Why All The Colorado Shootings?


Long Time Member
There's been over a dozen mass shootings in Colorado since Columbine at schools, church groups, night clubs, Planned Parenthood, movie theaters, grocery stores, etc...

Why so many there?
Democrat run cities man. Very sad
So shooting up schools, theaters and grocery stores is political?

Is it that Jared Polis is so horrible that people who voted against him feel the need to kill kids in their classroom or young people watching Batman at a movie theater or those attending New Life Church?

I can connect the dots as to an abortion clinic being political and some people see a gay nightclub as political, but is it merely that having a Democratic Governor pushes someone to get a gun and kill people dancing in a club on a Saturday night or being at a Planned Parenthood?
Personally, I think those that commit crimes like this are looking for attention and the media pounds stories like this as it fits in with the anti-gun stance/propaganda that they push so hard. It won't stop until the media doesn't speak about what happened. I am not saying that they will stop completely as there is a bit of mental illness that takes place in all of the mass shootings. A well balanced human being won't perform such heinous acts.
Name something the left hasn't destroyed.

Texas has had 16 mass shootings in the last 10 years. Just three of those combined for 72 deaths. Did "the left" cause those too?

Was it "the left" that murdered a veteran and a mother of two at a Colorado Planned Parenthood while claiming there would be "no more baby parts?"

Was it "the left" that shot 132 people at gay night clubs in Colorado and Florida?


It's unbelievable to see how some people try and blame those they disagree with politically for all the world's problems when there's clearly no evidence that is part of the problem at all.

There's a lot of money to be had by the media telling people whom to hate and blame for their problems, but it so clearly clouds people's judgements. That part of the media is toxic to society.
So shooting up schools, theaters and grocery stores is political?

Is it that Jared Polis is so horrible that people who voted against him feel the need to kill kids in their classroom or young people watching Batman at a movie theater or those attending New Life Church?

I can connect the dots as to an abortion clinic being political and some people see a gay nightclub as political, but is it merely that having a Democratic Governor pushes someone to get a gun and kill people dancing in a club on a Saturday night or being at a Planned Parenthood?
Nope Grizz, the fact is that the Dems enable mental illness, drug addiction, don’t back the police and then make it so folks don’t have to work. Oh wait, and the justice system is a joke in most of these Dem run cities.
Don’t be so naive amigo.
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Bring back mental hospitals and pack them full. No more putting these kids in foster homes or group homes. Start making parents accountable for having kids while on drugs or protecting kids that show violent behavior early in life. Stop paying for the uneducated to have as many kids as possible for a check every month. Stop SS for the "mentally ill" people that can work but choose not to because a 30yr old adult wants sit around the house play video games and do drugs on your dime.
There's a lot of money to be had by the media telling people whom to hate and blame for their problems, but it so clearly clouds people's judgements. That part of the media is toxic to society.
So what part of the media is "toxic" to society?
We all know your feelings about Fox News is there others?

I don't say part of the media I say all of the media is "toxic" to society.
One of the main things that needs to be done to help prevent more of this madness is for the media to “shut up” and stop giving attention the this type of mental illness. The next thing that needs to be done is to put money and resources into truly helping and treating those who are mentally ill. The third thing that will help is putting personal responsibility back into our families and schools.
It started back in the 60's when the traditional family structure and family values came under attack. The free love, drugs, anything goes mentality. If it feels good, do it with no consequences or responsibility for your own actions. No respect for authority. Those were all Democrat ideals.
One of the main things that needs to be done to help prevent more of this madness is for the media to “shut up” and stop giving attention the this type of mental illness. The next thing that needs to be done is to put money and resources into truly helping and treating those who are mentally ill. The third thing that will help is putting personal responsibility back into our families and schools.
I agree with everything you said here....the question to ask is this, "Is mental health treatable?" Yes, prescription meds can do wonders but is it socially acceptable to have medicated mental people out in society? Who is making them take their medication? The idea of housing mental patients was brought up and that doesn't seem like a bad idea...but in this day and age, good luck.

We had a friend who was completely capable of working but decided to have a doctor agree to her extreme case of anxiety. She lived off of her husbands income and her social security benefits. Made us sick to all end.
Planned Parenthood has murdered more babies this year than every illegal shooting, combined, in the history of this country.
What's your point? Unless that is some sort of moral relativism argument.

So what part of the media is "toxic" to society?
We all know your feelings about Fox News is there others?
The part of the media that tells people that "the left" (read: abortion clinic or gay nightclub) is evil, which apparently inspires mentally ill people to murder the people inside of them.
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What's your point? Unless that is some sort of moral relativism argument.
My point is that thousands of babies are murdered by doctors every day and you started a thread about a few people getting shot by criminals.

I'm simply pointing out that you're more concerned about a handful of people getting murdered illegally than you are about 1,625,000+ babies that get murdered annually under the protection of the law in Dem states.
There's been over a dozen mass shootings in Colorado since Columbine at schools, church groups, night clubs, Planned Parenthood, movie theaters, grocery stores, etc...

Why so many there?

C springs doesnt really count as colorado to the rest of colorado.

Its obviously a mess down there
Well, it's clear that Colorado has a major issue with mass shootings. When I ask why, it's met with a bunch of people convinced it must be the Democrat's fault.

When I point out that Texas, the bastion of conservatism, also suffers from mass shootings of schools and churches at horrific levels then the answer is it must be because the Democrat's harbor the mentally ill elsewhere since it's certainly not from within Texas.

When I point out that some of the attacks have been perpetrated by the right, towards the left, the response is that the left "murders" babies... as if that has any bearing on this discussion at all.

There's been discussion about mental health, but more often than not the guns used in mass shootings are purchased legally by people with no criminal or mental health history. Plus, it's already illegal to possess a firearm if you have been committed to a mental institution or were deemed to be mentally defective, so that's clearly not the solution some people think it is. Plus, who wants a law allowing your doctor or therapist to take away your guns? Anybody?

I'll wait to see if anybody has a real thought about Colorado's apparent problem because the "Blame The Democrats" shtick clearly doesn't stand up to even the shallowest of scrutiny.
It's not limited to CO, there were likely more people shot in Chicago this weekend than the last 5 years in Colorado but it's so common place that it's no longer newsworthy. When nut jobs go nutty, they do nutty things. Regardless of laws or policies you'll never stop 100% of the people who are going to commit a crime.
He problem started with the video games, computer games,etc. I said over 30years ago when I started watching this generation playing these shoot um up blow ‘‘em up games that they played all day long that they wouldn’t be able to tell fiction from reality. That’s what’s happened. They have killed thousand on them games and played them 10 hours a day and now they have no reality of what life means or the consequences of their actions. it means nothing to them.
Murder rates have declined by 50% since the 1970/80s.
Let that sink in.

What has increased is the media attention to specific types of murders.
Let that sink in.

No murder is a good thing, obviously. But the media has turned to dramatizing "mass shootings" and of course, the inevitable boogy man- gun laws.

More people are killed in Chicago each year than all the mass shootings combined. Do you see that on the media? Not so much. Are those deaths somehow less important than the others? Only a person with an agenda would say so...
Well, it's clear that Colorado has a major issue with mass shootings. When I ask why, it's met with a bunch of people convinced it must be the Democrat's fault.

When I point out that Texas, the bastion of conservatism, also suffers from mass shootings of schools and churches at horrific levels then the answer is it must be because the Democrat's harbor the mentally ill elsewhere since it's certainly not from within Texas.

When I point out that some of the attacks have been perpetrated by the right, towards the left, the response is that the left "murders" babies... as if that has any bearing on this discussion at all.

There's been discussion about mental health, but more often than not the guns used in mass shootings are purchased legally by people with no criminal or mental health history. Plus, it's already illegal to possess a firearm if you have been committed to a mental institution or were deemed to be mentally defective, so that's clearly not the solution some people think it is. Plus, who wants a law allowing your doctor or therapist to take away your guns? Anybody?

I'll wait to see if anybody has a real thought about Colorado's apparent problem because the "Blame The Democrats" shtick clearly doesn't stand up to even the shallowest of scrutiny.

The "where" does matter. Texas is a red state. Yet D run Houston, is a war zone. I have family that has twice moved further out from Denver(jobs in Denver) because D run Denver is turning into a chit show. It's shocking how a conservative place like Oregon, is run by libs in Portland and what an absolute 3rd world city Portland has become. Same with Seattle.

We are seeing it here to Grizz. SLC was long considered one of the nicest, cleanest cities in the country, that isn't true any longer.

So yeah, political persuasion matters, but moreso on the local and county side than gov or Congressional.

As to Colorado, I think guys have hit it. It's the twisted minds mecca. Columbine. Everyone knows what it is. 1999. Nearly a quarter century. As a side note, how many "specials" do you think will be done by media "remembering"(celebrating, it's ratings gold) Columbine? It spawned movies, documentary, TV shows, newspaper headlines, magazines(sorry flatbrimmers there wasn't IG yet). All of that to say IF your crazy(70 million Americans on mental health drugs), you saw the attention the media gave Columbine, so seeking that, Colorado is the place?

Libs will scream AR-15. Forgetting Colorado is neighbors with Wyoming and Utah, who are more armed.

Unfortunately I think it is a toxic stew of liberal ideas that celebrate mental disease, expression, drug use, and lack of accountability along with profit driven media that makes those folks famous.

Or, perhaps its John Denver's fault?
Bring back mental hospitals and pack them full. No more putting these kids in foster homes or group homes. Start making parents accountable for having kids while on drugs or protecting kids that show violent behavior early in life. Stop paying for the uneducated to have as many kids as possible for a check every month. Stop SS for the "mentally ill" people that can work but choose not to because a 30yr old adult wants sit around the house play video games and do drugs on your dime.
." Stop paying for the uneducated to have as many kids as possible for a check every month"

What? Do you have to have a college degree to have kids? Just messing with ya, I do agree that welfare should not equal minimum wage, and should expire after a short time.
More people are killed in Chicago each year than all the mass shootings combined. Do you see that on the media?

Yes, Chicago's gang violence is widely-covered. That's why it's the go-to response for people that try and equivocate on gun violence.

Are those deaths somehow less important than the others? Only a person with an agenda would say so...

Not true. My family, and likely your family, is in no danger of being caught up in inner-city gang violence in Chicago.

That's what makes these mass shootings so personal for many of us and heavily covered by the media. We all have kids in school, go shopping and to parades, movie theaters, church, etc...

It's much more personal because we can all see it happening to us and those we love.

That's also why a local kidnapping from a child's own bedroom, such as Elizabeth Smart, is more emotionally charged than a girl being kidnapped by Islamic extremists in east Africa or a child disappearing from an Indian Reservation. Those happen all the time without an iota of media coverage.

PS. In case you're wondering, there are 4,200 unsolved murders and missing persons from our Indian Reservations, not one of them has gotten the coverage of Elizabeth Smart. It's not because of some agenda, it's because the public has more interest in certain cases than others.

Thirty people being shot while dancing peacefully at a night club is more sensational than two rival gang members shooting each other in an alley on the south side of Chicago.
." Stop paying for the uneducated to have as many kids as possible for a check every month"

What? Do you have to have a college degree to have kids? Just messing with ya, I do agree that welfare should not equal minimum wage, and should expire after a short time.
Yes I have a bachelors in wildlife conservation. Started GI bill after retirement from AF. Never going to use it just wanted the extra money from schooling. By uneducated I mean high school dropouts.
Yes, Chicago's gang violence is widely-covered. That's why it's the go-to response for people that try and equivocate on gun violence.
Grizz- nobody is trying to "equivocate" on gun violence by bringing up excessive gun violence in Chicago. The "go-to" for blaming guns instead of people is the assault weapon ban folks. Look up the stats: more people are killed by blunt instruments and knives in the US than by ALL long guns combined. AR style weapons are a bogey man.

I don't belong to the NRA. I don't own an AR style weapon. I never will. But I do see a red herring when I see one and refuse to be sucked in by it.

I agree that mass shootings are terrible. However, I have no greater chance of being directly affected by one than by random gang violence.

AND- your response on Chicago murders shows how poorly they are covered in the press. I guarantee you that a completely innocent person or bystander is shot every day in Chicago. Not just gang bangers.
6 people shot on east colfax with an AK-47, 1 dead 5 wounded like 3 weeks ago, but yeah not a big deal when it doesn’t fit a specific narrative. Crime is crime. Colorado’s crime seems to have gotten exponentially worse, some of it is tied to doubling the population of the state and soft on crime policies… supposed shooter at the nightclub should have had a felony a year ago and it would have been illegal for him to own said firearms… but then again soft on crime policies probably let it slip through the cracks… not that a “gun law” has ever stopped a criminal in the history of crime…
6 people shot on east colfax with an AK-47, 1 dead 5 wounded like 3 weeks ago, but yeah not a big deal when it doesn’t fit a specific narrative. Crime is crime. Colorado’s crime seems to have gotten exponentially worse, some of it is tied to doubling the population of the state and soft on crime policies… supposed shooter at the nightclub should have had a felony a year ago and it would have been illegal for him to own said firearms… but then again soft on crime policies probably let it slip through the cracks… not that a “gun law” has ever stopped a criminal in the history of crime…
Guy had threatened his mom with a bomb? I know there have been other shooters that have had run ins with the law prior to a mass shooting. Some use mental illness as a crutch and don't take it seriously enough. Innocent people pay the price. I don't have a solid solution but something should be created to get these wierdo's out of society.

Nothing compared to the average weekend in ole Chicago. But this never does get the national media upset.

Why Colorado? Well ( tin foil hat time boys) most “mass” shootings are orchestrated. Hundreds get shot in Chicago . No one cares, there black on black crime and that doesn’t fit the narrative. Now shoot up some white peoples in a nice neighborhood, or some kids or even better some gays! Now your talking something that can be used. Lots of drugged out options for grooming a mass shooter down there in Colorado and the population base is the right color to die and get attention.

Gotta get that pesky second amendment out of the way to really take down the first one.
my guess is drugs drive at least 90% of the crime in NM. i'm sure it's around the same in other states. as bad as crime is in NM and record murders every year, i'm surprised that we haven't had many mass shootings. i hope i don't jinx us. the tweakers probably don't carry guns and the cartels only kill they're competition. i don't know what's different about colorado.
Grizz- nobody is trying to "equivocate" on gun violence by bringing up excessive gun violence in Chicago. The "go-to" for blaming guns instead of people is the assault weapon ban folks. Look up the stats: more people are killed by blunt instruments and knives in the US than by ALL long guns combined. AR style weapons are a bogey man.

I don't belong to the NRA. I don't own an AR style weapon. I never will. But I do see a red herring when I see one and refuse to be sucked in by it.

I agree that mass shootings are terrible. However, I have no greater chance of being directly affected by one than by random gang violence.

AND- your response on Chicago murders shows how poorly they are covered in the press. I guarantee you that a completely innocent person or bystander is shot every day in Chicago. Not just gang bangers.
Gotcha. Thanks for the reply and for keeping it respectful ??
Guy had threatened his mom with a bomb? I know there have been other shooters that have had run ins with the law prior to a mass shooting. Some use mental illness as a crutch and don't take it seriously enough. Innocent people pay the price. I don't have a solid solution but something should be created to get these wierdo's out of society.

Plus the district attorney didn't press charges when he held his mom hostage
Tough times create strong men, strong men create easy times. Easy times create weak men, weak men create tough times.

Guess I am gonna quote my post since I believe this is a very real part of the conversation. Haters will hate.... screwum. But the reality is set. Those old boys from days gone by saw what they saw. And I see the same. Forgive my grammar. Spankings are in order for whatever fashion but reality needs to be told.
You couldn’t of picked a worse forum to start this thread. The responses make trump look like a world class statesman and prized intellectual. And I despise the left for all you wing nuts who love to soak yourselves in identity politics.

The issues are case by case, failures are
on parents, LE not stoping guys like this one from owning/obtaining firearms when they have a record like his. I’ve been saying this for years, you have a kid that shoots up a school then you go to prison for life with your **** kid you couldn’t raise right. Society is a mess because of people and the media spreading hate a fear.

But I’ll admit I had a great laugh out loud at the boomer blaming video games when that’s been studied over and over and found to have no effect on real life violence. Playing video games or watching die hard doesn’t make a peaceful normal person murder children or we would all be dead by now.

Better to take a look at big pharma and the fact that a majority of these crazies are on meds.
You couldn’t of picked a worse forum to start this thread. The responses make trump look like a world class statesman and prized intellectual. And I despise the left for all you wing nuts who love to soak yourselves in identity politics.

The issues are case by case, failures are
on parents, LE not stoping guys like this one from owning/obtaining firearms when they have a record like his. I’ve been saying this for years, you have a kid that shoots up a school then you go to prison for life with your **** kid you couldn’t raise right. Society is a mess because of people and the media spreading hate a fear.

But I’ll admit I had a great laugh out loud at the boomer blaming video games when that’s been studied over and over and found to have no effect on real life violence. Playing video games or watching die hard doesn’t make a peaceful normal person murder children or we would all be dead by now.

Better to take a look at big pharma and the fact that a majority of these crazies are on meds.
And when the crazies don't stay on meds the demons in their heads start talking to them.
Trump is is a poison pill r g at isn't connected to the people of the was USA. The broke bring forth the issueanceamd subcontractors Tter manual practices
There's been over a dozen mass shootings in Colorado since Columbine at schools, church groups, night clubs, Planned Parenthood, movie theaters, grocery stores, etc...

Why so many there?
Good question.

The perceived freedoms of this state, which has every political subdivision you can imagine, seems to attract an odd mix of antisocials and peacenicks. Plus we have a larger population than some realize, concentrated in a couple of cities.

Add to that the rapid growth over the last few decades, and the already mentioned “delicate” approach to law enforcement, and you have everything you need for big city crime in a place that people think of as a post card.

But back to the perp. Seems like he was a rather troubled youth (surprise) with obvious and recorded mental health issues (surprise) and known to law enforcement and the judicial (surprise). Also reportedly LDS and grandson of some R-(CA) dude.

I won’t be surprised at the questions and arguments over how he got those guns either.

On edit: if there is any part of this event that I would recommend people look at, it’s the story of the US Army Vet who took him down and took his pistol away and beat the **** out of him with it. (y) Then encouraged the drag queens to kick the **** out of him with their high heels(y) That won’t play well in the hoosegow :ROFLMAO: He remains hospitalized with undisclosed injuries(y)(y)
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I don't think you will ever get a definitive answer. Each case will be different; poor parenting, lack of social skills, anger against society, mental illness, video games v. reality, etc. I'm a physiologist, not a sociologist but I don't think even a skilled sociologist, or a psychologist can find one single answer. Statistics may give some insight, but I don't think any ANOVA or ANCOVA analyses ever performed can pinpoint a single answer.

We are, in some instances, a sick society.

I do think that a more permissive society is largely to blame, along with a media which seems to hold these incidents up to near famous status.

Total **** upbringing equals mass shooter. Its a really hard concept for boomers to understand somehow. Easier to keep it simple with a one word answer like ' marijuana'


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