Why Vote for Gingrich?


Very Active Member
Even though very few well known conservative republicans have endorsed him, the very best of the best republicans are backing Gingrich. The many well known conservatives that have come out to say how unreliable and crazy Gingrich is are just wrong. All of the people who served with Gingrich in the House in the 90's must be wrong about Gingrich.
Just to prove it I'm going to give a list of the well known republicans who are supporting Gingrich. All of these people are highly intelligent and not crazy.

Rick Perry
Todd Palin
Sarah Palin
I'm concerned about the country as you all are. But I must say watching this group of republican pretenders because I don't even think Romney has much of a chance is better than free tickets to the circus.

I have no idea how we got this bad for elected officials. I'm blaming it on the first wing of baby boomers. I'm in the second wing they elected people who only wanted to take money and have personal fame and now this is what we have to vote for.
Rick Perry and Todd palin are pretty consevative, but I wouldn't call them anything close to being influential endorsements.

Sarah Palin endorsed newt for sc carolina "only" as she thought the vetting process should continue. I think Sarah needs to be real careful giving Newt a full endorsement as her big push the last few years has been against career politicians and washington insiders, and thats exactly what Newt is.
I'd wager I am not the only person who would not check a box for Narcissistic Newt nor for Barack. If Newt is the Republican Nominee you can kiss goodbye any chance of defeating Obama.
Palin's endorsement is the kiss of death, Newt and Mitt are fighting over who has to accept it.

If her endorsement can't help a teabagger in Alaska beat a write in candidate what's it worth?
At this point, other than Ron Paul, who 440 has deemed unelectable and he's probably right, I don't see anyone with enough balls to really make a differnce in how the federal government operates. I read what all you guys write as you throw out one political scenario after another. I think every scenario has been discussed at this point and I really don't see one that will have an outcome other than business as usual. Either Obama gets reelected or one of these other clowns, I don't think it will make any difference. We've got 535 people in Congress who can't decide on what color a turd is, thats the problem.

Maybe the best thing to do at this point would be to stock up on ammo and wait for the collapse.

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