Wildlife Agency "BROKE AGAIN"?????


Wildlife agency talks big cuts
Interest declines in fishing, hunting
By Joe Hanel Herald staff writer

Article Last Updated: Thursday, January 30, 2014 11:31pm

Keywords: Politics, Colorado State Senate,


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DENVER ? Fishing is fun, but the fun is no longer funded.

A $500,000 cut to the Fishing is Fun program is just one way that Colorado Parks and Wildlife is trimming expenses by $10 million. Leaders from the agency went before state senators Thursday to explain the cuts.

Senators were most concerned about a $1 million cut to the aquatic nuisance species program, which seeks to keep zebra mussels out of Colorado reservoirs. The mussels can clog pipes and render reservoirs nearly unusable.

Colorado Parks and Wildlife officers have done more than 2 million boat inspections since the zebra mussels were found in Lake Pueblo in 2008. They have found just 64 boats that had mussels attached.

?Obviously, one boat is too many because of how nasty those species are, so I'm glad you're catching them,? said Sen. Greg Brophy, R-Wray.

Bob Broscheid, director of Colorado Parks and Wildlife, said the cut leaves $4 million in the budget, which should allow the agency to run an effective program. He?s looking to team with other Western states to get funds to stop the spread of the species.

The agency also is cutting its budget for land purchases by $2 million, cutting its construction budget by $1 million and eliminating some vacant jobs.

The Fishing is Fun program provides grants to towns and nonprofits to build trails and piers. But the $500,000 cut will leave just $400,000 in the program.

Like wildlife agencies around the country, Colorado is struggling to cope with a declining interest among young people in hunting and fishing.

Senators expressed concern about the cuts.

?You?ve got to capture the people when they're young,? said Sen. Lois Tochtrop, D-Thornton. ?One of the ways to do that is to teach them to hunt and fish, and that's what the Fishing is Fun grants were doing.?

With the baby boomer generation reaching retirement age, the agency has another problem. Coloradans can get free fishing licenses when they turn 65.

Even so, revenue from fishing licenses is expected to remain flat, said Steve Cassin, the agency?s budget chief.

Hunting licenses make up most of the wildlife division?s revenue, and there's still more demand for big-game hunting licenses than there is supply, Cassin said. But in the long term, wildlife officials are worried about the graying of hunters.

Colorado merged its parks and wildlife divisions in 2011. At the time, the parks division was assumed to have the worst budget troubles while the wildlife agency was thought to be a healthy agency, flush with revenue from out-of-state hunters.

But a deeper look at the books revealed that the wildlife agency had been overspending. Late last year, the Parks and Wildlife Commission approved a plan to cut $10 million out of the wildlife side of the budget.

Broscheid began work as the agency?s director just two months ago.

?My first order of business is to get our financial house in order,? he said.
Force the CPW to get resourceful and prioritize? Cut back on a few programs trimming some fat? Where's the issue other than declining sportsperson numbers?

"Courage is being scared to death but saddling up anyway."
LAST EDITED ON Feb-02-14 AT 07:42PM (MST)[p]Just like any bureaucracy, if you bring in more money, THEY will spend it, no matter how much it is. And like any bureaucracy, there is fat to be trimmed. They bring in ONLY $185,000.000. Just like real people, they need to live within their means and save for a rainy day.

Their is so much "entitilement" in our society today, and no more evident than in any government. When you are I have a down year, we tighten our belts and ride it out. But in government, a lessening in their INCREASE is called a CUT.

Not saying the CPW is a bad organization, but they are not in dire straights


venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)
LAST EDITED ON Feb-02-14 AT 07:46PM (MST)[p]TABOR can be such a bich.

"Courage is being scared to death but saddling up anyway."
Nothing more than the first notification that massive across the board license/fee increases are coming. It takes lots of your license/fee money to buy new truck fleets every year, lots of money to fleet unmanned craft, and, oh, lots of money to kill off grandmother/father lake trout in Blue Mesa and other Mackinaw production waters. Lets see, new Swarovski/Zeiss optics yearly, oh hell, I'd become finger fatigued listing it all!!! Get the message?
$34M in non resident dollars for elk.

If the agency is broke, the upper tier needs to be fired and replaced.

And if dollars are going to a general fund for other government agencies the representatives better have some good answers.

I'm fairly new as a resident to this state, but getting more involved everyday.

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