible idea.

Just my two cents
^^^^ I think Dillon nailed it. Not Stu's fault these guys were typical Utards. I can only imagine it would have gone much worse had he not showed up to help them.

I Never Said I Was Mad at Stu!

But He Sure Got Mad at Me!

It's OK Though!

Like DBG Said:

You Need to Feel these Hunters out a Bit!

If They'll Do STUPID Sshhiiittt Like this around another Hunter they don't even know it's hard tellin what they'd do when they Think nobody is Watching!

She Don't Just Rain She Pours!

That Girl Right There's The Perfect Storm!

LAST EDITED ON Nov-16-17 AT 09:54PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Nov-16-17 AT 09:34?PM (MST)

Yikes borrowed gun wrong hand could have turned out pretty bad. Congrats to the hunter. Very nice to help them Stu. Definitely a major error on their part. Bottom line thank god the bull dropped. I would have taken you up on the 6.5 if I had an offhand rifle. That herd can't afford to have another wounded elk it's struggling as it is.

"We don't have a gun problem we have prescription drug problem."
There seems to be enough tag holders still running around on the dirt roads.

Next year I'll have the tag and hopefully get to spend an afternoon glassing with robrat ress so I can show him my new rifle that can drop a bedded bull at 1800 yards through the oak brush.

Heck Just for fun I might even slap a left handed action on it just for the extra challenge.

"That's a special feeling, Lloyd"
>There seems to be enough tag
>holders still running around on
>the dirt roads.
>Next year I'll have the tag
>and hopefully get to spend
>an afternoon glassing with robrat
>ress so I can show
>him my new rifle that
>can drop a bedded bull
>at 1800 yards through the
>oak brush.
>Heck Just for fun I might
>even slap a left handed
>action on it just for
>the extra challenge.
>"That's a special feeling, Lloyd"

Hey Stu!

As Long as You Can See a Fork Sticking up out of the Oak You Should be Good to Go!:D

By Next Year at this time 1800 Might be a Chump Shot!:D

Again,I'm Not Mad at You!

And You Can't really Tell other Hunters what to do!

But If I Were You and you get into that Situation again I'd try & Talk them out of Shots like that!

Yes,I Realize it worked this time!

And again,Glad You Guys got the Bull!

You got a better Pic of the Bull?

She Don't Just Rain She Pours!

That Girl Right There's The Perfect Storm!

looks good to me, good job helping them get the bull down and offering to help others, apparently the sight picture was ALOT better than the filming, a few feet make a huge difference.
Awesome bull. Congrats to the hunter. Been a tough warm hunt for the tag holder this year. Up at Strawberry trying to help a long time buddy with his hunt. Wow the weather came in today and it is a white out. Hope to find something for him in the next two days
I know what you mean.

Not sure how sad it is. I've ran into plenty of tag holders who aren't really trying very hard to get an elk.

If someone works hard and is happy with a rag horn that's not sad.

People who just drive dirt roads, don't spend time glsssing, then tell me how tough the hunting is and that the dwr has ruined the herd........that's sad.

Every tag that goes unfillled is one more bull fir next year I guess.

"That's a special feeling, Lloyd"
>I know what you mean.
>Not sure how sad it is.
> I've
>ran into plenty of tag
>holders who aren't really trying
>very hard to get an
>If someone works hard and is
>happy with a rag horn
>that's not sad.
>People who just drive dirt roads,
>don't spend time glsssing, then
>tell me how tough the
>hunting is and that the
>dwr has ruined the herd........that's
>Every tag that goes unfillled is
>one more bull fir next
>year I guess.
>"That's a special feeling, Lloyd"


I can drive dirt or paved roads on the Wasatch and find 320 or bigger bulls daily. Hell I took the kids up to play in the snow this morning and never left the road and saw two bulls that were close to the same size as the bull Tony got.

But I promise you, there is no one that spends time glossing, hiking and busting their butt, that is happpy with a rag horn after waiting a decade or more for a "trophy" tag.

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