What I hate about the NRA


Very Active Member
It's election time and my district has a 37 year Democratic Congressman running for reelection. Over the last six years he has voted 94% of the time with Obama.

This week I get a post card in the mail from the NRA saying I should vote for him because he has always supported gun rights.

Of course I am an NRA member or I wouldn't have gotten the post card.
It's not my guns he has taken. It's my health insurance he has taken. His policies continue to harm the people in my area.
Great article. When you take something from someone and give it to someone else, they benefit. Who knew?


Nobody goes there anymore. It's too crowded.
You think the hospital was going to let them die on their steps before?

What's worse, not paying your bill or not paying your premium? either way guess who's picking up the tab.

If we're not going to make healthcare affordable we might as well come up with a better system of funding it than unpaid bills. I can't believe how narrow minded some people are.

Stay thirsty my friends
Back to the thread...what I hate about the nra is the daily onslaught of mail, postcards, letters, videos, coins...stop wasting my money mailing me crap everyday!
>Somebody has to pay for the
>jets and hookers.
>Stay thirsty my friends
BFD if that's true at least they aren't stealing from the taxpayer.
They'd have more money for the jets and hookers if they didn't mail me crap everyday! Go tend the rabbits Lennie.
That's Dude's problem. He thinks everybody else is dirty minded and corrupt as he is, that is everybody who is not a left wing liberal.

This coming from a guy who's church leaders diddle alter boys .

The world is what it is, you can't hide behind your superstition or an (R) . the NRA knows how to work you people up and shake you down just like your TV preachers.

Still wondering how obamacare destroyed WV's fantasic pre-obamacare 19% insured rate. anyone?

Stay thirsty my friends
It would surprise most NRA members to know what national issues and political agendas the NRA actually spends their money on. After many years of being a gung-ho NRA member I read an article in the Readers Digest about charities and how most of them are scams hiding in a cloak of respectability. So, my wife and I decided to research all the charities we donated to annually....and just or kicks I did what research I could on the NRA. I was absolutely stunned and we were very embarrassed that several of the charities we had given to over the years fell into the "scam" category. They only spent from 10 percent to 20 percent on the actual cause while the remaining 80 to 90 percent was spent on "administrative fees" i.e. salary. In the case of the NRA, I was unable to find out specific financial details but I did learn what issues they spent their time on...and assumed this translated into dollars spent per issue. What it boils down to is that the firearm issue is the NRA's cash cow. However, they have other, equally important (to the NRA and their political allies) agendas/issues that they spend the money generated from us hunters/gun enthusiasts promoting in congress in the States. You may never really know why the NRA is supporting one candidate over another. I dropped them because I did not support MOST of the hidden issues the NRA is working on behind the scenes. I still am vigilant about gun rights, but I now work directly through my congressional representatives.
....it is a shame that the NRA has had to associate itself with hunting......"hunting has nothing in common with the second amendment, other than guns.

The second amendment is not about hunting, robbers, boogey men, or rabid dogs......it is to defend and have the ability to fight an over bearing and tyrannical government...period....

too few in this country understand the importance of that. Sad but true.

We are nearly at that point....

"As democracy is perfected, the office of the President represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day, the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last and the White House will be occupied by a downright fool and complete narcissistic moron."
- H.L. Mencken, the Baltimore Evening Sun, July 26, 1920
The NRA works for the gun manufacturers, sometimes that's in the same interest as gun owners but not always. and, of course there are gun owners and there are gun radicals. I have too many teeth be a gun radical so I'm out.

As a hunter it's very clear to me what my biggest threat is. wolves. everything else is insignificant . my gun rights are the least of my concern we have a constitution for that.

You rambo guys just keep the NRA cranking, as long as you have your rambo chit to fight about I'm miles off the radar. enjoy.

Stay thirsty my friends
in 30 years...tops, your entire life's legacy will be all but forgotten dude...I don't blame you for not caring.

"As democracy is perfected, the office of the President represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day, the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last and the White House will be occupied by a downright fool and complete narcissistic moron."
- H.L. Mencken, the Baltimore Evening Sun, July 26, 1920
Maybe less than that. but since yours is already forgotten I win.

Stay thirsty my friends
What surprises me is that many folks believe in todays world their lone voice will make a difference. No candidate or organization on earth that's affiliated with just about any cause is going to make any of us happy 100% of the time.

You guys that don't want to support the NRA are throwing the towel in on your gun rights. The NRA is the main reason why the dems haven't taken away many of the weapons you use today.


Don't tell us they haven't taken any guns away because in the past the Clinton gun ban did just that for an extended period. There have also been several bans at the state level over the years. So yes they've restricted your right to own guns!! The statistics by FEDERAL LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCIES compiled during that time frame clearly showed the ban didn't effect the numbers as portrayed which was a part or the bans conditions. So the NRA immediately went to work to get gun owners involved and had enough support to shelve the damn thing!

No they didn't walk into your house and take your guns but they stopped many of them from being available for you to buy. Feinstein, Reed, Holder, Cuomo, Bloomberg, Clinton, Obama and Biden all have their crosshairs fixed on stopping you from obtaining many types of guns you have access to today these include shotguns, semi automatics and many other types of firearms they want restricted. Obama has currently been working very hard to enact a ban on importation of many different parts associated with many guns in production today because their parts are made off shore and are restricted. He's restricted the importation of ammunition and many parts that effects many gun owners with the availability of their ammunition. He's working hard behind the scenes to restrict the components in ammunition and other parts which eventually will make some weapons obsolete.

The other thing you have to understand is that gun designs have always followed our military in technology and weapons availability. The AR platform is currently the largest selling long gun in the US and has been for quite a while. Millions upon millions of servicemen and law enforcement folks have been trained on the platform and many military designs are being incorporated around it's form and function.

So why would you want to take the largest trained source of end users and make them use a weapon they have learned to be inferior in design and function. Yes boys those bolt rifles are being out performed daily by many newer designs that out shoot them and are more adaptable to more users.

Future generations deserve the same choices we had in our choice of weapons and actually warrant the advantage of being able to use their service weapon for recreational shooting and hunting just like we did.

DUD is long on opinion but short on facts like always but make no mistake about it he would gladly throw your guns on the alter of sacrifice to save his so bear that in mind when he refers to having all his guns. He's not a young guy starting out that served his country and was trained and prefers to use his weapon of choice.

The NRA has not only supported but defended your right to own many types of firearms and I have a few decades experience in the weapons business and can tell you first hand a single letter may get read but no politician on earth is going to hang his hat on one vote when there's more support for the other side of the issue.

Look how many times they've tried and failed to pass restrictive gun legislation one letter didn't stop that but millions of like minded individuals sure has stopped them in their tracks...... We had to stop making some guns when Clinton passed his ban and no matter how you try to distort the facts it denied many a good man his freedom to own some weapons......if they get their foot in the door it's only the beginning and they will just work harder until you wind up like they did in other country's around the world.

The dems have lied to us about many issues in this administration and lest not we forget Obama tried to pass restrictive firearms legislation but failed......THE NRA MADE THAT HAPPEN.....not a stack of opposing letters they just threw in the trash to promote their agenda.
Boskee good points. My point was stop sending we crap I don't want or need, daily, and use that money to fight for the 2nd amendment! Ain't goin anywhere! And lennie's an idiot, we've established that!

The NRA would be more relevant if they didn't get into the weeds on things that have zero to do with the 2nd Amendment.

I don't believe for second that the only reason I have guns is because of the NRA and in a lot of cases I have them despite what the NRA does.

You can buy their PR but that and $5 will buy a cup of coffee at any Starbucks.

Unless you can give the NRA credit for the 2nd amendment you can't give them credit for gun rights.

The supreme court doesn't give two chits what the NRA thinks or says. and that's where the buck stops.

I need the NRA as bad as I need another californian down the road.

Stay thirsty my friends
>Unless you can give the NRA
>credit for the 2nd amendment
>you can't give them credit
>for gun rights.
>The supreme court doesn't give two
>chits what the NRA thinks
>or says. and that's
>where the buck stops.
>I need the NRA as bad
>as I need another californian
>down the road.
>Stay thirsty my friends
Well said Janet Reno
Prove me wrong Jered Loughner.

What proposed laws are directed at any weapon or ammo I own or ever intend to? what are the chances of the nonexistent changes passing at any foreseeable time in the future?

Then , prove how the NRA has saved my guns thus far. no of that " duh, day did duh uh huh " crap, I want proof.

Then , how do those leaders who would like to take my guns, and yes there are some, get past the constitution and the polls that show the vast majority of americans support my rights TO OWN THE TYPES OF GUNS I OWN ? you have a problem , I don't. but what's new.


Stay thirsty my friends
The NRA isn't the only reason Nemont but they are by far the biggest block of voters that represent firearms owners. The NSSF, SCI, US Sportsman's Alliance and many other organizations all banded together to defeat Obama in the last go round. But on many issues the NRA has been the lone wolf and has lobbied hard enough to make the difference. No where did I state they were the only one but I can tell you that they are the group with the most political influence on firearms in Washington representing most gun owners. The also have contributed on many issues to helping the states try to pass protective legislation for sportsmen.

IN Az they wrote a big fat check for hundreds of thousands of dollars but the anti's ran TV ads that cost MILLIONS to defeat the bill with misleading dialogue about tax increases and losing your right to vote etc that scared folks into opposing the bill. So yes they get into the weeds but in many cases it's to help the sportsman have access to the land and ability to walk over the ground that grows the weeds and many species of our wildlife.

It's not me that needs to wake up, (sorry) why don't you tell me how the Clinton ban created jobs, and didn't have an impact on many businesses which is a topic near and dear to your heart. Think an Obama gun ban would have had a different conclusion?

Frankly Nemont you really know about as much about the gun business and what regulations we faced as a result of legislation as I do about being an insurance salesman. So excuse me if I don't defer to your lack of knowledge on this because you're looking at it from the consumer angle and believe me it's much bigger than that.

The Fund for Animals, Humane Society of the United states and Peta aren't fighting us head on many facets to eliminate guns, hunting and fishing either but that doesn't mean they're not actively working on their demise. They've linked up with Sierra Club, Center for Biodiversity and other antihunting organizations using their helpless kitten and puppy ads in the process to help fund ads to defeat protective hunting and fishing legislation and oppose our Fish and Wildlife agencies on numerous programs all designed to create barriers and discourage participation.

What organizations you belong to are your business but don't try to tell me that the NRA hasn't been instrumental in helping gun owners in this country keep their guns and work to protect their right's to use them in a legal manner. You're just a little too well educated to be that damn niave. If they didn't have an impact Washington wouldn't listen to them would they........and Obama would have had a cake walk enacting his beloved ban.

I don't have to buy their PR I watched how they've managed to control our elected officials on firearms legislation for decades...seems like money much better spent than a few moments in a coffee shop filled with people that would take away your right to hunt and your firearms in the blink of an eye for an overpriced cup of coffee. But then maybe I'm more observant on firearms related issues than you claim to be, but I'll bet they have your complete attention on health care. :)
What did the NRA defeat Obama on besides replacing the SG ? and would the average gun owner give a FF about it? do tell.

Stay thirsty my friends
LAST EDITED ON Oct-24-14 AT 04:08PM (MST)[p]So Boskee,
educate me. because your babble, frankly, makes it sound like you are just another old potbellied white guy shilling for the NRA and that we must all bow down to Ole Wayne or the jack booted thugs will come get my guns.

I used to be an NRA member but after looking at their finances and what they actually spend their money on, I decided that they didn't really care about guns as much as they cared about pocketing my money.

So explain to me how I wouldn't own a gun without the NRA being there.

I wish the average gun owner spent as much time thinking about health insurance and they system they live as they do worrying about the government taking away their guns.

But I guess they don't care about things that can bankrupt them as much as their guns.

I would join the NRA as a lifetime member is they returned to their original form and didn't continue to build their empire inside the beltway in Fairfax, VA.

They are about the most inefficient organization that lobbies on any of the issues.

per their form 990

-$33 million went wages and salaries
-$28 million went to advertising and promotions
-$57 million to membership outreach
-$24 million to printing and shipping

$142 million on just getting more money into the door to send more requests for money.

A Whopping $10 million to their lobbying effort.

They don't appear to need any more money, perhaps they could cut out all the printing and shipping and they could find more money inside their HQ building. They have almost 800 full time employees and most of them are dedicated to fund raising, not lobbying to keep guns.

DUD I suggest you do an internet search and see what turns up (NOT SALON). I think it may be time for you to shut your pie hole to avoid looking dumber than usual.......

Let's just say Obama didn't win this one on two counts and the gun lobby which includes the NRA may have had more support.......... Once again you've managed to show your azz........ I'm beginning to believe your a tranny and trolling on the wrong website!
Here is what the NRA is doing in CA. to protect our gun rights.

1. NRA maintains a full time lobbyist and a CA. specific law firm in our state capital to fight anti gun laws in our state legislature and the courts.

2. Peruta Vs. San Diego County. Filed motions in court to assist lawful citizens being able to obtain CCW permits. Stopped some of the hoops that were being thrown in the way by county officials.

3. Parker Vs. CA. filed motions in court that struck down portions of AB962 that would have banned citizens from buying ammunition via mail order such as Midway. Also would have required fingerprinting for ammo purchase.

4. Fiscal Vs. San Francisco. NRA filed lawsuit that struck down the city ordnance that banned possession of any handgun in the city limits.

5. McKay vs. Orange Co. Sheriff. NRA filed motion in court to stop the restrictive requirements that just about banned any law abiding citizen from obtaining a CCW from the Sheriff's office. This is awaiting a decision by the 9th. Circuit Court of Appeals.

6. The NRA joined with the Safari Club International and filed a motion to stop radical environmental groups to force a ban of all lead ammunition under TCCP nationwide.

This is just a small portion of what the NRA is doing in CA. Calguns listed a total of 23 actions being taken by the NRA on behalf of gun owners in CA. and nationwide.

Dude you need to pay attention, as many of these fights end up with the 9th. Circuit court of Appeals. The same court that your state also comes under. If we loose here in CA. you also loose in Oregon if the decision comes down from the 9th. Circuit Court of Appeals.

>AT 04:08?PM (MST)

>So Boskee,
>educate me. because your babble, frankly,
>makes it sound like you
>are just another old
>potbellied white guy shilling for
>the NRA and that we
>must all bow down to
>Ole Wayne or the jack
>booted thugs will come get
>my guns.
> I used to be an
>NRA member but after looking
>at their finances and what
>they actually spend their money
>on, I decided that they
>didn't really care about guns
>as much as they cared
>about pocketing my money.
>So explain to me how I
>wouldn't own a gun without
>the NRA being there.
>I wish the average gun owner
>spent as much time thinking
>about health insurance and they
>system they live as they
>do worrying about the government
>taking away their guns.
>But I guess they don't care
>about things that can bankrupt
>them as much as their
>I would join the NRA as
>a lifetime member is they
>returned to their original form
>and didn't continue to build
>their empire inside the beltway
>in Fairfax, VA.
>They are about the most inefficient
>organization that lobbies on any
>of the issues.
>per their form 990
>-$33 million went wages and salaries
>-$28 million went to advertising and
>-$57 million to membership outreach
>-$24 million to printing and shipping
>$142 million on just getting more
>money into the door to
>send more requests for money.
> A Whopping $10 million to
>their lobbying effort.
>They don't appear to need any
>more money, perhaps they could
>cut out all the printing
>and shipping and they could
>find more money inside their
>HQ building. They
>have almost 800 full time
>employees and most of them
>are dedicated to fund raising,
>not lobbying to keep guns.
That works for me.
Spell it out bosgeek I don't like your mumblefauking jibberish.

Excatly what did the NRA beat Obama on ? be specific.

Stay thirsty my friends
>Here is what the NRA is
>doing in CA. to protect
>our gun rights.
>1. NRA maintains a full time
>lobbyist and a CA. specific
>law firm in our state
>capital to fight anti gun
>laws in our state legislature
>and the courts.
>2. Peruta Vs. San Diego County.
>Filed motions in court to
>assist lawful citizens being able
>to obtain CCW permits. Stopped
>some of the hoops that
>were being thrown in the
>way by county officials.
>3. Parker Vs. CA. filed motions
>in court that struck down
>portions of AB962 that would
>have banned citizens from buying
>ammunition via mail order such
>as Midway. Also would have
>required fingerprinting for ammo purchase.
>4. Fiscal Vs. San Francisco. NRA
>filed lawsuit that struck down
>the city ordnance that banned
>possession of any handgun in
>the city limits.
>5. McKay vs. Orange Co. Sheriff.
>NRA filed motion in court
>to stop the restrictive requirements
>that just about banned any
>law abiding citizen from obtaining
>a CCW from the Sheriff's
>office. This is awaiting a
>decision by the 9th. Circuit
>Court of Appeals.
>6. The NRA joined with the
>Safari Club International and filed
>a motion to stop radical
>environmental groups to force a
>ban of all lead ammunition
>under TCCP nationwide.
>This is just a small portion
>of what the NRA is
>doing in CA. Calguns listed
>a total of 23 actions
>being taken by the NRA
>on behalf of gun owners
>in CA. and nationwide.
> Dude you need
>to pay attention, as many
>of these fights end up
>with the 9th. Circuit court
>of Appeals. The same court
>that your state also comes
>under. If we loose here
>in CA. you also loose
>in Oregon if the decision
>comes down from the 9th.
>Circuit Court of Appeals.
Thanks for that information RELH.
Nemont, frankly I couldn't care less what you belong too that's your choice. But if you think the NRA hasn't effected gun legislation in this country you're sadly mistaken. No it's not being done the way you want it but last I looked, it wasn't hunters winning the fights to preserve what we do. Don't read too much into a financial statement Nemont because many expenses get hidden and lumped into other category's to hide the true expense (as you know).

Contract labor is expensed and deployed by many organizations & companies today in government agencies at no cost to them in many states to help carry the load and do the work associated with legislation and other facets of the business. In addition many bills are actually written by lobbyist's or prepared by law firms that represent them to forward to the congressman for sponsorship and that includes many of the expenses associated with the preparation of the bills. So while you're looking at the expenses maybe you need to take some of that into consideration.

So Nemont I'll ask you a question can you say with 100% certainty that you'd be able to buy any weapon you wanted today without the efforts of the gun lobby stopping the anti gun proponents? If you think the answer to that is yes you need to imagine the Clinton ban followed the Obama ban, Colorado and Connecticut and NY ban with more restrictions along the way.

Once they get the courts to decide in their favor and they have the power to enact change they'll run the table the way they want it to go....Besides if we're protected by the constitution why do they keep trying to change it?

You and I didn't think passing Obamacare without a single GOP vote could happen but it did didn't it.....You may never buy another gun in your life but there are lots of kids that don't own one and can you say the same for them? Support who you want but I'll support the guys that have a history of getting it done and some other good organizations they work with to keep the hounds at bay.
LAST EDITED ON Oct-24-14 AT 06:13PM (MST)[p]Dude you some others on this forum are the perfect example that the anti gunners are winning the fight to "divide and conquer".
I know you don't give a damn, so no need to say it again. As far as I am concerned, you and other gun owners that think like you are the "silent enemy" of every law abiding gun owner in this country.
Every time the anti gunners win a concession, or throw up an illegal gun restriction, I blame you and others like you as much as I blame the liberal anti gunners. You are the silent enemy and will always remain so.

LAST EDITED ON Oct-24-14 AT 08:53PM (MST)[p] DUD. I think Obama said it best when he was upset and admitted the gun lobby was more persuasive in defeating his legislation...... think you know more than he does about who defeated his legislation....I seriously doubt it no matter how hard you try to spin it....

Here we'll let you tear apart the man's own words and explanation since you seem to think you know more..... From NYTIMES

"Standing in the Rose Garden next to former Representative Gabrielle Giffords and other victims of gun violence, Mr. Obama flashed anger as he said that the gun rights lobby had ?willfully lied? about the legislation, and that Republicans and Democrats had ?caved to the pressure.?

?But,? he added, ?this effort is not over.?

For now, the gun rights lobby has proved more persuasive."

The National Rifle Association mobilized members to blanket the Senate with phone calls, e-mails and letters. The group also spent $500,000 on Wednesday alone, on an advertising campaign criticizing ?Obama?s gun ban? and using Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg, a deep-pocketed gun control advocate, as a foil. ?Tell your senator to listen to America?s police instead of listening to Obama and Bloomberg,? the ad said.

Hmm looks like he knew who was the force behind his defeat too bad you're just not man enough to admit it. I guess we'll chalk this one up to the old NRA and it's associates.

This would be the time for you to cover your azz again and crawl back under your rock!
nemont too.....but he calls his congressman...wow.

"As democracy is perfected, the office of the President represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day, the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last and the White House will be occupied by a downright fool and complete narcissistic moron."
- H.L. Mencken, the Baltimore Evening Sun, July 26, 1920
>nemont too.....but he calls his congressman...wow.
>"As democracy is perfected, the office
>of the President represents, more
>and more closely, the inner
>soul of the people.
>On some great and glorious
>day, the plain folks of
>the land will reach their
>heart's desire at last and
>the White House will be
>occupied by a downright fool
>and complete narcissistic moron."
>- H.L. Mencken, the Baltimore
>Evening Sun, July 26, 1920

That is the best you got? you are getting more and more pathetic. You used to be funny
LAST EDITED ON Oct-25-14 AT 01:23AM (MST)[p]Nemont you have to admit he has a valid point on your position with the NRA. I do not have a problem with a gun owner not wanting to be a member of the NRA as long as he contributes in other ways to protect our gun rights. I know many persons that are not members of the NRA for one reason or another, but belong to state firearm groups that fight for our rights. Here in Ca. Calguns is a very good state wide group to belong too. I am a member of both the NRA and Calguns. Calling your Senator or writing him is not good enough. A solo voice carries little weight, many united thousands of voices carries far more weight with our law makers.
The problem we have with you is your vocal anti NRA tirades that may turn people away from joining the NRA based on your anti NRA rants. We should not be divided on this cause. You may feel that the NRA is not a good gun right organization. I know first hand they have helped us greatly here in CA. As the saying, "where CA. goes, the rest of the nation will follow".
The NRA along with Calguns saved us from having certain hunting rifles being registered as assault weapons and forced Gov. Gray Davis to remove those hunting rifles from the assault weapon category that sneaky democrats passed and got him to sign into law not knowing the description included hunting rifles.
If that law had continued you would have seen similar laws in other states that would attempt to ban Remington 740, Browning BAR and several others as assault weapons.
As it now stands in our state, all existing assault rifles have to be registered, can not be resold in CA. Can not be passed on to a family member and upon the death of the registered owner the gun is surrendered to law enforcement, sold to gun dealer, removed from state or destroyed.

I wonder if Dude has any of those firearms and would stand for the state of Oregon to demand the same when he died and deny his wife the right to sell them at a fair retail price or pass them down to a family member.
Oregon has based many of their laws on the CA. Penal Code in the past.
Now the big question is, are you with us or against us. Do you want a divided house on the firearm's issue, or do you want all gun owners united for the common cause?

I have a 742, a BAR and 2 model 100's. not because I want them but because they were my dads. he was left handed so he shot semi autos. I have no use for them but I keep them.

No law has been proposed to take them, just some talk about banning future production. far different. and I will never buy one so who cares.

You're trying to make a lame attempt to shame rational gun owners into supporting your scorched earth policy. it isn't working and time will force the NRA to moderate or be overrun.

Look at the polls, stricter regulations and stronger support for ownership. WTF have I been telling you idiots for years. a national background check will clearly be your first loss. it's going to happen, batchits beware.


I can sit back and eat popcorn while you stress yourselves out. and no amount of your bullchit is going to change that. if the NRA goes back to what it once was I will join up again. if it doesn't, well enjoy.

That wasn't specific Bosgeek, what has Obama taken from you? and what has the NRA prevented him from prying from your hands? I know you're a simple person so a simple answer will suffice. now try again.

Stay thirsty my friends
Have another belt. I believe you asked what did the NRA defeat Obama on......be specific..... I answered you and showed you you're too dumb to play your own game using the Presidents explanation which you can't refute. Obama knows who beat him you're the only fool on this thread that can't see he lost.

You can't eat popcorn when your heads up your azz.....But given the fact you seem to relish the position I'm sure you'll try. You seem to be a little oxygen deprived or alcohol impaired so go crawl back under your rock.....LOL
Okay, so you give up. Well dipchit, they did prevent the confimation of the Sergeon General, so now we don't have one.

For christs sake as little as you get for your money give them credit when they score. everyone knows the SG is where the gun battle begins and ends. I guess.

I will sit back and enjoy watching you struggle. in the company of the 94% of american gun owners who think you're morons. and for that we thank you.

Stay thirsty my friends
>Okay, so you give up. Well
>dipchit, they did prevent the
>confimation of the Sergeon General,
>so now we don't have
>For christs sake as little as
>you get for your money
>give them credit when they
>score. everyone knows the
>SG is where the gun
>battle begins and ends.
>I guess.
>I will sit back and enjoy
>watching you struggle. in
>the company of the 94%
>of american gun owners who
>think you're morons. and
>for that we thank you.
>Stay thirsty my friends
if the NRA irks you so just don't comment about it, just learn to get over it and it doesn't cost you a dime.
What's the fun in that? I like the hate mail.

Besides, it's quite possible as a rational gun owner the NRA does me harm. it's the same as a cattleman like myself accepting Cliven Bundy as my representation to the public. a big no on both accounts.

Stay thirsty my friends
Thank God the NRA weren't smuggling arms to Mexico ,that would mean prison for a few and it would have been Fast and Furious.
Dude has proven by his own statements that he is the enemy of all gun owners as if he was a liberal anti gun hater. I think we should treat him as such and show him our contempt and disdain that we would show Michael Bloomberg or Sara Brady.

See, conservatards need someone to hate.

You have nothing to counter my claims so you just toss crap around. your speed and defense mechanisms are similar to that of the skunk.

Stay thirsty my friends
Dude it is impossible to counter claims made by a ignorant uniformed idiot like you. If the truth was to hit you in the face, you would deny it no matter what.

>Dude it is impossible to counter
>claims made by a ignorant
>uniformed idiot like you. If
>the truth was to hit
>you in the face, you
>would deny it no matter
it would have to hit him in the ass that is where his head is.
Classic response from someone who's struck out.

Thanks for giving 264 some thoughts he was having a tough time of it.

Stay thirsty my friends
DUD I don't see you disproving Obama's statement and admission. Where's your proof to disprove his statement and hundreds of articles supporting it in newspapers across the country. Gun lobby Victory!!!! See it's easy to play your little game isn't it. I think history will prove me right and the fact they changed their tactic to working on outlawing components and ammunition proves it..... No go spin your top.
Do you mean background checks and mental evaluations? Obama approved of new laws on that but it wasn't his doing. I asked for what Obama tried and the NRA stopped.

As for those issues, they will pass just not right now. all polls show overwhelming support even with gun owners. hi cap mag bans will follow. you can hold the majority off for a while but not forever. batchits should buy their guns soon if they don't want problems.

So what are you going to buy?

Stay thirsty my friends
I spent the weekend hunting as it was the MT general rifle opener. I got lots of time behind a spotting scope to think about things and I come down squarely on the side of the 2nd Amendment.

I also still do not believe the NRA is the only reason I have guns and ammo to shoot out of those guns. There is an old saying in politics: crazy never win, but is may prevail on occasion. I view the NRA stance on many issues as crazy and unsustainable over the long haul. When they return to what their core mission is and get away from supporting destructive ATV riding off roadson public lands and being in the Cliven Bundy camp, I will support them again. They are into issues that have zero to do with guns and the 2nd Amendment.

I view their finances just like I view most missionary's sent by churches, they came to do good but end up doing well. They are mostly a money machine to churn dollars so their executives can build bigger homes in the DC beltway. That is my opinion of them.

LAST EDITED ON Oct-27-14 AT 10:45AM (MST)[p]

DUDE,Nice try I see you wanting to split hairs again..... kind of like Obama really didn't write Obamacare did he yet he took credit for it's success....... Since the press called it his defeat and he wasn't skilled enough to get his bill passed it fell on him. If he'd have passed the damn thing he'd have taken credit for it wouldn't he it would have been a KEY BILL passed during his administration....... OOPs nice try

Manchin and others tried do find a workable solution, (good effort on his part) but the gun lobby prevailed didn't they.... Maybe under a different type President not one who's lied so much and is so untrusted.

I guess the old NRA & gun lobby did win didn't they . Crooks and smugglers don't care about following any law... never will... If the death sentence and mandatory prison time doesn't deter them a simple gun bill is only putting lipstick on the pig.

Have a good elk hunt.
Bosgeek that's what's called grasping. and that's how they get your money.

Nemont I agree with you. our elk season starts this WED and I'm going to go enjoy myself with no worries whatsoever. that's for the rambo boys to do.

Stay thirsty my friends
LAST EDITED ON Oct-28-14 AT 09:46AM (MST)[p]When Bill Ruger, Roy Weatherby, Gale McMillan and many other owners of gun companies open their wallets because they know first hand the threat the other side poses, I think they know more than a couple of misinformed chumps who have never worked a single day in the firearms industry. Bill Ruger gave them $1,000,000 in one donation because he saw they were after our guns and knew he needed to support an organization that would support firearm owners in the fight.

Nemont thinks the NRA doesn't spend his money wisely because he feels it's going for big houses on the beltway. Well in some regards he's right but he's also not being too wise because he's not looking at the size of the legal firms and lobbying firms and deep pockets behind them and many of those firms are being funded with tax payer dollars and taxpayer funded legal fees to oppose us on numerous fronts. Then we also have the huge war chest of the anti hunting and anti gun lobby on top of that plus the deep pockets of well heeled guys like Bloomberg wanting to push us around. There's hundreds more homes in Washington and other states of the forces of darkness than there are legal firms supporting gun owners or hunters rights.

All one has to do is look at the wolf mess to gain some insight on how a few people with money did something, when so many that opposed it simply didn't have a voice. Hunters across the west stood there scratching their heads powerless as they used the legal system to promote their anti hunting agenda while the states Fish and Wildlife Agencies had to rely on draining their operational accounts to fund their legal fees. They simply filed legal action after legal action and the states simply didn't have the funding to remain in the game so they had to go to the table to compromise. Then once they got an agreement they drug the states back into court to change things as they saw fit because they had the financial backing and in their minds the righteous cause. They relied on the fact that the states didn't have the funding to keep fighting them to increase the numbers of wolves they were putting on the ground.

I know these guys feel we have the constitution to protect us and in many ways they're right. But where would we be if Ted Cruz hadn't won the Heller decision in court? Where would we be today if the Clinton ban had prevailed? I can tell you I saw documents where the Clintons had their sight's set on many other types of firearms once they knew their ban was in place and law. It was only thru a provision in the law where the numbers didn't support the fact the ban decreased gun crimes that they got it shelved.

Bloomberg, Obama, Clinton, Reid, Pelosi, and the democrats aren't going to stop going after your guns Obama stated as much. So who do you believe? I'd believe the democrats in that they're going to do all they can by whatever means necessary to get some sort of a gun ban enacted and once that's in place they're going to do the same thing they did on the wolf issue.

So where does that leave us?

It leaves us at the point that we better have the best funding and the largest block of voters representing us as possible in order to prevail. Congressmen and senators only oppose their party when you have the power to make them vote OUR way on an issue because they know their jobs on the line. Don't they represent us? Well a strong voice assures us of a better chance to keep things as they are and defeat the next challenge they told us was coming. It's how the game is played in Washington on thousands of issues if we don't have the support we'll wind us losing the fight and while that may cost us a few homes in the beltway nobody on this or any other forum has got an idea and the funding we need to replace the voice we have. United we stand divided we fall has never had a greater meaning it made the Democrats defeat their own party on the last go round and it's the only thing that's going to work in the future. The naysayers can't admit they're wrong but they can't show you another way to defeat the antigun lobby either and that right there is why you need to support the NRA and it's allies. It takes money to fight legal battles and without funding your guns will eventually wind up as a trophy on some anti's wall, just like many an elk wound up in some wolf's belly..
LAST EDITED ON Oct-28-14 AT 10:49AM (MST)[p]Never mind, not worth arguing over. You are entitled to your own opinion but not your own facts. May want to read the brief Ted Cruz wrote and what it says about the future of gun regulations in the several states and what it says about the power of the federal government regarding future regulations.

have a good and good luck.

Nemont do you hold the insurance lobby to the same standard as the NRA? Do you support them? Does their opinions on matters change as things evolve? Remember liberals think the constitution is a living document and subject to change as they see fit and they use case law in other federal and state courts to change things in other states as they go. So since some states have acted unilaterally and circumvented the constitution to change gun laws why do you think they'll stop? It's an ongoing battle not a single skirmish. Who's going to fight the battle at the state level? Johnny six pack is a little tapped out with his insurance deductible and static wages.

I'll tell you what when you come up with a better solution I'll join up and support you AND the NRA until then I'll support the ones that have helped us this far. You think the pro gun lobby & manufacturers haven't spent millions of dollars in court fighting these guys on many other issues in different states you are unaware about?

I get it you don't like the way they're spending their money so who's twisting your arm to join? So why would you oppose a group that has fought to protect your gun right's when it's being done for you free? Seems to me since we know they managed to beat Obama at his own game a wise man would let it happen.......and no matter how hard you try you can't disprove that, because we have the Presidents and the lefts words to show it's fact. No hair splitting is going to ever change that is it..........

The NRA and the progun lobby had the power to make democrats oppose their own party's agenda and you and DUD can't offset that can you........seems like you're crying about being wrong rather than celebrating the fact we stopped them trying to ban our guns.......so forgive me if I'm not too concerned about some dissenters in the ranks.
440, I hope you kill a good bull. I hope your lead bullet gets eaten by a Turkey Vulture and dies, causing the earth's temperature to rise by 2 degrees.


It's written in the good Book that we'll never be asked to take more than we can. Sounds like a good plan, so bring it on!
>440, I hope you kill a
>good bull. I hope your
>lead bullet gets eaten by
>a Turkey Vulture and dies,
>causing the earth's temperature to
>rise by 2 degrees.
Which of course kills 3 polar bears!
Did you read the brief? I will quote directly from what Cruz wrote in the Brief.


Per the Brief

"Reasonable minds can differ about the Second
Amendment's scope?that is, about which government
regulations are permissible. And subsequent cases may
well present difficult questions about where precisely to
draw that line. Those vexing issues are not presented in
this case, however, and are appropriately left to another

"On more difficult questions involving the Amendment's
application?such as registration requirements and
comprehensive regulation?the many amici States may
well part ways."

"Finally, federal laws regulating the import, export,
and transfer of firearms arise from Congress?s power to
?regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the
several States,? and have only an incidental effect on the
Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms. As such,
they would not be subject to heightened scrutiny.
Accordingly, there is no basis for the United States?s
concern that these laws may face invalidation under the
court of appeals?s decision. Indeed, it bears emphasis that
amici States likewise have a strong interest in
maintaining the many state laws prohibiting felons in
possession, restricting machine guns and sawed-off
shotguns, and the like. See Appendix.
But all 31 amici States agree that striking down the
District of Columbia?s categorical ban on all operative
firearms would pose no threat to these reasonable

Cruz clearly states the two questions in the Heller Brief

1. Does the 2nd Amendment grant an individual right?

2. Was the DC ban Constitutional?

That is all his entire brief is arguing and the Court decided he had it right. Good on him.

It is a rather brilliant brief that leaves little doubt regarding the argument that there is an individual right in the 2nd Amendment and total bans as constructed by DC are unconstutional.

The rest of the gun control agenda and other existing and continuing laws were never addressed in his brief and he never argued them before the court. His brief goes on for 70 pages, including the footnotes and references.

Show me where he says reasonable regulations of firearms is illegal or where he defines for the nation what reasonable is.

How much of the Ted Cruz brief did the NRA legal fund help pay for? The answer should be self evident in that Cruz was acting in official capacity as solicitor general in Texas. The NRA money did not fund a single dime of the Cruz brief. We would have had the brief with or without the NRA.

Unless you are suggesting the NRA illegally paid for Cruz to perform his official duties.

So the water isn't heavy for those of us able to read.

LAST EDITED ON Oct-28-14 AT 01:46PM (MST)[p]I view the insurance lobby a lot like I think of the NRA, I wish they would stop trying to help me.

Here is the thing people don't understand, producers and agents are not insurance company employees. We are, usually independent, unless we are captive agents. The insurance lobby works against the interests of agents in many, many ways and no I don't send money to them.

Show me where I cried about anything. I stated the NRA is a fund raising organization that spent ZERO dollars on Ted Cruz's brief on the Heller case. The old NRA of funding shooting ranges, broadening grass root support of the 2nd amendment and funding education programs has turned into Wayne Lappiere's version of Amway, that exists as a multi level marketing machine.

Where the NRA does good I applaud them, the problem is that my reading of it is that their position are going to come back to bite us. That is just an opinion and isn't crying.

Your mileage may vary but if you think you get the most bang for your buck by sending to the NRA have at. People can support the 2nd Amendment and not the NRA just like People can support the 1st Amendment and not the ACLU.

The only people crying is the ones saying that we gun owners shouldn't have a right to call things as we see them and that we all must agree only on the NRA's version of what the debate is about. I don't have to agree with the NRA or the Insurance Lobby or the ACLU or anybody else for that matter.

I bet if we sat around a campfire we agree on more than we disagree on but you are NEVER going to convince that the current leadership of the NRA is good for my long term 2nd Amendment rights or for those of my kids and grand kids. They are too focused on lining their own pockets. Pigs get fat and hogs get slaughtered, the NRA is a hog at the trough.

>AT 01:46?PM (MST)

>I view the insurance lobby
>a lot like I think
>of the NRA, I wish
>they would stop trying to
>help me.
>Here is the thing people don't
>understand, producers and agents are
>not insurance company employees.
>We are, usually independent, unless
>we are captive agents.
> The insurance lobby works
>against the interests of agents
>in many, many ways and
>no I don't send money
>to them.
>Show me where I cried about
>anything. I stated the
>NRA is a fund raising
>organization that spent ZERO dollars
>on Ted Cruz's brief on
>the Heller case. The
>old NRA of funding shooting
>ranges, broadening grass root support
>of the 2nd amendment and
>funding education programs has turned
>into Wayne Lappiere's version
>of Amway, that exists as
>a multi level marketing machine.
>Where the NRA does good I
>applaud them, the problem is
>that my reading of it
>is that their position are
>going to come back to
>bite us. That is
>just an opinion and isn't
>Your mileage may vary but if
>you think you get the
>most bang for your buck
>by sending to the NRA
>have at. People can
>support the 2nd Amendment and
>not the NRA just like
>People can support the 1st
>Amendment and not the ACLU.
>The only people crying is the
>ones saying that we gun
>owners shouldn't have a right
>to call things as we
>see them and that we
>all must agree only on
>the NRA's version of what
>the debate is about.
> I don't have to
>agree with the NRA or
>the Insurance Lobby or the
>ACLU or anybody else for
>that matter.
>I bet if we sat around
>a campfire we agree on
>more than we disagree on
>but you are NEVER going
>to convince that the current
>leadership of the NRA is
>good for my long term
>2nd Amendment rights or for
>those of my kids and
>grand kids. They are
>too focused on lining their
>own pockets. Pigs get
>fat and hogs get slaughtered,
> the NRA is a
>hog at the trough.

So what gun organizations are u donating too? What else are u doing to protect the 2nd amendment? Maybe the rest of us would kick in!
He's got an issue because his postal carrier is a member of this forum and has been throwing out his mail from the NRA to make him happy,..... he's still waiting on his new knife......:)
....back to the original post....the NRA did exactly what dude and nemont say they want them to do....They put their support behind someone solely on their gun rights voting record regardless of any other political view points.....

"As democracy is perfected, the office of the President represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day, the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last and the White House will be occupied by a downright fool and complete narcissistic moron."
- H.L. Mencken, the Baltimore Evening Sun, July 26, 1920
>....back to the original post....the NRA
>did exactly what dude and
>nemont say they want them
>to do....They put their support
>behind someone solely on their
>gun rights voting record regardless
>of any other political view

That isn't what I said I wanted, 440 can speak for himself. I said I want the NRA to return to just the 2nd Amendment as their client. I never mentioned politics.

Obviously the OP isn't a single issue voter who doesn't approve of the NRA endorsement of a democrat who I suspect the OP has other issues he disagree with.

Why not ask the OP why the political party matters if the NRA endorses a candidate? Aren't we all supposed agree with the NRA regardless of other issues? That is what I am told, we have to agree with what ever the NRA does otherwise we are not worthy gun owners and not American enough for most of these chicken hawks.

believe me nemont....I understand what you are saying. If I lived in eastern Montana...hell, anywhere in Montana I'd prolly be more relaxed about the future....I live in California where I live and see it everyday. California legislators have no problem passing unconstitutional laws....and the lawsuits against them are largely brought and supported by the NRA.

I rarely know if I am breaking a gun law here or not....I'm sure I am most the time.

"As democracy is perfected, the office of the President represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day, the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last and the White House will be occupied by a downright fool and complete narcissistic moron."
- H.L. Mencken, the Baltimore Evening Sun, July 26, 1920
LAST EDITED ON Oct-28-14 AT 08:09PM (MST)[p]Nemont? Again? Check my last, just curious you got a handle on it im with ya. But if yer just doin the usual waa waaaaa waa, it can't b done, go blow it out yer arss! Get behind the NRA!

You would love living in Cuba or Syria or with ISIS where people are not free to do as they wish with their money, time and talent without having to answer for it. It is none of your business what I give to but since you seem to think I am some how less of an American because I don't worship at the altar of the NRA:

Most of what I earmark for things I believe in goes to conservation, the money I give to pro gun support usually goes to candidates I support and they are all pro gun. When I give to any single organization in regards to the 2nd Amendment, I give directly to the 2nd Amendment Foundation. They have more wins in court cases in support of gun rights and the 2nd Amendment than the NRA/ILA has in the past 10 years and they don't require $250 million plus a year to do it. The 2nd Amendment Foundation raised about $4.1 million and out performed the NRA in court. Do the math on that one and every dollar one donates to that foundation rather than to the NRA means much, much more in terms of impact, efficiency and wins in court.

So go cry me a river of how the NRA is the only reason we have guns and ammo. They are a multi level marketing organization who uses guns to fund the growth of their empire.

What I was lookin 4 nemont! Rather that chitting on yer neighbors house, talk yours up! Call me ignorant (been called worse here) but I'd never heard of the second amendment foundation, and after a quick search I'm interested and will look at donating as I like what I see so far. Any other info on em that would sway me more? I'll still give to the nra cause I think they have a place.

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