What you think on this bull?


Founder Since 1999
What do you elk experts think this bull scores? I saw a bunch of bulls on my last scouting trip and it sure gets me to wanting a Wyoming elk tag. I've never hunted them up there.


Brian Latturner
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I think this bull when through growing will be around 330. His 3rds are pretty good compared to his 4th and small 5ths. Nice general season bull.
For that region.. that will be a shooter bull every day of the season. I would bet he finishes 320-330ish possibly, which is a great bull for down there.
If this video was taken recently he doesn't have a lot more growth in him . I'll guess he finishes out 310-320 . Sure is pretty . 51 days left for me?
Nice bull! I would agree with the above few score estimates. Score, smore though,I'd be thrilled to hang my WY tag on him.
IMO he will top that 320 mark by a few inches.

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LAST EDITED ON Jul-12-17 AT 04:34PM (MST)[p]The 310-320 guys are spot on. For that tag shooter all day.when he's finished of course.
320 give or take 5". Beautiful bull and a shooter on most LE tags. General tag 100% worth tagging!

"You sure you know how to skin grizz,
310-320 depending on the stage of growth, a little weak on beam length. But I am unfamiliar with wyoming, as far as general Utah, shooter for sure!

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