Wilderness athelete performance bars


Long Time Member
Anyone used them? Can't find a nutrition info sheet on them. Mainly protein, lots of sweet carbs, or pretty balanced? Anyone know their basic makeup. My body overreacts to too much simple sugar, so I have to watch what I eat, especially on a mountain hike.

Anyway, they are currently 40% off. If you use/like them, what flavor do you like the best.


venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)
I've read good reviews from other folks about the company. Haven't tried them - where are they on sale?
It's ALL I take into the woods..

I love their "berry" flavors, best protein/energy bar you will find. Mountain Berry Granola. Peanut butter crunch is good too. Drink mixes are good. All the gels taste bad except the berry flavor. I'm just not much of a coffee or chocolate lover.

- Austin A Atkinson

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