Wasatch Moose Hunt. Any ideas guys?



I am seldom a winner of great tags but this time is an exception. I bought a raffle ticket at the Utah hunting expo and actually won the Wasatch Moose tag. Only one out of state guy and it was me. I gotta love that!!

I hear quite a bit about American Fork canyon and even the top of Timp. Any other ideas? Anyone wanting to film this hunt or even go enjoy it? If so I am open to those ideas. Or for that matter if you know of some good areas I would more than be greatful. Thanks guys
Hmmmmmmmmmmm.......Do I really want to help a guy who drew MY TAG?

Send me a pm on what you are looking for and what physical condition you are in.
Here is the skinny, moose are few and far between. If you are unable to scout frequently IE 2+ times a week then hire a guide, no if ands or buts about it.

This is a trophy OIL hunt, but it is a HARD HARD HARD hunt.....if you can't put the time and effort into it that it deserves, then figure out how to hire someone who can.

Just my 2cents, but if it were me, i'd be on the phone with Mossback and my Bank if necessary making the necessary arrangements to make this a truly special experience on a TROPHY bull Moose hunt.

Saw a great bull up South Fork Canyon after the season last year. Not many bulls up there but it was a shooter. PM me if you want more details on that area.

Thanks guys. I know, I got your tag. It's your tag next year! I will put good karma out there for you.

I am in good shape. 52 yrs old. Have hiked the mts of Idaho all my life. Mst guys cant keep up. But I have had 3 back and neck surgeries the past 4 years which kicked my ass. I do have 4 weeks to hunt him up so time is no issue. I like every guy am looking for a slammer bull. And I lovel to bow hunt but would break out the 325 mag if needed.

I have a couple buddies willing to toss in with me but would welcome any help. We are fun guys. I am crawling out of my skin to get going. If we could talk live line that would be great.

Thanks much to all you guys willing to share info. If you ever want to come to idaho I have elk dialed in. Would be glad to take you out.

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>Thanks guys. I know, I got
>your tag. It's your tag
>next year! I will put
>good karma out there for
>I am in good shape. 52
>yrs old. Have hiked the
>mts of Idaho all my
>life. Mst guys cant keep
>up. But I have had
>3 back and neck surgeries
>the past 4 years which
>kicked my ass. I do
>have 4 weeks to hunt
>him up so time is
>no issue. I like every
>guy am looking for a
>slammer bull. And I lovel
>to bow hunt but would
>break out the 325 mag
>if needed.
>I have a couple buddies willing
>to toss in with me
>but would welcome any help.
>We are fun guys. I
>am crawling out of my
>skin to get going. If
>we could talk live line
>that would be great.
>Thanks much to all you guys
>willing to share info. If
>you ever want to come
>to idaho I have elk
>dialed in. Would be glad
>to take you out.


You and I are the same age, but I'm a Mississippi flatlander, lol. I do get out your way a lot however, and normally hold my own fairly well. I drew Moose in unit 6 Idaho in 2008 and spent 4.5 weeks runnin' round there hunting Moose, Elk & Deer. I had a blast and took a real nice bull with a revolver along with a couple of whitetails.
I love hunting Moose and if the timing is right, I wouldn't mind joining you. I apply for that unit as well, but the chance of drawing is slim. I do have a pal in Utah who is a guide and may be able to offer some assistance. I'll check with him.
I would love to get some good knowledge about elk in Idaho. It's a heckuva a long way for me to drive, but I work a 28/28 rotation overseas and enjoy hitting the road for adventure when I'm home.

I'll let ya know what my buddy from Utah says.

Congrats on drawing the tag. Make sure to come back and keep us posted on the hunt! I hope to see some BIG bullwinkle pics!
I drew this tag back in 2011 PM me and I can try and point you in the right Direction.
I drew the Wastach Early Elk Tag this year at the EXPO, and will be scouting quite a bit. If I find a big bull moose I will be sure to let you know.

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