What's with the bad attitude??

Hey guys long time reader first time poster. I never thought I'd ever join a hunting forum let alone be making a post on one. I really enjoy reading internet forums. From cars in trucks to parenting to astronomy. I like a wide range of forums not just hunting. The reason that has brought me to finally join a hunting forum is to ask a serious question to my fellow hunters.

Why is it out of the 30 or so forums I frequently visit hunting forums have got to be some of the rudest forums out there. I have to admit any forum sports related can get pretty bad but that should be expected because it's a forum about competition so naturally there's going to be some heated arguments on a sports forum.

Why do hunters have such bad attitudes when it comes to online forums? Majority of the hunters I know are good people so why is it that when you stick some hunters in front of a keyboard they turn into inconsiderate rude people?
Because they have small penis'? IDK but I've often wondered the same myself. I to follow additional forums, more specifically fishing forums and I don't see near the hostilities there either as I do in the hunting forums.

"Courage is being scared to death but saddling
up anyway."
Because every one thinks that people are trying to steal there spots and blah blah Bs. I personally hunt the most pack unit in Idaho and I spend hours upon hours in the field and some years it shows some years it don't. Some don't understand that some people do there time in the field and just ask questions. While there are some that really don't do a thing and just expect people to lead them to it. Just my thought.
I think hunting is one of the most argumentive groups out there. There are so many different ways we were brought into hunting, beliefs on what is ethical, beliefs on what is right, etc... It is almost a religion type level of belief at every point on the spectrum. It is hard to change someones mind or even understand someone when things are thought of in such a way.

In football there are only so many ways to get a first down, in hunting there are hundreds if not thousands of possibilities in simply just what caliber/bullet weight and type alone. You still have hunting style, location, clothing, time, time of year, weather, distance, how to get there and multiple other details...

By the way welcome.

"Hunting is where you prove yourself"
>Hey guys long time reader first
>time poster. I never
>thought I'd ever join a
>hunting forum let alone be
>making a post on one.
> I really enjoy reading
>internet forums. From cars
>in trucks to parenting to
>astronomy. I like a wide
>range of forums not just
>hunting. The reason that
>has brought me to finally
>join a hunting forum is
>to ask a serious question
>to my fellow hunters.
>Why is it out of the
>30 or so forums I
>frequently visit hunting forums have
>got to be some of
>the rudest forums out there.
> I have to admit
>any forum sports related can
>get pretty bad but that
>should be expected because it's
>a forum about competition so
>naturally there's going to be
>some heated arguments on a
>sports forum.
>Why do hunters have such bad
>attitudes when it comes to
>online forums? Majority of
>the hunters I know are
>good people so why is
>it that when you stick
>some hunters in front of
>a keyboard they turn into
>inconsiderate rude people?


For GAWDS Sakes Guys,We Got Kids on this Site,Some of them are 65 years Old!:D

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!
A person can be passionate about something without being rude about it. Take birding forums for example that group of people are extremely passionate about birding but they don't people bashing each other on ever other post.

I've been reading the MM forum for over 5 years now and I can't believe some of the things posted here. It's not only this site but pretty much all hunting site. I don't know what it is but hunting sites are really bad when it comes to rude uncalled for behavior. Just read a couple of the post already made and you'll see what I'm talking about.
Well Guns_Buns_N_Beers!

I doubt you'd like Busheler/Big stick!

For GAWDS Sakes Guys,We Got Kids on this Site,Some of them are 65 years Old!:D

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!
Its because I am one of the best hunters in Utah and I'll be damned if someone is gonna tell me that I do something wrong etc. There is one way to hit a baseball, few ways to throw afoot ball but so many ways to kill an animal. Naturally there will be fights. And the fact that others are inferior to me makes them want to fight.

It was a big bodied 2 point.
Why is a post like this from a first time poster even allowed,hes starting the exact thing he is crying about.....HYPOCRITE
>Its because I am one of
>the best hunters in Utah
>and I'll be damned if
>someone is gonna tell me
>that I do something wrong
>etc. There is one way
>to hit a baseball, few
>ways to throw afoot ball
>but so many ways to
>kill an animal. Naturally there
>will be fights. And the
>fact that others are inferior
>to me makes them want
>to fight.
LOL...very well said

great post/pic, thanks for sharing

Well Guns, out of the 30 you visit, those porn sites really aren't interactive and they are always telling you things you want to hear, the dating sites are all full of love and, well you know, same as the porn sites, so the hunting sites are all that's left with an oppinion. Sports sites are full of armchair quarterbacks with most, like Rick Rielly, never playing a sport in their life. I guess it's pretty easy to see why this one gets a little heated at times. All kidding aside though, personally I have met some of the best hunters and people I know on this site. I have had chances to take part in runs for cancer with MMers that I had never met, chances to hunt with MMers for the first time that I had never met, run into a few on the mountain, talked with many at hunting shows, had the chance to help out a few with information, and I have had several help me out with information. As YD said, this site can be a very informative site. I think most on this site share a passion for hunting like no other. And there are as many varied oppinions as there are members here. I also think that there are very few that can portray their true feelings in writing. I know from personal experience that the people that I have had major differences with are generally good people and when it comes right down to the nuts and bolts, our ideas are not that different. I also have also met people on here that I consider friends, and we have drastic differences in oppinions but we are civil and agree to disagree.

I would bet that the vast majority of problems you see on the internet are completely based on a lack of maturity. I would bet that just about every person that calls somebody out on the internet is under the age of 30. JMO

It's always an adventure!!!
Simple really.

I can appreciate your choice of rifle.
I can appreciate your choice of camo.
I can appreciate.......etc, etc, etc.

What I cannot appreciate is your dictating YOUR ethical standards, YOUR morals and whatever else that I don't do to meet YOUR standards. At that point, you become a huge Richard head and the fur flys!

We have a bunch of "better than thou" people on here......mostly because more Mormons hunt than play golf?

"whackin' a surly bartender ain't much of a crime"
>Hey guys long time reader first
>time poster. I never
>thought I'd ever join a
>hunting forum let alone be
>making a post on one.
> I really enjoy reading
>internet forums. From cars
>in trucks to parenting to
>astronomy. I like a wide
>range of forums not just
>hunting. The reason that
>has brought me to finally
>join a hunting forum is
>to ask a serious question
>to my fellow hunters.
>Why is it out of the
>30 or so forums I
>frequently visit hunting forums have
>got to be some of
>the rudest forums out there.
> I have to admit
>any forum sports related can
>get pretty bad but that
>should be expected because it's
>a forum about competition so
>naturally there's going to be
>some heated arguments on a
>sports forum.
>Why do hunters have such bad
>attitudes when it comes to
>online forums? Majority of
>the hunters I know are
>good people so why is
>it that when you stick
>some hunters in front of
>a keyboard they turn into
>inconsiderate rude people?

LAST EDITED ON May-07-11 AT 09:42PM (MST)[p]Its all relative,

You are dealing with a very large group of people whose primary or secondary goal is to kill something.
Rude is at least 3 levels below killing so it has got to be socially acceptable in this context.
Easy nickman!

That is "JACK Mormon"!:D

For GAWDS Sakes Guys,We Got Kids on this Site,Some of them are 65 years Old!:D

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!
Because people like Nickman bring religion into it for no reason.

Because most people can dish it out but they can't take it.

Because it's a way to show off to someone you don't really know.

Because people who have two-points in the back of thier trucks need a place to feel better.

Because when you are at a gas station in the fall and there is a big rack in the back of the truck you go over to look at it and try to find out where it was shot in hopes of there being a twin to the dead animal still standing on the same hillside after the people shot it, took pictures, cut it up, and drove a 4-wheeler to it....when you really know the place they are telling you is a good 75 miles as the crow flies from the actual kill site...and you both still know there is no way they are really going to tell you anyway.

Because most fishing is catch and release.

Because everyone who hunts should really hate what the wolves have done whether or not you like wolves and you really shouldn't like them at all.

Because half of us can write and spell, and it's funny to us so we tease those who can't.

That's why I think people are mean. I like this site most of all because I love to see how mad Bessy and Nonya get and how they try to express themselves through words that most people take out of context and I think it's funny. I also like the pictures of big deer and stuff, and the gear reviews. : )

"That's a special feeling, Lloyd"
Hey Stu!

You've never seen me mad yet!:D

For GAWDS Sakes Guys,We Got Kids on this Site,Some of them are 65 years Old!:D

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!
Well bud, there are A LOT of good guys on here that are willing to help out guys that need it because they understand that our hobby and passion needs people to stick together, appreciative of just being out and enjoying the freedom we have to hunt and enjoy the outdoors, and are truly good people. Then there are the few jack off butt plugs that think that they are societies god sent gift of being the one and only "master hunter" that by god, if it is not my way of doing it, you are a worthless wanna be POS. And then there are the others that if you want to ask for any help or advise then by god, I don't care if you are handicap or what your excuse is, I am better than though and the only way you can get your awnser is by your own two legs and arms by yourself and quit being a mooch, asking for "top secret, if I tell you, I will have to kill you" dousche ass type of guy. All three types meet here and try to hash out thier different ways of thinking. Seems to me that YOU might fit into the first group, thank you!
Forgot the other two groups. The "You spike elk or cow elk hunt? You worthess elk herd destroying SOB!!" that absolutley despise the people enjoying the 90% of elk hunting that Utah has to offer and getting his family out there trying to instill the values and traditions of our heritage in his young son or daughter type people. Second,"You use an ATV to drive around on the trails legaly with your kids, family or because you may have a dissability?" type of guys that even though they might "should by all acounts" be leaving the pristine remote areas alone for me and the few other deticated hunters alone that think all people that even have a registerd ATV are fat slobbering tards that have no business hunting or being outdoors. So Imagine if you came on here being a family man that enjoys taking his family and young sons and daughters out on an a spike elk or cow elk hunt, using a ATV on a designated trail what kind of liability he is running on here? Pretty scarry to think about bud.
You're Wrong utahbigbull!

Even though there are Hunters/Sportsmen/Sportswomen that HATE ATV's!

Most are OK with them in Legal Areas/Units when used properly & Ethically!

Don't get me started on the other Bunch that have Absolutely NO RESPECT for other Sportsmen & Laws!

For GAWDS Sakes Guys,We Got Kids on this Site,Some of them are 65 years Old!:D

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!
Because more than any other portion of society I think hunters are the best at saying what they think. I wouldn't have it any other way. I've had disagreements with alot of guys on here but I would drop everything to hunt with any one of them. MM is almost like a society within a society. You've got your left and right of center and opinions of all sorts on all subjects. Above and beyond all though, we are hunters. I've had a few disagreements with Nickman and Whiskyman but.... I know for a fact if I was going to their neck of the woods and needed help, they'd be there. If got my truck stuck and needed help, any one of these guys here would help me out. I have no question in my mind about that. So no, we as a group aren't the most articulate or diplomatic, but the flip side of that is brutal honesty and I would rather have my feelings hurt for a mintue than wonder what someone really thinks.

"The deadliest weapon in the world is a Marine and his rifle." General John J. "Black Jack" Pershing, US Army
"Most men go through life wondering if they made a difference, Marines don't have that problem." President Ronald Regan
I agree B-BOP, there is no tollerance needed for the people who misuse them and destroy land taking them where the are not allowed and should be strung up by the gahones for doing so. There are way too many people who do use them illegally and hate every one of them for it! I have read a lot of stuff that tends to bash people for even thinking of using one is my point. I am a dedicated hunter that when I am on my own, I may use one to get from canyon to canyon but nothing beats boot leather IMO. But, when I have my kids with and like trying to take my daughter (7) out this year in the field for the first time, guarantee, I am hoping to draw one of those damn cow tags and using the wheeler to get from trail head to trail head. I am going to be smiling the whole time being enjoyed with my daughter and hope my honey hole produces another cow like it was able to two years ago when I got my oldest son (now 10) out for the first time. I will gladly kill another cow elk to have the same experience I did with my first son and now with my daughter? Wont even blink at putting in for a chance to give her the same thing.
shotgun1...LOL...probably a fair amount of truth in that!!

Things can definitely get heated around MM or the other hunting forums, but if you wanna see some real hostility spend a little time on golf forums...haha...WOW.
I think we at times just get sick and tired of each others BS. I like it that, for the most part, we can fully express our frustrations when calling out or having been called out by someone.

Generally speaking, most every pissing match i've been involved in here in these pages has been peacefully resolved, eventually, with few or no further interruptions or hard feelings. Nothing like a good argument or insult slinging contest to liven this place up. Some guys thrive on them... "popcorn here, hey, get your popcorn here" :)

I like the way it is here. Otherwise, i'd be there! :) Chance are good that if a guy is overly rude, he'll get told about it!

LAST EDITED ON May-09-11 AT 06:33AM (MST)[p]Mountain bikers are worse than MM'rs. www.mtbr.com

The 24 hourcampfire hunting site takes the cake for rudeness though. It's like having two dozen Manny's and three dozen Stinkpots.
people who seriously get offended are way too thin skinned . go get a binky and your silk lined blanky and go get on the sofa and lie in the fetal position.... god i would like to think at least us hunters still have some ba**s !
Just to clear things up a bit because I think a few of you misinterpreted my post. The question was NOT geared towards just Monster Muleys and it's members but to all hunting forums in general. I like all the hunting forums out there and feel they all have some great people and info on them but after reading the post already made on this thread it has only re assured my opinion about the overall attitude and conduct on today's hunting forums. I can't understand how some people feel that disrespecting others is how a grown man should act. It's not hard to be disrespectful towards others especially over the internet. This kind of behavior is the exact opposite of how a grown man should act and is childish at best. It takes a real man to respect his fellow man even when their opinions differ.

Hunters as a group are misunderstood by a lot of the non-hunting people in the general public. I would think as hunters we would want to set a better example of ourselves for the public to see otherwise we are just causing more misconceptions for the non-hunting community to feed on. I take pride in being a hunter and cherish the right to do so. There has been a lot of blood sweat and tears given so we can have the right to hunt today and in the future. I thank and respect all the great people before me for all their hard work to insure the right to hunt. To blatantly disrespect a fellow hunter on a public hunting forum is a disrespect to hunting community and what we stand for. I guess not all hunters think of hunting the way I do.

I'm pretty sure I just answered my own question as to why there is such a bad attitude on today's hunting forums. It all boils down to respect. Some have it others don't. If you happen to be one of those who don't have respect do us all a favor and use the PM system when you feel the need to display your lack of respect and stop publicly setting a bad example for the rest of us the hunting community.
I think you have to go into hunting forums without any pre-conceived illusions of what your experience is going to be. Anyone who has been a long time reader of MM knows that there will be plenty of back and forth on most topics that get posted. There are some members on here that will always give a sarcastic reply. It is just who they are as far as a forum presence is concerned. Other members will show their ignorance and come off as just plain rude and disrespectful. As a poster each individual has full control of what they choose to reply to. If one is offended don't reply.

I lingered around MM as a reader for a long time before I chose to post. I typically don't get into the back and forth. It's not what I came on here for. What I did find is an opportunity to share some of my personal hunting experiences. Many comments are congratulatory and well received. I would have been skunked last year on a good rifle elk tag if it weren't for a very classy MM member that went out of his way to help a fellow hunter out. We had never met out side of a few PM's on here. He had no obligation to spend gas money to drive out and help me learn about a good rutting ground. The elk I took made me happy. It wasn't what I expected for the unit, but it was an awesome experience. One that would have been less without the help of an MM'er.

I feel that if you use the site correctly you can get out of it whatever your looking for, be it enterainment, a venue to share your accomplishments with several who appreceiate them, or if its your thing, a venue to razz others. It's all what you choose to take away from the time spent on here. I for one am glad to participate in it.
HAHAHAHA. I dont know what happened here, but this guy is great. Did you ever have friends growing up that you could just be an ass with? talk crap too? or just be rude to them for fun? We do it constantly in life and i watch it happen all the time here. I dont know of a person in my life that cant talk sh!t and take it too. And they are all grown men. I would hate to live in a world where everyone wears kid gloves.

You sound like a very sensitive man who needs to be around sensitive people. Enjoy your gardening forum. If you want fun and entertainment come on back to MM.
I can understand the point of the author. There are times when some of us are rude. I think at times it goes beyond razzing someone. I think 99.9% of the guys that mouth off would never do so right to someones face. I do have issues with that as well. I stand by my own rule, if I wouldn't say it to your face, I won't say it here. I think we should all adopt that rule but hey, its a free country.

To the Author:

I think if you were to spend enough time here or on other sites and let people get to know you, you will find that most of us are great people. Theres always going to be a few ding dongs that feel they need to mouth off as well as guys that are just razzing. I know and admit that I can be quite a butthead at times. I think you will find more often than not, its just a bunch of grown kids hanging around here till hunting season, having a little fun. This is the time of year when guys have cabin fever, they know they have or don't have a tag in the mail. They are ready to get out and start scouting. We're antsy, bored and ready to rock. We talk more smack when we're antsy!

"The deadliest weapon in the world is a Marine and his rifle." General John J. "Black Jack" Pershing, US Army
"Most men go through life wondering if they made a difference, Marines don't have that problem." President Ronald Regan

Thanks for your post. Your second post about respect was very well put, and I agree that a general lack of respect is a huge issue not only on this site but in our society in general. I personally agree with you and try to be respectful in my posts.

I do however appreciate the freedom this site gives to its users. I believe there is a trade off. I also use other sites, and many of them do not allow as much freedom as this one. Although they may be more sanitary, in the process they tend to weed out passionate, politically incorrect opinions.

I work in a very politically correct sector. I find the site refreshing because, although it comes with a price, most of the political correctness is left at the door. People are free to express their opinions very openly- even if at times distastefully. Although I do find some of the posts offensive, it is actually less offensive to me than being handled with kid gloves to my face and being stabbed in the back later.

Their is an old quote I quite like. "I would much rather associate with someone who is passionately wrong than someone who is lukewarm."

In the end, I think the site is the way it is because people are passionate about hunting, and when your truly passionate about something you're not willing to just say "whatever" and drop it.
Well, I am most certainly guilty of stirring the chit on this site.....whenever an opportunity presents itself. I am a MAJOR azz....It is my job. Have I been wrong? Hell yes!....many times and probably will be again...soon. Sue me!

I usually don't get too bad, until someone chooses to apply their own set of morals, ethics and self righteous attitude to the rest of us. I just don't care to be preached to and then degraded when I disagree. They can do that at church.....not here.

We all have the right to go to Heaven or Hell, in whatever way we choose.

The other big thing that fires me up is lack of humor. Just because you may laugh at something, dosen't necessarily mean that you are insensitive or bigoted....some things are FUNNY, politically, morally or ethically correct, or not. Get over it!

The bottom line is....for me....You have a right to your opinion and I will respect your right to present it, but you have to respect my right to reject your opinion, in favor of my own. It only means that we agree to disagree.....like in the real world.

A ton of the friction could be avoided if people prefaced their post with the words; "In my opinion...." That allows others to know that it is how YOU feel and not an insult to someone who feels differently.

"whackin' a surly bartender ain't much of a crime"
Well I don't post much but do AGREE with every ones opinion, right or wrong. After that I do agree with Shotgun1 in allot of ways and Nickman too. I have had allot of help from MM in giving me general areas plus specifics etc etc. I'd say 85% of the members here have been a GREAT help to me and I want to say thank you because of their help to me as a NR to their states. There are always going to be a few who want to spoil the pie, but I think allot of apples have to peeled!! Most are good and throw the rest away.
You must be a preacher huh?

Oops, sorry, was that disrespectful? :)

Don't be so uptight. Get a sense of humor and join in. If a grown man can't act a little childish, what fun is life?

Just like most on here I've had my fair share of "disagreements" but I'd help anybody on here if needed.
Not apposed to joking around and having fun at all. For me to go on a hunting forum and ask everyone to stop fooling around and to be more serious would be like me going on a KKK site and telling them to get the black folks a chance they're good people too. Ain't gonna happen. We can joke around and have a good time without being down right disrespectfully to each other. I have to admit the post made by Foreman4x4 made me laugh a bit. That was a good one.

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