Who needs a truck?


Active Member
Theres really no need for a truck anymore....


Thats not Hawaii! I can tell because: no beach 2: no sand or rocks 3: Hawaiian bulls don't get that big 4: no beach bunnies.

Haha, ohh thats hawaii...what are you talking about....just around the next corner is Waikiki....And that is actually a new car.the only thing i photoshopped is the montana plates...and the weird part is i shot this roosevelt here as soon as he got ashore...i have more pics just give me a few min..


And this is the bull while it was alive.i was swimming right along side him while holding the camera out of the water...then shot it with my 22 mag...1 shot kill....Im not bragging or anything but i might be the best hunter out there.....what do u think?
Wow thats a nice Rosie. I didn't know they can swim that far. What about sharks, currents and the new killer ferry boat?

The weird part is, is that this is a dodge durango...i loaded this bull all by myself and since he weighs 2100 lbs makes the vehicle look smaller...i almost broke a sweat dragging him the 2 miles up hill...not bad for my first bull huh?
Ohhh the ferry....probably gonna ruin hawaii...haha what a bunch of clowns....and to think they were sitting on surf boards protesting it...thats about as smart as protesting logging by climbing a tree...thats an easy fix.."TIMBER"...haha
>The weird part is, is that
>this is a dodge durango...i
>loaded this bull all by
>myself and since he weighs
>2100 lbs makes the vehicle
>look smaller...i almost broke a
>sweat dragging him the 2
>miles up hill...not bad for
>my first bull huh?


I'm sure glad your one of our Marines. The bad guys don't stand a chance.
Reminds me of a story when I was young and carried two bulls myself at the same time. Neither weighed more than 1,800 lbs each though.

Once the ferry gets on a regular schedule im gonna follow it around cus you know its gonna run lots of em over..and then i will be able to tell you....Just like road kill...NOTHIN BETTER...
Jeeeezzeee, 2 at the same time...i will probably do that next year...wouldnt surprise me...but you asked about the sharks and currents?? I dont think we are on the same page here as to how big this bull is..i dont think there is a shark out there that could affect him..He did have a few run ins but they were short lived...as for the currents this is one smart elk...most people dont even see these kind...but couldnt get past me...no surprise there...but thanks for the comments overton...i might go out an get another one later...i dunno...might go after something a little more challenging...what do u think?
I heard Tiger Shark wrestling was pretty exciting. Then again I think a 30 lb tuna is terrific.
Maybe we could have a new sport such as terrorist tossing or something similar. ( I hope I don't get wacked for that like I did last week).

Well gosh Monster i was just trying to tell my story....hope you enjoyed it..i might have another coming soon...the weekend is comin and i am gonna go try and find a swamp donkey....wish me luck...
Someone posted a nice horse trailer off craigs list you could pull behind that thing.
LAST EDITED ON Nov-30-07 AT 10:33PM (MST)[p]one time i was coming back from utah and in the trunk of a car like that one a MOOSE WAS IN IT!!! i had to take a double take at this, too bad i didn't have the camera out in time :(

?Hunting is not a sport. In a sport, both sides know they're in the game.?
Well one time I was coming from a hunting trip and a guy had a Tyrannasaurus Rex in the trunk......And it was ALIVE!

Wish I had my camera!

LAST EDITED ON Nov-30-07 AT 11:10PM (MST)[p]

omg! i am not joking bucksnot!! i really did!! your just jealous cuz you didn't get to see it!

~818j Amature Rider~
?Hunting is not a sport. In a sport, both sides know they're in the game.?

Did you think the tyrannosaurus rex was cool? He's too big to put in a car trunk. Okay I'll believe you.
If that T-Rex in the trunk was seen by Vernal, I seen it too. Not that strange, there are dead dino's all over the place around there...bound to be a few live ones....
I also seen a couple of aliens in a trunk around Roswell, NM.

By the way,
I live in UT.
There are a lot of UTARDS that live here.
I have also seen quite a few WYOMORONS, NEVADUHNS, COLORADORKS, ID-IOTS and AIRHEADZONANS in my travels.

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