Water shortage


Very Active Member
All you god fearing Christians better start praying for some snow here in Utah, and soon. We are all screwed if we don’t get some in the next couple months. all the poor damn farmers will be in trouble.
Yep..agriculture and wildlife is going to be in serious trouble if we don't get some good snow storms soon..especially the high country
I think you’ll see hay go up in price due to drought and water shortage,I see some people selling small bales of grass on ksl for $12
What hay? Cattle are already being sold off here due to the lack of and cost of hay. Can't get enough water on the ground cuz there's not enough water to put on the ground. Sad deal seeing this happen.
Here in Kali we might be in a little bit better shape. As we burned down about 50% of the state last year it doesn't leave too much left to burn........Just sayin
It hit 72 at my house yesterday in January early spring I guess
Better get them Lectric atv’s, trucks, and cars rolling!

Gotta reduce that carbon footprint quick so we can get our water to come back around!

I’ve been doing my part for years!

Been walking to and from my vehicle every day for the past 25 years of work commuting!

also been doing one shot kills to reduce 300 RUM emissions!

Do your part and the clouds will settle in!
tanks and springs that have never been dry in my life time are dry and i'm in my 50's. guess the entire southwest is the same.
We have some good news in the forecast down here in the SW, hopefully you guys up north get some too.

Our local paper said the snowpack for the Dolores/San Juan/San Miguel basins are at 69% which seems high for as dry as it’s been.

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