Why's Trump Campaigning Again?


Long Time Member
His Republican constituents aren't inclined to gather in groups, to wear face masks, throw rocks, carry filthy signs, burn, smash and curse. That's the kind of gatherings the "propaganda driven" media have been showing, all day and all evening, for the last 30 days.

How is President Trump going to fight back. With cunning and smarts. He's going to go out and speak to his supporters, and give the non- rock thrower, non-burns a reason to gather. And gather they shall. John McCain, our most "proficient Republi-cant", can tell everyone he wants that the WH is in chaos but those constituents are going to drown him out. When a leader wants to demonstrate his support, he asks his constituents how he's doing. They are about to show us.

We're going to get to see who's got more energy, for a while. Maybe he can run the DNC out of cash, cuz if they have to keep paying for protestors, they better get ready to write some checks.

While President Trump is keeping the media engaged with speaking engagements, with his faithful, his "executive staff" and his "Secretaries" are going to be moving gravel. What a concept.

Hang in there T, you're fixing to get lot of targets to keep track of. He's gonna spread the DNC so thin, on so many fronts, they're about to get as transparent as a screen door.

And who taught him how? Four decades of Demo-ists and the last one was a master at it. The new guy learned his lessons well, it seems.

You give him too much credit he just a phuking idiot. the reason he's campaigning again is because he's a total failure as president so he wants to go back to the campaign. where he was the winner.

That said we do have to watch the rest of the republican circus . if we just watch the clown screw the pony the rest of the republicans will be screwing us while we're not looking. you're right on that.

The problem is as president his promises are easier to hold him accountable for than his lies as a candidate. so he should STFU he's only digging a deeper hole.

Like this.


Stay Thirsty My Friends
LAST EDITED ON Feb-18-17 AT 10:59PM (MST)[p]Tee Hee. T, I wish there was an objective way to drive a stake in the ground. Can't be done, we're seeing different worlds, in different universes.

Like a trying to explain a computer to a Neanderthal....... and I ain't saying you're the Neanderthal, I'm just trying to describe the divide between us. I don't believe your mental image of the word, "book" is the same as mine, that's how far apart we are. That's why there is going to be a fight like no other, our two sides can't even understand the meaning of the "same" words we use. No trust, no faith, no hope, for understanding, from either side.

Like you infer, your side is going to fight and fight to the bitter end, the question is......... is our side? President Trump, for what ever he is, is all in, but will the "can't" show up.

It ani't going to be much fun, for anybody, unless you just like mayhem. Some do, ya know.

LAST EDITED ON Feb-19-17 AT 09:37AM (MST)[p]So 2Lumpy you don't believe in the American melting pot? You actually believe that two party's represent all of America? It it is us vs them and them ain't real Americans anyway, right?

860,000 Americans died last time that thinking took hold.

How about wanting to make America great again by realizing it's 2017 not 1860?

Good point.

it should be also be noted only 38% of americans approve of the job Trump is doing. so let's not even pretend there is a Trump mandate or movement. there is only a Trump technicality, that being the special Olympics electoral college.

What we have going is a form of apartheid , and apartheid never lasts. enjoy the time you have because your day is coming and you're not going to like it. being a moderate I doubt I'm going to like it very much either. so thank you very much.

What about all the great things Trump promised you? are you going to hold him accountable or not? that's a question you might dodge but there are millions of Trump voters who voted for him based on those promises. it's a very real problem for Trump and the congress.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
>AT 09:37?AM (MST)

>So 2Lumpy you don't believe in
>the American melting pot?
>You actually believe that two
>party's represent all of America?
> It it is us
>vs them and them ain't
>real Americans anyway, right?
>860,000 Americans died last time that
>thinking took hold.
>How about wanting to make America
>great again by realizing it's
>2017 not 1860?
Thank God Obama didn't have another 8 years!
>Good point.
> it should be also
>be noted only 38% of
>americans approve of the job
>Trump is doing.
>Stay Thirsty My Friends

Are these the same pollsters that predicted a hillary victory 98.3% to 1.7% on November 7th? Just curious.
>>Good point.
>> it should be also
>>be noted only 38% of
>>americans approve of the job
>>Trump is doing.
>>Stay Thirsty My Friends
>Are these the same pollsters that
>predicted a hillary victory 98.3%
>to 1.7% on November 7th?
>Just curious.
Have another swig Tog !
" you don't believe in the American melting pot?"

I used to NeM, now..... not so much. I see Texas threatening to leave, under President Obama, I see California threatening under Pres. Trump. I see large cities 94% "ists", I see the rest of the country "can't".

"believe that two party's represent all of America? "

Not even close. What was it, something like 25% of the eligible population voted.

"It is us vs them...."

Certainly is, if "them" (the can's) show up to fight.

"ain't real Americans anyway, right? "

Nope, they are as much American as anyone one that has sworn allegiance or American by birth right.

"How about wanting to make America great again by realizing it's 2017 not 1860?"

How about accepting the outcome of the election rather than burning, trashing, cursing, lying, threatening, everything else that has been going on for the last 90 days.?

It would be very easy to get to work and work together, when "ists" start demonstrating some willingness to make American great, the "can't" will start behaving as well. How do ypu think Demo-ists are going to respond to any changes, after having watch for the last 40 years.

I have not desire to see a repeat of 1861 nor even the labor conflicts of the early 1900's or the civil rights riots of the 1960. However, if you take a close look at history and human nature you will begin to see parallels in all of these conflicts.

NeM, you tell us, what is going to "turn the tide" in our present course of affairs?

The only way this turns back is if the Republi-can't "fold" again, because the Demo-ists are not going to. T is willing to bet they will, because he has watched them do it over and over, throughout his life. President Trump isn't going to fold, so............... if he can get ride of McCain, Romney, and Graham, and get what's left, after he's drained the swamp, to "hold the line" and double down, like the Demo-ists have been doing.......... where does that leave us?

Do the Demo-ist "throw in the towel" or do they ratchet up the outrage and the protest. Have you ever see civil protest turn violent NeM? If they are burning, trashing and threatening now, what are they going to do if or when a different Supreme Court starts it's business, if the Dept of Ed turns education over to the States, the EPA get re-organized, the media is called out when the misrepresent the truth, when the National Security leakers get sent to prison, when illegal immigration gets stopped, and on and on?

You think the Demo-ists are going to "work together" NeM?

T, isn't going to work with RELH if hell freezes over. Or........... do think this is all just, boys being boys?

I answered yours NeM............

I think Mitch McConnell showed that not working with the duly elected president is a winning formula for the party. That the country had to suffer was of no consequence. I suspect Schumer took notes on how to obstruct.

Trump will fold like a lawn chair when the time comes. Them he will blame everyone nut himself.

Unbeknownst to the true Trump worshipers, he was not elected king. When that truth finally hits him the folding will commence. Wait for the time when he can't just make up imaginary policies and has to put pen to paper.

LAST EDITED ON Feb-19-17 AT 02:31PM (MST)[p]Here's the real problem NeM. Let's suppose your right and Pres. Trump hits a big goose egg and folds like the lawn chair you mentioned. What then?

In four years we elect another President Obama and the shift moves us further toward Socialism, maybe Elizabeth Warren, a younger Bernie Sanders, possibly Cory Booker, Bill de Blasio, or Jerry Brown, maybe a Van Jones. You still have nearly 50% of the country as pissed off as they were when they elected President Trump, over 17 other inept "can'ts".

Who do you think that 50% is going to look to next time, after another liberal shift, further to the left?

I guarantee you, it won't be another John McCain or a Mitt Romney, it will be a monster from hell, that will make President Trump look like a bashful Sunday school teacher.

Look back to human nature and history NeM, as a species we are most predictable. The American Experiment is not going to die easy.

All I'm doing is reminding you what happens when political/social/economic issues come to an em-pass. You don't need a crystal ball, you just need to step away and review that has happened in the past.

Germany, France, Spain, England, Austria, the Yugoslavia, Italy, Argentina, Uganda, Cuba, Tsar Nicholas II Russia, Iran, Syria, Pre=Mao China, every one an "inside conflict" that never got resolved ideologically. You seemed to think it can never happen here? Well it has, at least twice, and numerous times on a less wide spread scale. It's pretty damn wide spread right now, and I don't seeing T or RELH backing down one inch.

I absolutely believe it can happen here, I place the odds higher today than I did prior to November of 2016.

Those conflicts arise when a leader starts saying things that makes a part of the population feel like they are victims and the answer is to not accept anything as fact, only the leader knows the facts, when those facts don't match the reality the leader turns to his supporters and says, "don't accept those facts, I will make up alternate facts".

Then the followers believe they are indeed victims and start to turn on everyone who isn't "like" them: the media, foreigners, liberals, anyone who doesn't believe the alternate facts is labeled the "enemy". It is a very short path for quite a few, even on here, to start thinking killing fellow countrymen is the answer because they are different.

Sort of sounds like where we are being led now.

LAST EDITED ON Feb-19-17 AT 04:32PM (MST)[p]Yep, your here.

NeM, you can see that way, or you can see it this way. The field was ripe, after 40 years of "can'ts folding to "ists".

In reality, it doen't much matter how we got here, does it, we're here. Oh, we're all going to blame the other side, like you and I are doing now. There is always to two sides to every story/conflict. Doesn't change a thing.

LAST EDITED ON Feb-19-17 AT 04:47PM (MST)[p]I never said anything about how we got here. We now have a president who doesn't believe his power is limited or that inciting hatred against targeted groups is even remotely dangerous.

We know this for a fact: when the deal finally goes Down the guy in the White House will take zero responsibility.

You are a victim just like he is and getting rid of anyone who thinks different will make the country great again, right?

I got it I just don't buy it.

let me ask you this is Trump correct that the media is the enemy of the American people?

And that we are the moral equivalent of Putin when it comes being killers?

>I absolutely believe it can happen
>here, I place the odds
>higher today than I did
>prior to November of 2016.
>Those conflicts arise when a leader
>starts saying things that makes
>a part of the population
>feel like they are victims
>and the answer is to
>not accept anything as fact,
>only the leader knows the
>facts, when those facts don't
>match the reality the leader
>turns to his supporters and
>says, "don't accept those facts,
>I will make up alternate
>Then the followers believe they are
>indeed victims and start to
>turn on everyone who isn't
>"like" them: the media,
>foreigners, liberals, anyone who doesn't
>believe the alternate facts is
>labeled the "enemy". It
>is a very short path
>for quite a few, even
>on here, to start thinking
>killing fellow countrymen is the
>answer because they are different.
>Sort of sounds like where we
>are being led now.

Those people/groups you refer to have been told by progressives/alinskyites for decades that they are victims and its just been put into high gear the last 10 years. The division and hatred has been seeded on the left by the left over a long period of time. It's funny to me how the right is portrayed as full of hatred and violence when in reality it always comes from the left and their victim groups.

Weak minded people,often with behavioral problems, are easy to manipulate. Prime example is in the African/American community. The group that is forever pigeon-holed into govt plantations by mostly democrats and have mass behavioral issues are told they are victims. The group that doesn't buy in and gets out of the cycle of poverty and victim ideology are called uncle toms and sell outs by the left. The racism craze is nothing more than a manipulation tool and industry permeated by the left to control groups and divide the masses.

I'm not a Trump guy and maybe more of a libertarian than a conservative since I don't belong to organized religion. However, I will give him much longer than a month to declare him a failure & dictator. I don't really see enforcing federal immigration laws and trying to properly vet people from places that want to harm us as being dangerous and racist. The problem with "facts" and "alternative facts" is they are skewed depending on your ideology. Maybe you can enlighten us on yours Nemont?
"We now have a president who doesn't believe his power is limited or that inciting hatred against targeted groups is even remotely dangerous."

Wow, NeM, did you copy and paste that from one of "our" posts, over the last 8 years?

How many times have people here and else where called Pres. O out for acting like a King or a God? How many times have people here and else where called Pres. O out for inciting hatred for law enforcement causing police officers to be targeted and killed, in open rebellion? How many executive orders did Pres. O issue?

Like I said NeM, the Demo-ists taught the man everything he knows about how to get elected and how to govern.

I said this on here a couple of times in the last 3 months NeM, I understand how Demo-ist feel, we've been feeling like they are now feeling, for 20/25 years.

So..... as I said before I have empathy for them but I don't have sympathy for them. The shoe was simply changed feet.

It will only get more violent, than it is now, if the Demo-ists double down on the slashing and burning. How are you betting on that?

DW, I have admit, I had no idea what Bizarro World was. Now that I know, I find it kind of curious that it's published by DC.

DC ;-)
LAST EDITED ON Feb-20-17 AT 01:22AM (MST)[p]

>I got it I just don't
>buy it.

You don't have to buy it but it is a fact. For the past 8 years who's been stirring up the woe is me crowd? The same bunch that continues to stir them up!

>let me ask you this is
>Trump correct that the media
>is the enemy of the
>American people?

They certainly have been the past eight years by not holding the previous administration accountable for its actions. Barack the magic negro could do no wrong in their eyes and now Trump can do no right. The media has a place and purpose and that is to deliver the truth and to speak truth to power. Unfortunately they have an agenda and it's not in the best interest of the country.

>And that we are the moral
>equivalent of Putin when
>it comes being killers?

I don't know where moral equivalent came from, probably some left leaning media personality, but I can guarantee it wasn't from Trump's lips. He said we are killers too and in the past we have been when necessary.


You should read post 21 and 22.
Nemont said,

"I absolutely believe it can happen here, I place the odds higher today than I did prior to November of 2016.

Those conflicts arise when a leader starts saying things that makes a part of the population feel like they are victims and the answer is to not accept anything as fact, only the leader knows the facts, when those facts don't match the reality the leader turns to his supporters and says, "don't accept those facts, I will make up alternate facts".

Then the followers believe they are indeed victims and start to turn on everyone who isn't "like" them: the media, foreigners, liberals, anyone who doesn't believe the alternate facts is labeled the "enemy". It is a very short path for quite a few, even on here, to start thinking killing fellow countrymen is the answer because they are different.

Sort of sounds like where we are being led now."

This sounds curiously like the global warming agenda and the left.
Here is the problem:

You all won't hold "your" guy in the White House to any of the same standards you judged the former occupant by. We can all agree Obama sucked, the answer to that shouldn't be, "Well since Obama sucked, we will let Trump suck more".

America is built on the idea that we hold deep values as a country. We all disagree on how to move forward that is why it is so messy. The idea that it is us vs them and the them are fellow Americans isn't healthy for either side. So excusing your side for thinking that it is us vs them makes you no better than the people you despise.

The left is off the rails with all the regulation and all the big government ideas that will make our lives "better". The right is off the rails in the belief that having no government is the answer to everything that ails the country.

>Here is the problem:
>You all won't hold "your" guy
>in the White House to
>any of the same standards
>you judged the former occupant
>by. We can all
>agree Obama sucked, the answer
>to that shouldn't be, "Well
>since Obama sucked, we will
>let Trump suck more".
>America is built on the idea
>that we hold deep values
>as a country. We
>all disagree on how to
>move forward that is why
>it is so messy.
>The idea that it is
>us vs them and the
>them are fellow Americans isn't
>healthy for either side.
>So excusing your side for
>thinking that it is us
>vs them makes you no
>better than the people you
>The left is off the rails
>with all the regulation and
>all the big government ideas
>that will make our lives
>"better". The right is
>off the rails in the
>belief that having no government
>is the answer to everything
>that ails the country.
You got 4 years
Maybe, we shall see.

It is a good thing we have General Mattis and other adults around DC who still believe we are a representative republic.

>I'm not a Trump guy and
>maybe more of a libertarian
>than a conservative since I
>don't belong to organized religion.


You realize the Libertarians in congress have some major issues with President Trump, right?


It is okay to criticize any president for bone head moves, stupid comments and childish reactions. That is our birth right as Americans and it was bought and paid for with our blood and treasure.

>Maybe, we shall see.
>It is a good thing we
>have General Mattis and other
>adults around DC who still
>believe we are a representative
Trump agrees
Alright Nemont I'll bet you $100 dollars of cold hard american cash trump makes it 4 years. Does more good for the country than Obama and we're in a better place than we were for the last 8 years with a stronger economy.
>Trump's twitter feed says he doesn't
>believe in our Republican form
>of government.

some of the Republican (PARTY)
LAST EDITED ON Feb-20-17 AT 01:57PM (MST)[p]How will we define "better"? I will bet you the debt, unemployment rate, inflation rate are all higher in four years than today. I will throw an extra $100 that the stock market won't gain as much in the next 4 years as it did under Obama. I will bet you that fewer people will have health insurance and that it won't be cheaper. I will bet we will still have 11 million illegals in this country.

So define "better".

>>Trump's twitter feed says he doesn't
>>believe in our Republican form
>>of government.
> some of the Republican

Nope he doesn't like what the Founders set up with the whole coequal branches of government. That is one reason He is in love Putin.
>>>Trump's twitter feed says he doesn't
>>>believe in our Republican form
>>>of government.
>> some of the Republican
>Nope he doesn't like what the
>Founders set up with the
>whole coequal branches of government.
> That is one reason
>He is in love Putin.
Your thinking of the last 8 years,OBAMA
Nope, Obama sucked on a whole different plane but Trump, he hates that there is a judiciary or a congress that represents the people.

He also doesn't believe that a the free press important to our Representative Republic.

>Nope, Obama sucked on a whole
>different plane but Trump, he
>hates that there is a
>judiciary or a congress that
>represents the people.
>He also doesn't believe that a
>the free press important to
>our Representative Republic.
Fake News Nemont.
You gotta read the Tweeter feed, he can say everything in 140 characters or less


It is a treasure trove of Trump's most persona fantasies

Before he was ever president he was in love

>You gotta read the Tweeter feed,
> he can say everything
>in 140 characters or less

>It is a treasure trove of
>Trump's most persona fantasies
>Before he was ever president he
>was in love

Fake News,I don't care about tweets
>You don't care much about true
>news either.
Yes I do,most of us can decipher better than you.
If you don't watch the news you might be uninformed. If you do watch the news you're probably misinformed.
I decipher just fine. I don't know how the Trump is the greatest crowd deciphers their reality but most of it is not based on real facts only alternate one supplied by Trump himself.

So far it is highly entertaining to watch. He now actually believes his own rhetoric and can create his own reality TV show. We are just along for the ride.

>If you don't watch the news
>you might be uninformed. If
>you do watch the news
>you're probably misinformed.

what does that say about the President, who admits he gets his info from the Fox news channel?
>I decipher just fine. I
>don't know how the Trump
>is the greatest crowd deciphers
>their reality but most of
>it is not based on
>real facts only alternate one
>supplied by Trump himself.
>So far it is highly entertaining
>to watch. He now
>actually believes his own rhetoric
>and can create his own
>reality TV show. We
>are just along for the
So far so good
>So Nemont where do you receive
>your news? And how do
>you decipher what is real
>and what is fake?
The National Enquier.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-20-17 AT 07:22PM (MST)[p]
I do the old fashion thing. I read the newspaper, usually the local rag and the Wall Street journal. Then if it confirms my bias I look for some alternate explanation or other opinion.

I avoid at all cost infowars., World net daily, daily beast, buzzfeed etc. MSNBC and FoxNews are agenda driven partisan spin machines and anybody watching either as a source of news is either intellectually lazy or willfully ignorant

Financial Times and the independent European news are also good sources but available online up here in north east Montana

Many ways to not be lazy and be spoon fed what any politician wants you to believe.

>>So Nemont where do you receive
>>your news? And how do
>>you decipher what is real
>>and what is fake?
>The National Enquier.

Not me, but it would beat the Comic books you use to look at the pictures
LAST EDITED ON Feb-20-17 AT 07:31PM (MST)[p]Tell me if this sounds familiar nemont. To answer the ops question, he's too intellectually superior to just be the potus. He's bored with the minutia of simply runnin the country and longs for something greater. He's better than we mortals can comprehend and we're just too stupid to recognize his superior genius.
Nope. Doesn't ring any bells at all

BTW did your geese ever show up. They have returned here by the thousands
>If you don't watch the news
>you might be uninformed. If
>you do watch the news
>you're probably misinformed.

"what does that say about the President, who admits he gets his info from the Fox news channel?"

I doubt that's the only place he gets information. A lot of his rants he admits he read it or heard it somewhere. He's only human, but as President he needs to learn to not just say stuff off the cuff. He's certainly not a polished politician who is a master of deflection and can speak for an hour and not say anything.

We have freedom of the press and the press is free to chose what they want us to hear. And most of the press leads us around by the nose.

A guy from California could meet a guy from Florida and within 5 minuets they would be parroting each other, because they watch the same network TV. We are willingly brain washed.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-20-17 AT 08:24PM (MST)[p]People are only led if they are willing to follow. Quit following and soon you will be surprised how much your view on everything changes.

The world has enough parrots. It is intellectually lazy just to consume and never question the media.

In his biography of Obama, ?The Bridge,? David Remnick, editor of The New Yorker, quotes White House senior adviser and longtime Obama friend Valerie Jarrett: ?I think Barack knew that he had God-given talents that were extraordinary. He knows exactly how smart he is. ? He knows how perceptive he is. He knows what a good reader of people he is. And he knows that he has the ability ? the extraordinary, uncanny ability ? to take a thousand different perspectives, digest them and make sense out of them, and I think that he has never really been challenged intellectually. ? So what I sensed in him was not just a restless spirit but somebody with such extraordinary talents that had to be really taxed in order for him to be happy. ? He?s been bored to death his whole life. He?s just too talented to do what ordinary people do.?

Was a weird season nemont. To top it off I was too busy to put much time into it.

Have you read a bunch of what Valerie Jarrett has written. She is a hack. A partisans partisan.

Her worship of Obama was as stupid as the Trump worshippers are now.

We had the best season ever and the field duck hunting was epic. We usually don't get many ducks in the fields
I thought this was kind of funny..

1. The Wall Street Journal is read by the people who run the country.

2. The Washington Post is read by people who think they run the country.

3. The New York Times is read by people who think they should run the
country, and who are very good at crossword puzzles.

4. USA Today is read by people who think they ought to run the country
but don't really understand The New York Times.

5. The Los Angeles Times is read by people who wouldn't mind running
the country, if they could find the time and if they didn't have to
leave Southern California to do it.

6. The Boston Globe is read by people whose ancestors used to run the country.

7. The New York Daily News is read by people who aren't too sure who's
running the country and don't really care as long as they can get a
seat on the train.

8. The New York Post is read by people who don't care who is running
the country as long as they do something really scandalous, preferably
while intoxicated.

9. The Chicago Tribune is read by people who are in prison and who used
to run the state, and would like to do so again, as would their
constituents who are currently free on bail.

10. The Miami Herald is read by people who are running another
country, but need the baseball scores.

11. The San Francisco Chronicle is read by people who aren't sure if
there is a country or that anyone
is running it; but if so, they oppose all that they stand for. There
are occasional exceptions if the leaders are gay, transgender, handicapped,
minority, feminist, atheists, and those who also happen to be illegal
aliens from any other country or galaxy, provided of course, that they
are not Republicans.

12. The National Enquirer is read by people trapped in line at the
grocery store.

13. The Seattle Times is read by people who have recently caught a
fish and need something to wrap it in.
>Have you read a bunch of
>what Valerie Jarrett has written.
> She is a hack.
>A partisans partisan.
>Her worship of Obama was as
>stupid as the Trump worshippers
>are now.

Kinda my point, been hearing that crap for 8yrs and no one beating it back. Now the left is in a state of shock over 1 good word about trump.

>We had the best season ever
>and the field duck hunting
>was epic. We
>usually don't get many ducks
>in the fields

Field ducks are about as fun as it gets!

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