Website Glitch?


I know this morning some folks showed successful for certain tags, and then the info reset to entered as the status. This afternoon, it displayed again, and I was showning unsuccessful across the board. It this a sneak preview or distraction. I realize the draw was today and Friday results are posted.... this threw me into
I did see some screen shots of people's accounts that said successful then a hour later it changed to applied or whatever they are now saying
I'd guess its them getting the system all figured out since it's the first year doing it. I'd wait for official results Friday before coming to a conclusion.
People run a system such as this, not some Kalkomey glitch fairy! There's simply no excuse for the mistakes that Kalkomey has been making. Software and hardware engineers with advanced degrees in computer science have told me that trial runs of the draw could have easily been undertaken to determine any potential errors or problems. Based on the mistakes and inaccurate information posted to applicants portal accounts, as some have verified on this thread, there is no way any of us will ever know if a fair and accurate draw actually took place.
>People run a system such as
>this, not some Kalkomey glitch
>fairy! There's simply no
>excuse for the mistakes that
>Kalkomey has been making.
>Software and hardware engineers with
>advanced degrees in computer science
>have told me that trial
>runs of the draw could
>have easily been undertaken to
>determine any potential errors or
>problems. Based on the
>mistakes and inaccurate information posted
>to applicants portal accounts, as
>some have verified on this
>thread, there is no way
>any of us will ever
>know if a fair and
>accurate draw actually took place.
If you draw a sheep tag will you accept it ?
Yup I told Putin I need an elk tag!
Checked mine just for fun and all mine say Status: ?Entered?

Only one day to go, good luck everyone.......
Sure - but that is no indication that a fair and accurate draw was conducted.
Based on the constantly changing status of the application information, i.e., unsuccessful, successful, and entered, if anybody has info on their portal account that they drew they would be well advised to print off a hard copy of such as well as their credit card being charged. With Kalkomey the successful draw status could very well change at any time!

Once again the ole pupster is sitting here with a large smile on his face and thinking, "I told you so".
Someone please get Rambopup a rawhide bone soaked in Acepromazine until Tomorrow will be alright. Good luck everyone.
>Sure - but that is no
>indication that a fair and
>accurate draw was conducted.
> Based on the constantly
>changing status of the application
>information, i.e., unsuccessful, successful, and
>entered, if anybody has info
>on their portal account that
>they drew they would be
>well advised to print off
>a hard copy of such
>as well as their credit
>card being charged. With
>Kalkomey the successful draw status
>could very well change at
>any time!
>Once again the ole pupster is
>sitting here with a large
>smile on his face and
>thinking, "I told you so".

Why do you have so much anger!!!! I can't beleive how much you WHINE over the Nevada website. Big deal so they have had some glitches, but you cant say the draw won't be fair & accurate over
>>Sure - but that is no
>>indication that a fair and
>>accurate draw was conducted.
>> Based on the constantly
>>changing status of the application
>>information, i.e., unsuccessful, successful, and
>>entered, if anybody has info
>>on their portal account that
>>they drew they would be
>>well advised to print off
>>a hard copy of such
>>as well as their credit
>>card being charged. With
>>Kalkomey the successful draw status
>>could very well change at
>>any time!
>>Once again the ole pupster is
>>sitting here with a large
>>smile on his face and
>>thinking, "I told you so".
>Why do you have so much
>anger!!!! I can't beleive how
>much you WHINE over the
>Nevada website. Big deal so
>they have had some glitches,
>but you cant say the
>draw won't be fair &
>accurate over
>a few glitches. NEVADA PLEASE GIVE
Like a doe tag ?
>Once again the ole pupster is
>sitting here with a large
>smile on his face and
>thinking, "I told you so".

I can't tell if you're a pure troll, disgruntled conspiracy theorist, or if you ran the old system the NDOW used...
>Sure - but that is no
>indication that a fair and
>accurate draw was conducted.
> Based on the constantly
>changing status of the application
>information, i.e., unsuccessful, successful, and
>entered, if anybody has info
>on their portal account that
>they drew they would be
>well advised to print off
>a hard copy of such
>as well as their credit
>card being charged. With
>Kalkomey the successful draw status
>could very well change at
>any time!
>Once again the ole pupster is
>sitting here with a large
>smile on his face and
>thinking, "I told you so".

There are positive people in this world and there are people like Pup. Unfortunately they are both entitled to an opinion. The best thing we can do at this point is stop feeding the troll.....
Ever since Nevada hired Aaron Nielson from Global Hunting Resources to run the draw I think it's been great!
Don't you?
Maybe after tomorrow?s results post it will shut the cry babies up, well unless they don't draw, then it will again be the fault of ndow hiring kalkomy , can't ever make those types of folks happy and they should just pick up a hobby like licking rocks. That should put a smile on their faces hahaa!!!
>Hey Brian, can you just ban
>rambo already?
>All MM users

I am from WA and have had friends sit in on the WA draw. WA runs the draw like 10 - 20 times to work out the bugs before they do an official draw and then confirm that it was done correctly and then post results. So I would bet that any state and/or contracted party would do the same for NV.

"Go hunt for meat at Walmart."
I fully believe it's going to be a fair draw. Way to much vis to not be. Only curious if the glitch was a sneak It's like knowning what was wrapped in a Christmas gift. Either way, good luck to everybody!!
How much would you bet and has NDOW licensing or Kalkomey posted any info about how the general public can sit in on the draw?
Kalkomey has been in business since 1995. My daughter is currently taking the online course It is well thought out and contains great information. There is plenty of content, and the tests are good. They also have started many other courses and a quick review of there website shows these. They are in no-way new or amateurs at software development and working within regulatory guidelines. I would say the Nevada application site is well ahead of many other states.

As is common with the troll known as Rambopup, he spews his vitriol across many subjects. The only person whom thinks "the ole pupster" is correct on any subject, is himself. I believe he is a sociopath, and I have also urged Brian to out this troll.
>>Hey Brian, can you just ban
>>rambo already?
>>All MM users

I 3rd this motion!!!!
>Maybe after tomorrow?s results post it
>will shut the cry babies
>up, well unless they don't
>draw, then it will again
>be the fault of ndow
>hiring kalkomy , can't ever
>make those types of folks
>happy and they should just
>pick up a hobby like
>licking rocks. That should put
>a smile on their faces

The only one that seems to be crying is rambopup!!!! Everyone else is just waiting to see if they are hunting in Nevada or waiting another year.
If the afternoon glitch is accurate my protein will be from the meat counter at the store.... lol. Good luck y?all. Who knows could be midnight and list opens.
I kept checking today hoping for a glitch that might tip the results. I must have missed it. Mine stayed at ?entered? all day.

Good luck to everybody. If no-joy from NV tomorrow... I have AZ deer/sheep and my home states draws left.

In total I put in for 40 + hunts/draws a year. Unfortunately, I am accustomed to getting the dreaded ?unsuccessful?.
I guess the posts on this thread about applicants portal accounts changing from unsuccessful to successful to entered PRIOR to the draw even taking place were incorrect.

Poor outdoordan - he does not know the difference between an on line hunter education course and a big game draw!

Well here you go boys - straight from the email I just received from possibly the longest established desert sheep outfitter in southern Nevada:

"Resident guys on facebook are stating they received tags in areas they never applied for". He also had some choice words for NDOW licensing but those would not be suitable for print on this forum.

I'll say it again for the Kalkomey believers following Kalkomey over the cliff like a bunch of lemmings - "The ole pupster told you so long before the draw even took place"

?Followed them over the cliff?? Dude, you're a drama queen. Seemed like everything went just fine to me. Everything was punctual and I was actually impressed. Did someone named Kalkomy have an affair with your wife or something?????SS
So if everything went right why did guys post on MM and facebook that BEFORE the draw even took place their portal account stated successful and unsuccessful? Why have some posted on facebook they received a successful draw result for a unit they did not even apply for?

Insurance salesmen and used car salesman love it when they encounter someone like you!
Let's see - BEFORE the draw some applicants application and payment history was incorrect or missing on their portal account with the new NDOW licensing vendor Kalkomey Enterprises, LLC.. BEFORE the draw actually took place some applicants application history stated successful, then unsuccessful, then entered. After the draw some applicants have posted on facebook and elsewhere they were awarded a permit or tag for a unit they did not even apply for. But hey - it was punctual, therefore the draw was both accurate and acceptable. Now there's an example of critical thinking skills P.T Barnum would surely be proud of!
I bet its more likely someone screwed up their application if they got an area they didnt think they applied for. Happens every year. I think everything went just fine. I only miss being able to see what people I know drew so I could cuss about them drawing and me not drawing. Besides that I really like the new system.
>So where's the link to these
>so called happenings?


I haven't heard anything or saw anything about anything like this happening.

"Go hunt for meat at Walmart."
Must be something wrong with the draw....I was unsuccessful. Pup might be on to something.

Cancer doesn't discriminate...don't take your good health for granted because it can be gone in a heartbeat. Please go back and read the last line. This time really understand what it says.
Agreed hidesert. The last deer tag I drew two years ago I drew in an area I thought I didn't apply for, but who cares I drew a tag and obviously didn't quite remember right what I selected.
I think Rainbowpoop spreads fake news. I spoke with a master guide who interfaces with a LOT of people who used the draw system. He had not heard of any of the fairytale stuff mentioned on this thread. He only spoke of ease of use, privacy, and everything happening within the timelines established by state law.

Mega success.

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