What do you think?


Active Member
LAST EDITED ON Nov-17-07 AT 11:10PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Nov-17-07 AT 11:06?PM (MST)

Are these sheds the same buck? My best buddy picked up the brown set in 2005 and the white set hit the dirt in 06' and we found it this shed season(07'). The sets were about 3 to 4 miles apart as the crow flys in the same winter range. Check out the slag at the base of the sheds. They are really close as far as mass and main beam length. The brown set was sitting under a tree together a foot apart and the white set were laying 2 to 3 feet apart also.


Left sides

Right sides


>Nope---two different bucks, now you have
>2 sets took for.

+1. They do look VERY similar though

-Cody AKA BigBuck92
They look like they might be related, but I would vote that they're not the same buck.
I'd vote same buck...I've seen certain traits jump back and forth between a deer's right side and left from year to year. Cool find.
not the same buck, he would have got smaller the next year if they were.
He would of have got smaller the next year? Do you mean bigger? If you meant bigger, he did get bigger. Brown set was shed in 05 and white set in 06.
I am no shed pro by any means. They look like they could be from the same deer to me? What makes you guys think that they arent from the same deer? What do you look for in this situation?
I would say yes they are from the
same buck, Mainly because of the
points on the burr and the 3 point
I hope you find the spring 07 set.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-04-07 AT 07:33PM (MST)[p]As you can tell I'm bored, and trying to kill some time until spring. Here's another veiw of em. Now what do ya say?

Right sides

Left sides
I have two sets from one animal that look remarkably like those, even down to the burr points I'll try to get some pics of them.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-02-08 AT 03:34PM (MST)[p]Here's a few sets that are similar to yours. I found the top set in 2003 and the bottom set in exactly the same spot in 2006.

Hold the bases (buttons) together that is usually a tell tell sign. Im guessing not the same buck but the two bucks go to the same place for thanksgiving.
Gotta look at the burr's that will tell the tale every time. I can't tell from the photos but if the burr's got the same shape you probably got a match from year to year.


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