Who is going sheep hunting?


Long Time Member
Despite my great odds, I just received the official no sheep for you notice. So who are the happy recipients of my tag?
JK. Good luck to you all.
It really isn't officially over till the AZ sheep Nazi sends you the "No tag for you" notice :)

I'm riding my bike and hiking more... shooting more... studying maps... Drinking less beer, don't need to with a TAG!
LBH, i really had a feeling you were golden this yr....BUT when they cut the tag #'s it sealed your UN for the year

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A friend of mine drew the nine mile tag. I hunted the rattlesnake unit last year with my dad. Cant wait to get back down there and try the other side of the river. We seen a lot of good rams in both units.
My son didn't get your tag and I'm pretty sure he tried to take it.

I'm still pretty pumped about my Mrs' mtn goat tag. It should be fun... tough but fun. She's even excited, sort of.

I don't know a soul who drew a Ut sheep tag this year...yet.
He didn't apply on the DD. It was Potash or something like that?

My cousin will attempt to BH sheep hunt again this year if his wife's health doesn't prevent him from going.

LAST EDITED ON May-31-12 AT 08:31PM (MST)[p]Zeke,
You crack me up! And I do hope your cousin can get out this year.

Actually Russ I heard about the troubles in the DD and switched to the Zion. You killed your ram when that unit was prime, but apparently it is experiencing some die off now so that is why the one permit.

Tell us more L84hills! that is almost too much luck!

And let's hear it from the rest of you. Who drew desert or Rocky permits in Utah?
I already know Elmer is head long into training for his Wyoming hunt!
Please share the love. I'm not feeling it from my email!
I'll be hunting the daunting Idaho Middle Fork 20-a unit for a Rocky Mountain bighorn...

No road access, and tough as then come. Should be a great hunt.
>I'll be hunting the daunting Idaho
>Middle Fork 20-a unit for
>a Rocky Mountain bighorn...
>No road access, and tough as
>then come. Should be
>a great hunt.

Great tag. High success last year. I talked to a guy that hunted there and killed a nice ram! I knew with the high success last year the odds were going to get worse this year, which they did. Good job on drawing!
I'm going to give the sheep a break this year, unless Arizona, Montana or Oregon tell me otherwise...I quess I'll have to be content with my Colorado Mountain Goat Tag! That should keep my boot leather broke in untill next year!

For everyone else, good luck and much success in chasing those Rams this Fall!

>I drew an Idaho tag.

Cali or Rocky Mr Brymoore? Congrats either way!

Good luck KP on your goat hunt! They are excellent mountain game and I can't wait to hit the Uintas with my wife!

>>I drew an Idaho tag.
>Cali or Rocky Mr Brymoore? Congrats
>either way!
>Good luck KP on your goat
>hunt! They are excellent mountain
>game and I can't wait
>to hit the Uintas with
>my wife!

Middle Fork Rocky.
I am going on a 2 week stone sheep hunt and if I dont succeed there I will hunting Rocky Mountain Bighorns close to home on the weekends for the fall.

I feel for you guys that have to draw tags to hunt sheep.

Thanks for rubbing salt in the wound Mr BHB! At least we have Obama. LOL
Have a good hunt either way man.
You better get off the highway if you want to get a stone.LOL. Likewise with the bighorn. BHB
I am sad for ya Rick.....

Happy for your Mrs. ~~ Zeke!

Simply beautiful country you 2 'young-un's' will be chasing Mnt. Goats with in.

LAST EDITED ON Jun-01-12 AT 06:35PM (MST)[p]The mountain behind work is getting brutal at lunch now that 100F+ temps are the norm. It's going to be long stinky afternoons this summer for my office mates this summer... :) Only about 1000' vertical gain, but getting er' done on lunch requires pushing hard... Coming back drenched in sweat... Relishing the break days in the air conditioned gym. Rule is I have to do one or the other and the mountain no less than every other day... No excuses! At least I can go for early hikes on the weekends :)

I haven't made up my mind what to do with my CO muzz buck tag.. Hunt WY a week see how it goes... Send it back now to uncomplicate things...... I have a month of leave. A few draws left, just in for the stuff that would be worth the stress...
I drew the non resident ewe tag in unit 32 in Colorado. I am going to try and take one with my bow. Hopefully what I learn about the unit will help me next year when I draw the ram tag!:)
Utah West Kaiparowits desert bighorn. I've been on the unit but would enjoy talking with anyone that has actually hunted or helped out on the unit during a hunt.
Congrads Bluegoat, i have some knowledge of the unit, i will P.M you some details

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1. Express an opinion
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Congrats BlueGoat!
That should be a great hunt. How many points did you have?
I know a guy that hunted it last year. PM me if you want his contact information.
LAST EDITED ON Jun-06-12 AT 05:42AM (MST)[p]I was lucky enough to draw out on the Escalante Desert Bighorn Sheep tag. I am stoked. Never thought that I would hunt bighorn sheep, and so I have no idea what i'm doing. However I will give it one heck of a try. Not much to lose, first time ever putting in and I hit it....Sorry guys, however I will gladly take any pointers that you guys may have about the hunt and area.
Congrats on the Escalante tag. It's a tough hunt in some awesome country. I hunted the area in 2008. My best advice to you is to hire a guide, preferably Randy Johnson if he's not already booked up. No one knows that unit better then him. PM me if you have any questions.
+1 to sheepfever

Congrats to all the tag holders!

There are several Utah sheep unit in which I'd feel "comfortable" but the Escalante is NOT one of them. I've also heard the stories of other's hunts and they describe a place where peril is the byword.

Good luck to all and have the time of your lives. It sounds like a bunch of you will have memorable hunts this Fall.

Didn't draw yet(come on AZ!) but am going to BC for an archery stone sheep hunt. Good luck to all the lucky tag holders.
Yea I have heard that is a very tough hunt on the Escalante, but I grew up and have spent some time in the area so I know what it will be like as far as location. Just like all of us this is my first sheep tag and it has me nerved up. I have some great friends that are pitching in and my dad is my #1 guide. No extra ca$h for guides so that's out the window. I'll be ok. I have 35 days off during the hunt with 2 2week runs in that. Thanks guys.
Great looking ram there Brad. Is that an Escalante ram?
Also Bambi, you North country boys sure know how to rub it in! No OTC tags down this way.
Anyway, congratulations to you lucky ones, and since the majority of us are left out, how about at least keeping us up on your adventures!
no they are not escalante rams. they are west Kaparowitzs rams. I was responding to bluegoat. they are from 2010 and 2011 and score 160 and 166 respectively. Do you wanna see the best 3 escalante rams from the last 15 years? UFAWS are dickwads lately and only publish pics from their buddies and not the larger sheep hunting community.

Thanks for the photos. Great sheep !! If the question was asked to me if I would like to see the three best sheep of Escalante, then my answer is obviously YES.
Hey Trammer,
I was there, hunting the unit, when your daughter killed her Utah ram. I went to your camp with my btother and met you, your wife and daughter there too. She took a sweet ram in 2000 (with a 260 Rem, as I recall).
PS: I've played your video about 1000x and still get a buzz out of it. I love the music too.
LAST EDITED ON Jun-12-12 AT 11:00AM (MST)[p]http://www.monstermuleys.info/photos/user_photos/5531scannedimage032.jpeg
Drew Utah Baretop 3 corners for sheep. Just spent the last week scouting it and would love to talk with anyone who has hunted this unit in the past.
Congrats Lucky! I know a guy who hunted it in 04, but that was a long time ago. Also, I think maybe Mrs "Pleasedear" may have hunted it a few years ago as well. PM me if you want the 04 info, and/or PM Pleasedear and I am sure he would be glad to help.
Since you appear to be new to this sight, a PM is a personal message. Look up at the top to access it (in case you don't know how).
Your MM handle is spot on. You are lucky in 2012.
Good luck! Sheep hunting is a wild ride.
It looks as if I am going on a sheep hunt after all! I will not be pulling the trigger, but as it turns out the lucky hunter who drew the tag I had last year has invited me go with him to help him out. I hope we find the big ram I was looking for but didn't, I know he' still out there somewhere! SHEEP HUNTING, you gotta love it!
I am begging anyone with a tag to invite me, just to get in sheep country again. Zeke is leaving for the NWT with his daughter, in a couple of weeks and he best check his luggage to be sure I haven't hitched a ride!
I hope it works out that you can tag along tchoate!
Unfortunately no Northern hunts for me. My only tag is for general UT deer and my archery "honey hole" is full of smoke!
>Unfortunately no Northern hunts for me.
> My only tag is
>for general UT deer and
>my archery "honey hole" is
>full of smoke!

Littlebighorn, I drew a great tag in tough country in Central Idaho...if you are serious drop me a PM, I'd love to have another sheep nut with me and the wife. We've killed our share of rams, but this hunt needs all the eyes we can get.

Let me know, I'll get you more details.

Guys I drew 20-a south of the main salmon, and just west of the middle fork. One of two tags.

I'll be scouting all of next week with the wife, hope to lay eyes on at least one decent ram.

Hunt starts Aug 30th. and runs through Oct. 13th.
Your hunt falls right in the middle of my "work wheelhouse" so I can't get off to help, but hopefully someone on here knows of a sheep nut in that area interested in helping you spot.
How about it guys? Let's find broomd some extra eyes for this special opportunity!
>Guys I drew 20-a south of
>the main salmon, and just
>west of the middle fork.
>One of two tags.
>I'll be scouting all of next
>week with the wife, hope
>to lay eyes on at
>least one decent ram.
>Hunt starts Aug 30th. and runs
>through Oct. 13th.

Good luck on your scouting trip, I'm headed in to the other side of the river in couple weeks to see if I can locate a ram or two!

Are you across the main river or middle fork?
Hopefully the middle fork.
I can glass your east side of the MF Salmon river if you drew 27 and I can snap some pics. Would save you from rafting to my side of the river to glass your crags.

I'd really appreciate a look on my side from your angle as well...


Here's the middle fork...My unit is the left side.


Yes I will be on the east side of MF. Bighorn Crags. I will be directly across the MF from you. I will keep you posted if I see anything on your side!

>Are you across the main river
>or middle fork?
>Hopefully the middle fork.
>I can glass your east side
>of the MF Salmon river
>if you drew 27 and
>I can snap some pics.
> Would save you from
>rafting to my side of
>the river to glass your

broomd, I have the goat tag in 27! Keep an eye out for me!

I've got 27-5 which is up by Indian Creek, Pistol Creek, and the Rapid River.
Don't see a 27-5 even listed as a sheep hut, Whup. It's a goat hunt.
Indian creek is east of shepp ranch on the main salmon and that is 20 miles to the west of my unit if I'm not mistaken....
>Are you across the main river
>or middle fork?
>Hopefully the middle fork.
>I can glass your east side
>of the MF Salmon river
>if you drew 27 and
>I can snap some pics.
> Would save you from
>rafting to my side of
>the river to glass your

Hey, if you see any goats in 27 can you let me know? I have the 27-5 tag which is up hear Indian Creek, Pistol Creek, and the Rapid River. Likewise, I can share any sheep spottings I have.
Whup, my neighbor lived in Indian Creek for five years homesteading in a cabin. I'll call him and ask him about the goats there...maybe he'll have some insights.
Hang tight.

>Whup, my neighbor lived in Indian
>Creek for five years homesteading
>in a cabin. I'll
>call him and ask him
>about the goats there...maybe he'll
>have some insights.
>Hang tight.

Ooooh, that would be most helpful! If he's open to it, I could give him a call. I do actually have a lead on some goats up some side drainages off Indian Creek, but it's such a huge unit that any info that will help narrow down the scouting process is appreciated. I'm aiming to find the oldest billy I can!

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