
Here is a picture I just received and said that one of the rattlers is 5'-11" and the other one is 5'-11 1/2". The heads were shot off with a 300 Weatherby. The person who sent this picture said his friend told him that the head on one of the snakes was as big as a man's fist.
Tastes like chicken.

"I needed a cheesy signature saying like everyone else"
Holy Crap!!! Those would make nice belts for some of the LaBarge Elk-Women running around here.........wonder how old the snakes are when they reach that size?
I have been told snakes that big are 15 to 20 years old. Some old timers have told me they founs snakes back in the 50 and sixtys that had stubble hair down their back behind the neck.
What nimrod would waste 2 shells from a 300 Weatherby, at probably $3 a pop, on a pair of $.89 Rattlesnakes?

Don't they have sticks or rocks in Texas?
>What nimrod would waste 2 shells
>from a 300 Weatherby, at
>probably $3 a pop, on
>a pair of $.89 Rattlesnakes?
>Don't they have sticks or rocks
>in Texas?

Only because a tank was not available! I HATE SNAKES! Especially ones as long as me!
LAST EDITED ON Dec-29-08 AT 10:03AM (MST)[p]Perspective is a wonderful thing, nickman. The guy who shot those snakes just bought the ranch they were killed on. I assure you, he could care less about the cost of shells for his rifle.

And By the way, "Nimrod"? He earned enough money in his life to buy something that most of us can only dream about. He's now developing the ranch into what should be a first class whitetail hunting ranch for his family and friends to enjoy hunting on. If that is being a nimrod, where do I sign up?
Im no herpetologist, but Im pretty sure thats not a rattlesnake. Looks more like some kind of constrictor to me.
From the Oxford English Dictionary:


? noun a skilful hunter.

? ORIGIN from the great-grandson of Noah, known for his skill as a hunter (see Book of Genesis, chapter 10).
You're right, you're not.......the E TX rattler is a canebrake or timber rattler, the W TX rattlers are western diamondbacks. Ever see a "constrictor" with fangs like that?
That "East TX Rattler" is a constrictor.I've seen that photo many times before. I think Overton was just playin' around.

(BTW I'm from east Texas too.....) ;)
Eastern Diamondbacks are the largest of the Us rattlesnakes.
I see a bunch of Pacific rattlers every year, but NONE like this!
The picture that Overton posted is not a rattlesnake. It is a python, I believe a reticulated or rock python, but not sure which. Those are the type of teeth that pythons have, and yes, I've seen the mouths of them in Africa, and yes they were dead. Also note that the eastern diamondback that HH posted looks nothing like the snake in overton's post.

They're all pretty scary if you ask me.
Man I hate snakes!!!!! heres one that missed my buddy by about a boot. It was so windy we could not hear him till he went for him. lets just say the snake didn't live long after that!

Caelknuts, I don't care if another of your bizzilionaire friends buys the entire state of Texas, good for him....

Again, why would anybody waste bullets or effort on a rifle shot when a rock or a stick is so much easier? I might could see a shotgun.....I just find it humorous that someone would fear something 1/200th of his size, enough to use a rifle to kill it.

Nimrod or not.

And the snake in the fence is a Python, Burmese or Rock.

Either way, those teeth are not "fangs" by definition and rattlers have no other teeth beyond their true "fangs".
No worries Nick. They were whitetail hunting so didn't have a shotgun, just the .300. Funny how this bothers you, I just sent Kilo the pictures because I've never seen bigger rattlers and he thought they were interesting like I did. Didn't expect it to become controversial at all. I just thought most people would find these rattlers interesting.
Not an east Texas rattler. It is a photo of an african rock python. The pic has been around the net for a couple of years.

Phantom Hunter
The only problem I have with shooting them with a rifle is that they didn't get to use enough ammo. Shoot them until they are dead, and then shoot them again!
>Eastern Diamondbacks are the largest of
>the Us rattlesnakes.
>I see a bunch of Pacific
>rattlers every year, but NONE
>like this!

And I am quite happy that we don't have rattlers like that on the west coast. They can keep those big ones on the east coast.
>Not an east Texas rattler.
>It is a photo of
>an african rock python.
>The pic has been around
>the net for a couple
>of years.
>Phantom Hunter


Must be 2 identical snakes, one African and one Texan. See post 21.

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