Wharff leading sage brush rebellion


Long Time Member
LAST EDITED ON Dec-18-14 AT 02:45PM (MST)[p]What a joke...good to see Wharff surrounding himself with the best and brightest.

About two dozen residents gathered Saturday morning in Evanston for the inaugural meeting of the Wyomingites for Effective Government. A board was assembled, testimony was taken, minutes were gathered, and the group set in motion a plan to challenge the federal government.

?We are talking about one issue and one issue alone,? said Bob Wharff, a hunting advocate who organized the meeting. ?That is we are trying to answer the question whether or not there is a proper commerce to trigger Endangered Species Act protections being applied to Wyoming?s wolves.

?We?re not going to look at anything other than that,? Wharff said. ?We?re not going to talk about Wyoming?s plan, we're not going to talk about genetics.

?At the end of the day, what we hope to be able to do is draft a resolution that we will then take forward to our county commissioners throughout the state and hopefully be able to get them to hold an evidentiary hearing.?

The gathering was attended by a wide array of Wyoming residents, from ranchers to curious Evanston residents to high state officials. State Rep. Marti Halverson, R-Etna, was there, joined by other state-level elected officials, including Allen Jaggi, Kit Jennings, Garry Piiparinen and Lynn Hutchings.

Full story here:

Hooray! And all along I didn't think anyone would be able to save us. I know I will sleep better knowing SFW and Bundy's buds are on the case.

They should set up some sort of march on Washington. Call it the "half dozen dipshit march".
LAST EDITED ON Dec-18-14 AT 04:39PM (MST)[p]>Hooray! And all along I
>didn't think anyone would be
>able to save us.
>I know I will sleep
>better knowing SFW and Bundy's
>buds are on the case.
>They should set up some sort
>of march on Washington.
>Call it the "half dozen
>dipshit march".

Just read the entire article and went away shaking my head. Your "half dozen dipshit march" is right on the button and Smokestick can lead them down to the Capitol Building and maybe he'll pick up a few homeless people along the way to bring it up to double digits, LOL! They can even sing "We shall overcome". Oops, I think that was already used on one!
LAST EDITED ON Dec-19-14 AT 07:59AM (MST)[p]wolfhunter,

Did you make the drive to Evanston?

Seems Bob is really hitching his SFW wagon to the best and brightest, likely why you were there.

Ed Presley...cut from the Bundy stripe, owes the citizens of Wyoming for 2300 abandoned CBM wells.

Real stand up guy...probably right up your alley wolfhunter.

BTW, how is that Wyoming wolf hunt working out for you?

How did Bob fair with his "evidentiary hearing"???



Nothing will change the fact that you are the REAL IDIOT...Buzz!! How can you be so self contained in your arrogance that your really enjoying the path that Wyoming's elk hunting future is on.

Your missing it big fella...
Yeah, right as usual wolfhunter.

Wyoming elk hunters are enjoying over 40% success on general tags, elk are at all time record levels, setting elk harvest records every year.

As elk hunters...we're in high cotton. Fact.
Hows that?

A sagebrush rebellion with 2 dozen wingnuts, 4 tea party State Representatives dragging everything from gay marriage, the constitution, and Cliven Bundy into the mix...claiming counties have authority over the Federal Government?

All the while being lead down the merry path by a deadbeat that owes the Federal/State Governments, and citizens of Wyoming millions, and another asshat that has the goal of privatizing the states Wildlife resources and defunding the game and fish.

Seriously, you want to trumpet on about, "at least they're doing something"???

Yeah, they're really doing something alright, proving their insignificance in every issue they're dragging into the "wolf wars".

If not for the ignorance of WYSFW and the Farm Bureau, I could still hunt wolves in Wyoming, just like Idaho and Montana hunters are doing.
Why don't you ask those local elk hunters in Jackson Hole how tall that cotton is in their back yard...????

Your still missing it Buzz... as your parading around on your high horse slamming everyone who wants Wyoming to decided how wolves are managed here in our back yards, the wolves destroy another quality herd.
Wolves are back on the list in Wyoming, the lunatic fringe is staging a sagebrushwolf rebellion on gay marriage, and you're sitting on the sidelines with no wolf hunting season.

Tell me what I'm missing wolfhunter...
Rather than bad mouthing, maybe BuzzH could come up with a better solution to the wolf issue. If you want to find the real dope in the fight against the federal control of states wildlife, trot up Capitol Avenue sprint up the stairs into the Wyoming Capitol Building and take a right turn just inside the door to the Governor?s office. Bob Wharff is not the villain here, it is the federal government and Wyoming political wolves masquerading as government officials. After failing in direct negotiations and the courts, the Wyoming governor is going to solve the wolf issue with a US Code change like was done for Montana and Idaho. Problem is he just hasn't enough time to contact any of the lazy pups the people of Wyoming sent to Washington.

I applaud Bob Wharff and the SFW for stepping out and trying something different. Maybe it will work and maybe it won't. At least they are out there trying while anti-SFW groupies like BuzzH sit around and whine.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-19-14 AT 09:25AM (MST)[p]Northfork,

The Feds have told Wyoming...repeatedly, since 1995, the requirements of delisting. Wyoming agreed to the terms.

They were told countless times...with several lawsuits along the way, how to get their plan accepted.

They were lead to water and chose to sit there lock-legged with a blank stare wondering what to do...who's fault is that?

Wyoming pi$$ed away their opportunity to hitch their wagon to Montana and Idaho with Simpson/Tester. Lummis tried at the last minute to add Wyoming, but the ship had already sailed. One step further, Wharff and SFW tried, in a very back-handed way (unsuccessfully), to kill Simpson/Tester.

Maybe Wharffs new "strategy" with his band of misfits will work?

Rolling on the floor...laffin'.

The good thing about all this Wharff freak show, is he's burning bridges with the decision makers and proving his insignificance on anything wildlife related in Wyoming.

You have to like that, nothing better than WYSFW circling the ivory bowl.

Oh, and I'll be sure to ask Governor Mead what he thinks of Wharffs Sagebrushwolf rebellion on gay marriage, when I see him in February.

I'm sure he trusts Wharff and Presely will get it right.

We both know the sorted history of Wyoming and the wolves. You are rather kind to Lummis, as she and her staff were sound asleep in bed when Wyoming was thrown out of the legislation.

My question or challenge to you, as you are rolling around on the floor laughing, is to come up with a better idea. Take off your ?the federal government can do it better hat? and join the efforts for a future with Wyoming in control of the wolf hunts and the feds are out on their ear.

Our country?s history is full of ?bands of misfits? changing the course of history. Many times after the bridge has been burned, one finds out that the water was only ankle deep on hard rock and didn't need the bridge in the first place.

BussH, reading back through your posts it seems that you really do care about hunting in Wyoming. However, your acidic attacks on others doesn't help fix the problems we are faced with in Wyoming. May I suggest you consider working with others that may not completely agree with your approach but are working toward the same goal? We may all be amazed with the results!
LAST EDITED ON Dec-19-14 AT 10:43AM (MST)[p]Well well, here is another SFW "groupie" coming out of the woodwork to cheer good old Smokestick along with the dumbest thing to ever come down the pipe, LOL! Add getting Presley involved, who is into all kinds of problems with the State of Wyoming and is really well thought of, along with the other nuts they have on board and it's the joke of the year in Wyoming! Yep, Bob has now aligned himself with a close relative of Bundy and the two of them are going to get this whole wolf deal straightened out and show DC it has no legal rights in Wyoming at all regarding wolves. Funny when the state and Feds have filed an appeal together to fight that female Judge's ruling that was just based on a little technicality that this group is now formed to fight the Feds! What a farce, LOL! I guess with the WYSFW continuing to go down the crapper that Smokestick is looking for another way to earn a living and this is a real winner that he's chosen to do it!!!
Northfork---I truly have to ask if you know anything about what is going on with this wolf situation in Wyoming. The relisting didn't have anything to do with the Feds, as the delisting they allowed and that Wyoming was using, was overturned in DC by a liberal female Federal Judge on a technicality that has already been addressed and resolved. This is all politics and, although it involves the ESA that needs to be totally revamped, this attempt by Smokestick and his cronies is totally ridiculous and a waste of time and money that could actually go into proper channels to resolve the issue and get wolves in Wyoming delisted again so the State has control.

Yes or No...are Montana and Wyoming enjoying State control of wolves?

There is no reason to reinvent the wheel and start a sagebrushwolf rebellion on gay marriage to get wolves delisted and under State control.

For the record, since you seem to know Wharff, ask him if I warned him, face to face, about this chit about 5 years ago and what was going to happen. The trouble with Wharff and WYSFW, is they know better than anyone else, and have a real problem with listening.

The State of Wyoming was suckered by Wharff and the Ag. interests into believing they could trump federal jurisdiction, the pro-wolf groups, and the federal courts. Rarely, very rarely, does that happen....prime example right here.

Its totally amazing to me that with a fix so apparent, that Wharff is still living somewhere between the State of denial and fantasyland when he makes dumb statements like, "we wont talk about Wyomings wolf plan".

Ok, good luck with that, its really worked well for you so far.

I'm tired of pointing out the obvious and how easy it would be for Wyoming to jump on board and get State wolf control.

Also, how well received do you honestly believe Wharff is going to be in Cheyenne after this latest disaster? The chances of me being in any way associated with the toxic waste known as SFW is about zero to none. I want to have credibility in problem solving, not fighting a sagebrushwolf rebellion.

You can trumpet on about "working together" all you want, I've seen how Bob Wharff works with others for over a decade. Its Bobs way or the no way. Not a single relevant Wildlife Group in Wyoming wants anything to do with Wharff.

May want to ask Bob why WYSFW is not part of WYSA as well...
LAST EDITED ON Dec-19-14 AT 12:30PM (MST)[p]This situation has nothing to do with what BuzzH has told everyone over and over regarding the dual plan that Wyoming has and how it would fail! The Feds and Wyoming came to an agreement with years of science backing them up that finally culminated in delisting and was working fine. Then more antis found a female Lib Federal Judge that stated in her very delayed opinion that the plan was fine, but then reversed the delisting under a minor technicality that was resolved and had nothing to do with the dual zone classification. The Feds, the State of Wyoming, and RMEF have jointly filed an appeal to have it reversed. Instead of starting this grass root BS bunch, the group should immediately disband before they make bigger fools of themselves than they already have. It's either that or join the appeal because it's not who they are going after that has caused this whole mess! As BuzzH stated, wharf and the SFW are on the outside looking in with no group of any substance wanting anything to do with him or his faltering organization. Now he's joined up with a relative of the infamous Bundy to get er done---what a loser!!!

Long before you even knew a wolf issue existed, the dual classification was the sticking point that delayed delisting.

During the several year span that WYSFW and the Ag. interests gave the feds the finger, the wolves stayed on the list over the predator classification.

During that time, the wolf hippies were given a gift via Wyoming...and that is YEARS of time to drum up every kind of BS they could.

Montana and Idaho were tired of the dual classification holding up the show and sought, successfully, a congressional fix.

Yes, you are correct that the current litigation is not directly tied to dual classification, but the fact remains, and always will, that WYSFW/dual classification was the gift to wolf hippies that just kept on giving.

If not for dual classification being the hold up, Wyoming would not be in this fix now, and all 3 states would be past the 5 year probabationary period and have full state control.

Those are the facts that matter. Wyoming played games with Federal Authority, and backed a losing wolf plan, and it bit them in the a$$.

Still is...
>Long before you even knew a
>wolf issue existed, the dual
>classification was the sticking point
>that delayed delisting.
>During the several year span that
>WYSFW and the Ag. interests
>gave the feds the finger,
>the wolves stayed on the
>list over the predator classification.
>During that time, the wolf hippies
>were given a gift via
>Wyoming...and that is YEARS of
>time to drum up every
>kind of BS they could.
>Montana and Idaho were tired of
>the dual classification holding up
>the show and sought, successfully,
>a congressional fix.
>Yes, you are correct that the
>current litigation is not directly
>tied to dual classification, but
>the fact remains, and always
>will, that WYSFW/dual classification was
>the gift to wolf hippies
>that just kept on giving.
>If not for dual classification being
>the hold up, Wyoming would
>not be in this fix
>now, and all 3 states
>would be past the 5
>year probabationary period and have
>full state control.
>Those are the facts that matter.
>Wyoming played games with Federal
>Authority, and backed a losing
>wolf plan, and it bit
>them in the a$$.
>Still is...

Here we go again with you knowing everything and nobody else knowing squat! It's getting more than old and you can't seem to comprehend what all the other members are telling you on the threads and that is to quit talking down to other people! Contrary to what you've stated, I've followed the wolf debacle for about as long as when they were introduced back in the 90s. You don't think Wyoming should have gone the way they did by holding out for the dual classification. Some agree and some disagree with that and we know it held up two states the way all three were originally lumped together. That's not the fault of Wyoming the way it was set up and that's why it screwed the other two states when they should have all been separate entities to begin with to avoid any delisting delays in an individual state. We all get that, seeing as how you've stated it 100+ times on Forums. Anyway, that's water over the damn and we're now talking about something completely different and it's just your opinion that the delay did what you stated. To say that all three states would have full control now may also be true, but the way politics is running the ESA more than anything else I wouldn't be so sure of that. Look at what happened up north when the huggers got going for that buffer zone around the Park and what happened. As long as some Lib Judge can be found to appeal to and the courts have any say in game management matters, we can continue to look for more of this stuff. The antis have millions of dollars to burn on this kind of stuff and it will continue until the courts are taken out of the equation.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-19-14 AT 02:41PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Dec-19-14 AT 02:40?PM (MST)


There is nothing in that post, except your imagination that is not a fact.

If you feel facts being stated, is "talking down" then I dont know what to tell you.

Yes, it is the fault of Wyoming that the dual classification stopped State Management in Idaho and Montana. Wyoming agreed, in the FEIS, to have an acceptable plan. It wasn't, and it was because of the predator classification/zone. End of that story...its a fact...black and white, crystal clear.

Montana and Idaho were flat tired of not having state control because Wyoming was ham-stringing them with their UNACCEPTABLE plan. They approached their Representatives, told Wyoming to take a flying leap, and successfully got a congressional solution.

Because Wyoming CHOSE, YES, CHOSE!!! to fly solo, and continue their fight with the Feds, they left themselves wide open to litigation.

Stop and think Mike, I wonder why the wolf hippies aren't taking Montana and Idaho to court right now? Then, ask yourself if Wharff and crew made a good decision by challenging the Feds and leaving the decision up to a Federal Court.

You really are incredible...maybe you should give serious thought to joining SFW...you're starting to sound just like them.

Feel free to exercise your right to not comment on my threads...and things you know about only through what someone else has told you, or found on your cdrom in Michigan.

Unlike you, I'm not forced to guess, I lived it.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-19-14 AT 03:20PM (MST)[p]Buzz you are an amazing individual... Gloating over Wyoming's litigation problems. All the while herds are being destroyed. You give true insight into your inner workings. You don't really care about sportsman and their ability to have quality hunting. All you care about is feeding your EGO... Your fight for PP's or anything else is nothing more than you feeding the insatiable appetite your ego has.... WOW!!
LAST EDITED ON Dec-19-14 AT 04:13PM (MST)[p]Don't forget helping to get SF45 passed, which increases the GF budget by 7 million a year.

Or driving, on my own dime, to Helena MT to attend a corner crossing rally.

Or donating an Arizona bull elk tag to Hunt of a Lifetime so a young hunter could enjoy, what was their first, and possibly last elk hunt.

Or being one of the top ten donors to AccessYes in Wyoming.

I could continue...for quite some time.

What have you done again?
BUZZ, Be sure to stop through next time. We could go for a wolf hunt while you're in MT. Awesome stuff.

I'm amazed at your description of SFW and Wharff. First they are a bunch of losers and then Wharff is singlehandedly responsible for all the wolf decisions made by the legislators of Wyoming. If Wharff did everything you claim he did, then he must be a powerful and convincing lobbyist.

The hearings and committee meetings that I attended seemed to be dominated by Chairmen Burns and Childers. It also seem very apparent that Gov Dave was sending his two cents worth into the meetings. Plus the Wolf Coalition that had just about everyone that wanted in signed up.

So how is it that you get to be cop, judge, and jury in the conviction of SFW?

Let's take another look at SFW. SFW was the originator and the only group lobbying for the Hunter Mentor Bill. The following link speaks to that bill http://trib.com/lifestyles/recreati...cle_0cbc5172-408d-5c46-84f4-5ce3824ea584.html . Over 6,000 new people have been introduced to hunting in Wyoming since the program was started. That's kids and adults, 1,000 per year, with a chance to become a Wyoming Sportsman. And before you start another nasty untrue rumor, none of those 6,000 new hunter were tricked into becoming SFW members. How many new hunters have you brought to the field over the last six years?
Why? WHY....I ASK AGAIN WHY....DO YOU COME ON HERE AT MM AND DRIVE WEDGES BETWEEN SPORTSMAN. Why do you negatively fuel the wolf debate...You sound like a guy who could really be helping.....BUT!!!
>There is nothing in that post,
>except your imagination that is
>not a fact.

***BS! You started right out telling me that I knew nothing about the wolf situation when, in fact, I started hunting in Wyoming in 1992 and followed it very closely when they were introduced a few years later.

>If you feel facts being stated,
>is "talking down" then I
>dont know what to tell

***BS again! I made no mention that any fact you stated was wrong, although some are more conjecture on your part that are hard, if not impossible, to prove. It's your sorry azz delivery we're talking about every time and not what you say!!!

>Yes, it is the fault of
>Wyoming that the dual classification
>stopped State Management in Idaho
>and Montana. Wyoming agreed, in
>the FEIS, to have an
>acceptable plan. It wasn't, and
>it was because of the
>predator classification/zone. End of that
>story...its a fact...black and white,
>crystal clear.

***I didn't dispute that! However, the plan was approved and there was a hunt for a sort time before good old Malloy got involved! Did you forget that fact?

>Montana and Idaho were flat tired
>of not having state control
>because Wyoming was ham-stringing them
>with their UNACCEPTABLE plan. They
>approached their Representatives, told Wyoming
>to take a flying leap,
>and successfully got a congressional

***I didn't dispute that either!

>Because Wyoming CHOSE, YES, CHOSE!!! to
>fly solo, and continue their
>fight with the Feds, they
>left themselves wide open to

***Didn't dispute that either!

>Stop and think Mike, I wonder
>why the wolf hippies aren't
>taking Montana and Idaho to
>court right now? Then, ask
>yourself if Wharff and crew
>made a good decision by
>challenging the Feds and leaving
>the decision up to a
>Federal Court.

***Have you ever seen me saying anything positive to or about Bob or SFW, including all the crap they pulled on the wolf issue?

>You really are incredible...maybe you should
>give serious thought to joining
>SFW...you're starting to sound just
>like them.

***There is another good example of talking down to someone when you dang well know my philosophies/thoughts are identical with yours regarding Bob and his SFW organization! You just don't know when to stop shooting your big mouth off! It's surprising that someone hasn't done it for you!

>Feel free to exercise your right
>to not comment on my
>threads...and things you know about
>only through what someone else
>has told you, or found
>on your cdrom in Michigan.

***Duh; I believe this is another good example of what you do so much that you obviously have no idea what is right or wrong with how you post up a thought! I'll keep right on commenting on anything you post from now on if it's not to my liking! Furthermore, I might live in Michigan, but I probably keep on things in Wyoming more than the biggest percentage of residents because I consider it my second home!
>Unlike you, I'm not forced to
>guess, I lived it.

***Yep, you're so fuggin smart with that big head of yours that it's going to explode one of these days, LOL! Look up the definition of a Narcissist because they could easily put up your picture in the dictionary next to the word! By the way, when are you going to man up and apologize to Michael for your absolutely ridiculous behavior on his thread. That display really helped you gain respect on this site---NOT!!!

***MY comments to your BS!!!

Arent you on Wharffs Payroll?

The Legislators were lead down the primrose path by the Ag. interests and SFW on the wolf issue.

Tell me again why WYSFW/UTSFW, were caught trying to kill Simpson/Tester and lay the pipe to Montana and Idaho???

Shame on the Sportsmen in Wyoming that we were suckered and trusted SFW and the Ag. interests regarding the wolf issue. Rest assured that wont happen again. Also be sure, that many people objected to the path Dave, et. al were taking. Only so much you can you do when you're not organized, shame on us again. That's not the case anymore, however.

I don't have to judge Wharff and WYSFW, they've already been judged and why Chapters are folding, why they aren't part of WYSA, and why they lose credibility with every move they make. The best way to know if an organization is worth its salt, is the word/actions of the membership. When I see chapters folding and gimmicks used to collect membership, the hand-writing is clear.

Next you're going to tell me that SFW gets all the credit for passing the WWNRT...ol' smokestick has made that claim more than once. Of course he also killed the PP bill, passed SF45, and parted the Red Sea for an encore...

I wonder why WYSFW was the only hunting group in Wyoming to oppose being able to transfer licenses to disabled vets???

Ask around a bit, you wont find many people with much positive to say about WYSFW, you reap what you sow.
Wyoming Guided Wolf hunters went 10% harvest-----before the court ruling....for 2013.

Take into consideration many--many Guided hunters--deer--elk--sheep--moose--Mnt. Goat bought Wolf licenses in those area's 'just in case' they saw a wolf....10% value is kinda weak for the big scare we all hear about from Wyo-$FW/BGF----

Makes one wonder where all these Wolves are at?


PS. Wolfhunter do not take my post personal----I guess you live in Jackson??? and see wolves most everyday killing elk in the area---NER---??...sad deal....got any video footage or still pix?
How depressing to first hand witness----hang in there man.

Now that we have all the name calling and sorted history on the table, what do you propose to do so Wyoming will have control over the Wyoming wolves and wolf hunts?

The lawyer from the AG?s office assigned to the wolf issue and the assistant AG for Wyoming Game and Fish recently agreed that if the state wins the current law suit there will be additional law suits to fight in the future. With that statement made, it seems that lawsuits and court actions will merely keep the lawyers paid and not settle the fight over wolves.

The next big declaration on the wolf battle was from Gov Matt on the congressional action. An issue such as the Wyoming wolves will not rate sand-alone legislation and most likely have to be attached to a bill that everyone knows will pass. Such a bill was the recent spending and apportions legislation. It appears that Gov Matt failed to request the addition of the wolves and the opportunity was lost. Hopefully that will not happen again and legislation can be found to attach the wolf bill to.

We have chased single solutions for the wolf issue for years and none of them have panned out. It is time that we tackle the wolf issue from a couple of fronts at the same time and be happy with whatever works first? The WEG approach has been used successfully in the past. At the last TRW meeting the lawyers agreed that the WEG approach would not affect the states battle in court. So what is the problem with a group of concerned citizens giving this tried and proven approach one more shot?

Court Vacates Western Great Lakes Wolf Delisting Rule -- Puts WGL
Wolves Back on the Endangered Species List

Today, a D.C. federal district court judge returned the wolves of the Western Great Lakes (WGL) to the endangered species list. This was the fourth time that a delisting of the WGL wolves has been overturned in court. In a 111 page opinion, the judge ruled that the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) violated the Endangered Species Act by illegally creating the Western Great Lakes Distinct Population Segment of wolves. The court decided that the FWS lacks authority to delist anything less than what they originally listed. Since the FWS had originally listed gray wolves throughout the lower 48 states, the court held that the FWS lacked the authority to delist any population segment smaller than the species as a whole. The court rejected the argument that the wolves of Minnesota, which the FWS had designated as ?threatened? in 1978, qualified as a DPS that the FWS could later delist.

The court also had problems with many other aspects of the delisting rule. The court found the FWS?s explanation of certain issues lacking, such as the significance of the wolves? absence from areas of their historic range, the absence of regulatory protections of wolves in many of the states ? those other than Michigan, Wisconsin and Minnesota -- that had been included in the DPS, and the existence of risks to the wolves from multiple sources of mortality.

The court rejected arguments submitted by the FWS, the states of Michigan, Wisconsin and Minnesota as well as SCI?s intervenor group (also including the U.S. Sportsmen?s Alliance Foundation, the National Rifle Association, the Wisconsin Bear Hunters Association, the Michigan United Conservation Clubs, the Wisconsin Bowhunters Association, the Upper Peninsula Bear Houndsmen Association, the Michigan Hunting Dog Federation, and the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation) that recommended that the judge not invalidate the delisting rule and instead simply remand the rule to the FWS for further correction and explanation. The judge was unconvinced that the relisting would cause disruption in the management of the species. The judge chose instead to vacate the delisting rule and restored the wolves to federal protection.
>Court Vacates Western Great Lakes Wolf
>Delisting Rule -- Puts WGL
>Wolves Back on the Endangered Species
>Today, a D.C. federal district court
>judge returned the wolves of
>the Western Great Lakes (WGL)
>to the endangered species list.
> This was the fourth
>time that a delisting of
>the WGL wolves has been
>overturned in court. In
>a 111 page opinion, the
>judge ruled that the U.S.
>Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS)
>violated the Endangered Species Act
>by illegally creating the Western
>Great Lakes Distinct Population Segment
>of wolves. The court
>decided that the FWS lacks
>authority to delist anything less
>than what they originally listed.
> Since the FWS had
>originally listed gray wolves throughout
>the lower 48 states, the
>court held that the FWS
>lacked the authority to delist
>any population segment smaller than
>the species as a whole.
> The court rejected the
>argument that the wolves of
>Minnesota, which the FWS had
>designated as ?threatened? in 1978,
>qualified as a DPS that
>the FWS could later delist.
>The court also had problems with
>many other aspects of the
>delisting rule. The court
>found the FWS?s explanation of
>certain issues lacking, such as
>the significance of the wolves?
>absence from areas of their
>historic range, the absence of
>regulatory protections of wolves in
>many of the states ?
>those other than Michigan, Wisconsin
>and Minnesota -- that had
>been included in the DPS,
>and the existence of risks
>to the wolves from multiple
>sources of mortality.
>The court rejected arguments submitted by
>the FWS, the states of
>Michigan, Wisconsin and Minnesota as
>well as SCI?s intervenor group
>(also including the U.S. Sportsmen?s
>Alliance Foundation, the National Rifle
>Association, the Wisconsin Bear Hunters
>Association, the Michigan United Conservation
>Clubs, the Wisconsin Bowhunters Association,
>the Upper Peninsula Bear Houndsmen
>Association, the Michigan Hunting Dog
>Federation, and the Rocky Mountain
>Elk Foundation) that recommended that
>the judge not invalidate the
>delisting rule and instead simply
>remand the rule to the
>FWS for further correction and
>explanation. The judge was
>unconvinced that the relisting would
>cause disruption in the management
>of the species. The
>judge chose instead to vacate
>the delisting rule and restored
>the wolves to federal protection.

You're a day late and a dollar short on this one just like everything else, as I posted that on the General Forum yesterday as soon as it came out!
This isn't the general forum Mike. I think it's part of the conversation here whether you agree with SFW on this or not.
>This isn't the general forum Mike.
>I think it's part of
>the conversation here whether you
>agree with SFW on this
>or not.

I know what Forum we're on and just felt like throwing that out in his face since he didn't offer anything up other than a C/P of the ruling. It appears Smokestick flew the coop and Northfork is now the new spokesperson for them, so he can take the heat or get out of the kitchen! I don't envy the position he's put himself in as a SFW spokesperson either!

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