We work for China in 2030....

The new model homes, the very few that are being built along the coast in San Diego North County are having the interior design and decorations targeted for the Chinese home buyer. This info is from the builders Architects permitting PM!
I see our federal government being forced to sell National resources such as parks and maybe they will just move some of the 6 million xtra men to raise crops on those national resources. Ever hear of payment upon demand?
>I see our federal government being
>forced to sell National resources
>such as parks and maybe
>they will just move some
>of the 6 million xtra
>men to raise crops on
>those national resources. Ever
>hear of payment upon demand?

no problem housing those extra workers just have the gov't lease all the foreclosures as housing for the chinese. Then they can ship all that food down the super highway to the Mexican shipping ports.
7 Chinese businessmen just spent two hours with one of my interior designers. They wanted to know if she could have a 10000 square foot American style home built in China within 6 months. There is a huge demand in China for American architects and the wealth is growing there. I see only problems for China as the dollar an hour workers demand more of the wealth and prices start to climb on manufacturing. This is bad now for us but it will turn in the next few years as the repressive government deals with worker uprisings. Don't give up just yet.
I like the ad- it does express a great point about our current state...

The thing about debt is at some point the person owed would have to come get what we owe them- I for one won't stand by while they take our land... It could be a domestic war- but we will never literally work for China...

China has their own problems- don't think for a second that their incredible spending rates won't catch up to them...

"Therefore, wo be unto him that is at ease in Zion!" 2 Ne. 28: 24
Good thing we don't need any new houses. The Chinese are buying all the logs right now. The sawmill I work at sits idle while they are loading up millions and millions of bdft of timber onto ships just across the road. Oh well, at least they're paying a high price and the timber owners are happy.

Where are all the "green jobs" that were promised? What IS a "green job" anyway? Smashing up corn cobs with a sledge hammer for bio fuel?

When the low labor rates are eliminated most companies will just move to India or another low cost country. Sad deal.
I'll tell you what a green job is, it's a combination of the worst you see on the socialized Indian Rez managed by Chicago's Tony Rezko. This is no joke read HR 2454 when you have a few days free time, it truly reveals the mentality we have in Washington. Jobs for everyone retrofitting the Nations buildings and planting trees. All jobs Davis Bacon and race based quotas along with mandatory employment for the chronically unemployed, no joke it's in the Bill read it. So grab that crack pipe and shovel were gonna plant trees for $40.00 per hr. and we can't get fired!
*Unlimited* funding for the unions and other community organizations for tree planting training (see "sec 205 tree planting") In addition to the remodel America Tony Rezko style programs they had provisions to give bbbbBBillion dollar clean energy research grants to scientist based upon their race, not their work! They were going to create research hubs that were race based. All the blacks at one hub, Indians at another, no joke read the Bill. They were also going to impose California style energy efficiency standards Nationwide including the most remote rural areas along with Millions for new ligh bulb police. No joke read the Bill.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-01-11 AT 02:28PM (MST)[p]

so with Leadership like this, competing with the industrious Chinese ya gotta wonder.
m_freeman, thanks. I remember that now. Thankfully it didn't get passed in the last Congress.

>m_freeman, thanks. I remember that now.
>Thankfully it didn't get passed
>in the last Congress.

if it wasn't for the rapid deployment of the TEA party into the streets it may have passed! After I read that Bill I realized our Gov't has experienced a bloodless Marxist coup. One has to read the Bill to realize this. They won't believe you if you say, "the gov't is creating a light bulb police force that will be exempt from the 4A and will be doing house to house searches in places as remote as Chitina AK" The racism in the Bill is blatant and almost surreal, they created so many race based give away programs if you were not white you had a permanent gov't job at union scale. It was a Marxist coup and the Waxman Marckey Cap and Trade Bill is proof.

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