Long Time Member
Amy Schumer recently told BBC Newsnight that anyone who doesn't like Hillary Clinton is uninformed. She went on to say that she would move to Spain if Trump was elected.

"It's beyond my comprehension if Trump won. It's just too crazy," she said.

Okay then.

But Schumer's not alone in her anger. Indeed, she's just the latest in a long string of celebrities who have taken the "brave" stand of saying they'll leave the country if Trump wins. Here's a list of 23 of them.

1. Jon Stewart
Who? Political satirist.
Where would he move? Another planet.
"I would consider getting in a rocket and going to another planet, because clearly this planet's gone bonkers," he told reporters.

2. Chelsea Handler
Who? Comedian.
Where would she move? Spain.
"I did buy a house in another country just in case, so all of these people that threaten to leave the country and then don't, I will leave the country," she said on Live with Kelly and Michael.

3. Neve Campbell
Who? House of Cards actress.
Where would she move? Canada.
"His honesty is terrifying," she told Huffington Post UK.

4. Barry Diller
Who? Founder of IAC Interactive.
Where would he move? Unspecified.
"If Donald Trump doesn't fall, I'll either move out of the country or join the resistance," he told Bloomberg.

5. Lena Dunham
Who? Creator of Girls.
Where would she move? Vancouver.
"I know a lot of people have been threatening to do this, but I really will," she said at the Matrix Awards.

6. Keegan-Michael Key
Who? Star of Key & Peele.
Where would he move? Canada.
"It's easy. It's like 10 minutes from Detroit and that's where I'm from," he told TMZ.

7. Chlo? Sevigny
Who? Actress and guest star in Portlandia.
Where would she move? Nova Scotia.
She answered simply, "Nova Scotia" to a question of where she would move if Trump were elected.

8. Al Sharpton
Who? Activist.
Where would he move? Out of here.
"If Donald Trump is the nominee, I'm open to support anyone, while I'm also reserving my ticket out of here if he wins," he said at a press conference.

9. Natasha Lyonne
Who? Actress in Orange Is the New Black.
Where would she move? A mental hospital.
"[I'll move] to a mental hospital for a while because you're like 'why is this happening?'" she said.

10. Eddie Griffin
Who? Comedian.
Where would he move? Africa.
"He's good at making money, but he's ignorant...If Trump wins, I'm moving to Africa," he told DJ Vlad.

11. Spike Lee
Who? Director of Malcolm X.
Where would he move? ...Brooklyn.
If Trump wins, he'll be "moving back to the republic of Brooklyn, New York," he reported to Vanity Fair.

12. Amber Rose
Who? Model.
Where would she move? Unspecified.
"I can't even think about it! I'm moving, I'm out! I can't. And I am taking my son with me!" she told US Weekly.

13. Samuel L. Jackson
Who? Actor.
Where would he move? South Africa.
"He's just running for popularity. C'mon, just let it go," he said on The View.

14. Cher
Who? Singer.
Where would she move? Jupiter

15. George Lopez
Who? Comedian and star of George Lopez.
Where would he move? Mexico.
"If he wins, he won't have to worry about immigration, we'll all go back," he told TMZ.

16. Barbra Streisand
Who? Singer.
Where would she move? Australia or Canada.
"He has no facts. I don't know, I can't believe it. I'm either coming to your country [Australia], if you'll let me in, or Canada," she told Australian journalist Michael Usher.

17. Raven-Symon?
Who? Actress and host of The View.
Where would she move? Canada.
"My confession for this election is if any Republican gets nominated, I'm going to move to Canada with my entire family. I already have my ticket," she said on The View.
Note: Her leaving was contingent on any Republican candidate winning the election--not just Trump.

18. Whoopi Goldberg
Who? Actress and host of The View.
Where would she move? Unspecified.
"I don't want it to be America. Maybe it's time for me to move, you know," she said.

19. Omari Hardwick
Who? Actor in Power.
Where would he move? Italy.
"I'll move from Denver to Italy... If Donald Trump wins the presidency, I'm out," he told The Wrap.

20. Miley Cyrus
Who? Pop star.
Where would she move? Unspecified.
"My heart is broken into a 100000 pieces...I am moving if this is my president! I don't say things I don't mean!" she wrote in an Instagram post.

21. Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Who? Supreme Court Justice.
Where would she move? New Zealand.
"I can't imagine what the country would be with Donald Trump as our president... Now it's time for us to move to New Zealand," she told The New York Times.

22. Amy Schumer
Who? Comedian and actress.
Where would she move? Spain.
"I will need to learn to speak Spanish because I will move to Spain or somewhere... It's beyond my comprehension if Trump won. It's too crazy," she told BBC Newsnight.

23. Katie Hopkins
Who? British columnist.
Where would she move? America!
"If Donald Trump wins the race to the White House I'm moving to America," she tweeted. "Daring to bare what some people really think."
You Forgot one RELH!

I Don't Think Founder was Too Impressed!:D

[font color="blue"]She put a Big F.U. in My Future,Ya She's got a
way with Words[/font]
You need to worry less about what a few celebrities think . Actually you could quote a lot of Donald Trumps statements and get a kick out of that too.
Unsubstantiated rumors.:

El Dorado moved to Mexico immediately after the election.

Cornhusker got an excused absence from school the day after the election for when he walked into class on Wednesday the 9th, he was wailing like a big baby because Trump won. BTW Corns site principal also allowed three other teachers (all female liberal Hilldog lovers) to miss school because of their depression and devastation.

Piper finally climbed out if his rock but immediately returned to hiding until Feb 2nd.

FTW has joined the Arian Nation and now resides in northern Idaho.

NeMont finally admitted that he too is a fake conservative.

Dude...have you ever noticed that when Dude posts in any other forum but the political forum that you usually agree with him. He loves to piss of people. The election didn't effect him because he knows that his bottom line will always be safe.
Will they leave? Course not. Look around here, lefties are just a bunch of wind bags!
>NeMont finally admitted that he too
>is a fake conservative.

Well when you use the word "too", that is telling. At least you clowns admit you are "also" fake conservatives and have been faking it for a while now. If all it takes to get that admission is for you to make up stuff, I will take it as a small victory.

The first step to dealing with your addiction is admitting you have problem. You all have a problem and it is going to grow under Trump. Then who will you blame?

Any takers on making a bet as to whether the Debt ceiling will be raised without a fight again and spending will roll on by growing the debt every year he is president? Name your bets.

We already see the fakers are cheering on crony capitalism and having government pick winners and losers and supporting more spending through the tax code.

>>NeMont finally admitted that he too
>>is a fake conservative.
>Well when you use the word
>"too", that is telling.
>At least you clowns admit
>you are "also" fake conservatives
>and have been faking it
>for a while now.
>If all it takes to
>get that admission is for
>you to make up stuff,
>I will take it as
>a small victory.
>The first step to dealing with
>your addiction is admitting you
>have problem. You all
>have a problem and it
>is going to grow under
>Trump. Then who will
>you blame?
>Any takers on making a bet
>as to whether the Debt
>ceiling will be raised without
>a fight again and spending
>will roll on by growing
>the debt every year he
>is president? Name
>your bets.
>We already see the fakers are
>cheering on crony capitalism and
>having government pick winners and
>losers and supporting more spending
>through the tax code.
Did you get one of those Obama phones?
LAST EDITED ON Dec-12-16 AT 09:35AM (MST)[p]>>
>>>NeMont finally admitted that he too
>>>is a fake conservative.
>>Well when you use the word
>>"too", that is telling.
>>At least you clowns admit
>>you are "also" fake conservatives
>>and have been faking it
>>for a while now.
>>If all it takes to
>>get that admission is for
>>you to make up stuff,
>>I will take it as
>>a small victory.
>>The first step to dealing with
>>your addiction is admitting you
>>have problem. You all
>>have a problem and it
>>is going to grow under
>>Trump. Then who will
>>you blame?
>>Any takers on making a bet
>>as to whether the Debt
>>ceiling will be raised without
>>a fight again and spending
>>will roll on by growing
>>the debt every year he
>>is president? Name
>>your bets.
>>We already see the fakers are
>>cheering on crony capitalism and
>>having government pick winners and
>>losers and supporting more spending
>>through the tax code.
> Did you
>get one of those Obama

No, I am a maker not a taker. Did you get one of those Trump dunce hats? He is giving them away to to everyone he fooled. I am certain yours is coming or it is in our socialized mail system.
>AT 09:35?AM (MST)

>>>>NeMont finally admitted that he too
>>>>is a fake conservative.
>>>Well when you use the word
>>>"too", that is telling.
>>>At least you clowns admit
>>>you are "also" fake conservatives
>>>and have been faking it
>>>for a while now.
>>>If all it takes to
>>>get that admission is for
>>>you to make up stuff,
>>>I will take it as
>>>a small victory.
>>>The first step to dealing with
>>>your addiction is admitting you
>>>have problem. You all
>>>have a problem and it
>>>is going to grow under
>>>Trump. Then who will
>>>you blame?
>>>Any takers on making a bet
>>>as to whether the Debt
>>>ceiling will be raised without
>>>a fight again and spending
>>>will roll on by growing
>>>the debt every year he
>>>is president? Name
>>>your bets.
>>>We already see the fakers are
>>>cheering on crony capitalism and
>>>having government pick winners and
>>>losers and supporting more spending
>>>through the tax code.
>> Did you
>>get one of those Obama
>No, I am a maker not
>a taker. Did you
>get one of those Trump
>dunce hats? He is
>giving them away to to
>everyone he fooled. I
>am certain yours is coming
>or it is in our
>socialized mail system.
No I didn't,but I got an autographed book ..The art of the Deal.
>Good on you, you realize he
>didn't actually write that book,
>I guess the old saying, "fool
>me once, shame on you.
> Fool me twice, shame
>on me", doesn't apply to
>those Trump can fool.
> Anyway maybe you can
>buy a few more copies
>and pass them out to
>your fellow fakers.
>They liked to be fooled
>as well.
That douch bag voted for Obama and Hillary,he is just another ##### scorned!
Will all these other counties want the whingers , like all the remainders over here they need to accept the result and do their best for there country not jump ship like a load of rats ..Your Obama did the leave campaign a great favour when he started threatening us with dire consequences if we left Europe ..he certainly put a few backs up here ...
Nemont you shame yourself with your point on raising the debt ceiling. LOL You know that's impossible yet you want to harp on it. It takes time for any changes to be seen about any new policy's and budget reductions so cut the crap. I would think you'd be more concerned about the guy leaving doubling our debt and the presses are still printing money increasing what your kids will have to repay.

So why start the obstructionism before Trump has taken the oath of office. You want to talk about our ignorance, but can't see your own. You should be pulling for the guy that may be able to get a damn handle on things rather than the one & party that just kept writing the checks with not a care in the world. Obama clearly proved he wasn't interested in fixing anything..... Trumps the only hope we all have unless, you and your comrades in the electoral college are going to put thunder thighs in there.......If that happens you'll have far more issues than Trump and congress having to raise the debt ceiling for a year or two. LOL
> That douch
>bag voted for Obama and
>Hillary,he is just another #####

So Trump hired a Douche bag to write his book for him? Have you seen some of the douche bags he picked to be in his administration? Look at his pick for Sec. of the Interior, an avowed public lands transfer zealot. It's gonna be Great!

LAST EDITED ON Dec-12-16 AT 11:21AM (MST)[p]
>Nemont you shame yourself with your
>point on raising the debt
>ceiling. LOL You know that's
>impossible yet you want to
>harp on it. It takes
>time for any changes to
>be seen about any new
>policy's and budget reductions so
>cut the crap. I would
>think you'd be more concerned
>about the guy leaving doubling
>our debt and the presses
>are still printing money increasing
>what your kids will have
>to repay.
>So why start the obstructionism before
>Trump has taken the oath
>of office. You want to
>talk about our ignorance, but
>can't see your own. You
>should be pulling for the
>guy that may be able
>to get a damn handle
>on things rather than the
>one & party that just
>kept writing the checks with
>not a care in the
>world. Obama clearly proved he
>wasn't interested in fixing anything.....
>Trumps the only hope we
>all have unless, you and
>your comrades in the electoral
>college are going to put
>thunder thighs in there.......If that
>happens you'll have far more
>issues than Trump and congress
>having to raise the debt
>ceiling for a year or
>two. LOL

You know Crack rots your brain right? Where have I mentioned anything about the electoral college or getting Hillary in there?

I have said Obama sucked since the day he won in 2008. He was just better then anything the fakers could throw at him twice. Doesn't make him great just better then McCain or Romney at getting votes.

I have not obstructed anything, I don't have confidence in anyone in DC to get it right, ever. So I am never disapponted when they ##### it up again. Watch and see what happens.

The debt will be far larger in four years then it is today because Republicans in congress love spending as much as Democrats do and Republicans have a large list of people they owe payoffs to. It will be interesting to watch the bond market and the FED in the coming years. Even Trump can not make deals with our bond purchasers.

It's going to be great! and Terrific.

Piper's comment:

You need to worry less about what a few celebrities think . Actually you could quote a lot of Donald Trumps statements and get a kick out of that too.

Piper since Ruth Bader Ginsburg is a setting Supreme Court Judge, I worry a lot about her comments since she is supposed to be part of the checks and balance of our government.

I guess a idiot like you could never understand that or it is totally acceptable to you.

Sure you do Nemont you just won't admit it. When the perception by many is you're a liberal I guess it's a shoe fits sort of deal. One of life's greatest pleasures is watching a pessimistic liberal have to live with the reality of what they thought would happen being proved wrong then reaffirmed on a daily basis. See that's why we have all the crying and hate mongering going on right now. Trumps gonna fail, he's gonna fail not knowing they're hastening their own demise.

You're smart enough to know Trumps the only hope we have to make the tough decisions we need to fix things, but wise enough to know the left won't cooperate unless he makes them. The gridlock has to end and an outsider may be the one to do it.

I'll take your "it's going to be great and terrific" comment for what it was a poor defeated liberals feeble attempt at sarcasm. Ironic isn't it the guy you voted against may be the only hope you have to right the ship, and yes I'll agree if it happens, it will be great and terrific.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-13-16 AT 08:48AM (MST)[p]Ah was waiting for the liberal label. You should have been around long enough to know I give two $hits about fake conservatives labeling me a liberal when they continue to defend the status quo in the spending department.

If I am a liberal then the future of you fake conservatives is bleak indeed. Perhaps me and my fellow fiscally responsible members of this great republic can get the gravy train ended before our children and grand children are sent to debt prison. I know this much Trump won't do jack squat about our debt or our deficit because he has another $12 trillion in proposed spending as his goals. There is no way to grow enough to spend that and deal with our current debt.

So we do agree on a couple of things the debt will be significantly higher in four years and that Trump isn't serious about cutting what causes our massive debt. Other then that we shall see.

Watch our export market and our trade deficits after January 20th. Also the FED is going to raise interest rates. Every 1 point rise in the cost of borrowing costs the treasury $200 billion but as long as we leave the blank check for boomers wide open who cares about the next generation. We know for sure the fakers don't and Trump doesn't appear to because his kids will be just fine.

>Ah was waiting for the liberal
>label. You should have
>been around long enough to
>know I give two $hits
>about fake conservatives labeling me
>a liberal when they continue
>to defend the status quo
>in the spending department.
>If I am a liberal then
>the future of you fake
>conservatives is bleak indeed.
>Perhaps me and my fellow
>fiscally responsible members of this
>great republic can get the
>gravy train ended before our
>children and grand children are
>sent to debt prison.
>I know this much Trump
>won't do jack squat about
>our debt or our deficit
>because he has another $12
>trillion in proposed spending as
>his goals. There is
>no way to frown enough
>to spend that and deal
>with our current debt.
>So we do agree on a
>couple of things the debt
>will be significantly higher in
>four years and that Trump
>isn't serious about cutting what
>causes our massive debt.
>Other then that we shall
>Watch as our export market and
>our trade deficits after January
>20th. Also the FED
>is going to raise interest
> rates. Every 1
>point rise in the cost
>of borrowing costs the treasury
>$200 billion but as long
>as we leave the blank
>check for boomers wide open
>who cares about the next
>generation. We know for
>sure the fakers don't and
>Trump doesn't appear to because
>his kids will be just
>>Ah was waiting for the liberal
>>label. You should have
>>been around long enough to
>>know I give two $hits
>>about fake conservatives labeling me
>>a liberal when they continue
>>to defend the status quo
>>in the spending department.
>>If I am a liberal then
>>the future of you fake
>>conservatives is bleak indeed.
>>Perhaps me and my fellow
>>fiscally responsible members of this
>>great republic can get the
>>gravy train ended before our
>>children and grand children are
>>sent to debt prison.
>>I know this much Trump
>>won't do jack squat about
>>our debt or our deficit
>>because he has another $12
>>trillion in proposed spending as
>>his goals. There is
>>no way to frown enough
>>to spend that and deal
>>with our current debt.
>>So we do agree on a
>>couple of things the debt
>>will be significantly higher in
>>four years and that Trump
>>isn't serious about cutting what
>>causes our massive debt.
>>Other then that we shall
>>Watch as our export market and
>>our trade deficits after January
>>20th. Also the FED
>>is going to raise interest
>> rates. Every 1
>>point rise in the cost
>>of borrowing costs the treasury
>>$200 billion but as long
>>as we leave the blank
>>check for boomers wide open
>>who cares about the next
>>generation. We know for
>>sure the fakers don't and
>>Trump doesn't appear to because
>>his kids will be just

See, even 264 knows the fakers just think the debt is something to Laugh their @sses off about. Fakers never tackle anything with the seriousness it needs because they are all hat and no cattle when it comes to spending.

Watch how much money they will spend using the tax code and piling up more debt. It is how things are done in DC and it gets the lap dogs all hot and bothered thinking of tax cutting their way to higher debt.

>>>Ah was waiting for the liberal
>>>label. You should have
>>>been around long enough to
>>>know I give two $hits
>>>about fake conservatives labeling me
>>>a liberal when they continue
>>>to defend the status quo
>>>in the spending department.
>>>If I am a liberal then
>>>the future of you fake
>>>conservatives is bleak indeed.
>>>Perhaps me and my fellow
>>>fiscally responsible members of this
>>>great republic can get the
>>>gravy train ended before our
>>>children and grand children are
>>>sent to debt prison.
>>>I know this much Trump
>>>won't do jack squat about
>>>our debt or our deficit
>>>because he has another $12
>>>trillion in proposed spending as
>>>his goals. There is
>>>no way to frown enough
>>>to spend that and deal
>>>with our current debt.
>>>So we do agree on a
>>>couple of things the debt
>>>will be significantly higher in
>>>four years and that Trump
>>>isn't serious about cutting what
>>>causes our massive debt.
>>>Other then that we shall
>>>Watch as our export market and
>>>our trade deficits after January
>>>20th. Also the FED
>>>is going to raise interest
>>> rates. Every 1
>>>point rise in the cost
>>>of borrowing costs the treasury
>>>$200 billion but as long
>>>as we leave the blank
>>>check for boomers wide open
>>>who cares about the next
>>>generation. We know for
>>>sure the fakers don't and
>>>Trump doesn't appear to because
>>>his kids will be just
>See, even 264 knows the fakers
>just think the debt is
>something to Laugh their @sses
>off about. Fakers never
>tackle anything with the seriousness
>it needs because they are
>all hat and no cattle
>when it comes to spending.
>Watch how much money they will
>spend using the tax code
>and piling up more debt.
> It is how things
>are done in DC and
>it gets the lap dogs
>all hot and bothered thinking
>of tax cutting their way
>to higher debt.
You are so JEALOUS
LAST EDITED ON Dec-13-16 AT 09:21AM (MST)[p]Jealous? Of what, your position as pivot man in the fake conservative circle jerk here? I don't swing that way so you are safe.

You better go read Trump's fake Art of Deal he didn't write again to get prepared for the disappointment of Trump's term in office. He his single saving grace will be SC justice picks, other than that it will be a $h!t show of political paybacks and ushering in another round of ballooning deficits just like Obama has shown him how to avoid the difficult decisions.

>Jealous? Of what, your position
>as pivot man in the
>fake conservative circle jerk here?
> I don't swing
>that way so you are
>You better go read Trump fake
>Art of Deal he didn't
>write again to get prepared
>for the disappointment of Trump's
>term in office. He
>his single saving grace will
>be SC justice picks, other
>than that it will be
>a $h!t show of political
>paybacks and ushering in another
>round of ballooning deficits just
>like Obama has shown him
>how to avoid the difficult
Your Jealous of Trumps Family aren't you?
LAST EDITED ON Dec-13-16 AT 09:52AM (MST)[p]Not in the least. They seem like good people who have been successful. It would have been easy for those kids to not work and just be trust funders. Seems like they have a good work ethic and they are a success in the business world.

I just don't suck and swallow all of the Donald like you do. His single saving grace will be the Supreme Court picks. Other than that he has no plans to improve anything except expand government further. More borrowing to finance infrastructure, paid maternity leave required, tax cuts that won't be offset with spending cuts, more military spending and covering everybody on health insurance.

Those are his plans and priorities so I guess I take him at his word. I just don't believe his word is going to be the truth once he gets to DC and spends his political capital on Repealing the ACA and letting 20 million people twist in the wind.

That is just viewing the world as it is has nothing to do with being jealous. I understand your man crush, you never had anyone massage your fake conservative boner like Trump has. It makes sense though, he isn't a conservative either.

>AT 09:52?AM (MST)

>Not in the least. They
> seem like good people
>who have been successful.
>It would have been easy
>for those kids to not
>work and just be trust
>funders. Seems like they
>have a good work ethic
>and they are a success
>in the business world.
>I just don't suck and swallow
>all of the Donald like
>you do. His single
>saving grace will be the
>Supreme Court picks. Other than
>that he has no plans
>to improve anything except expand
>government further. More borrowing
>to finance infrastructure, paid maternity
>leave required, tax cuts that
>won't be offset with spending
>cuts, more military spending and
>covering everybody on health insurance.
>Those are his plans and priorities
>so I guess I take
>him at his word.
>I just don't believe his
>word is going to be
>the truth once he gets
>to DC and spends his
>political capital on Repealing the
>ACA and letting 20 million
>people twist in the wind.
>That is just viewing the world
>as it is has nothing
>to do with being jealous.
> I understand your
>man crush, you never
>had anyone massage your fake
>conservative boner like Trump has.
> It makes sense though,
>he isn't a conservative either.
Your vote for Hillary was a waste.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-13-16 AT 10:15AM (MST)[p]Well I didn't vote for her and I didn't vote for Trump. Neither was good enough to deserve my vote. For the first time in my life I wrote in a candidate.

Fakers voted for Trump based on being ill informed about what he truly believes and what his goals are. He likes crony capitalism, doesn't like free trade, doesnt' like free markets and enjoys using tax payer money to like the pockets of his friends. Like I said I get your enjoyment of his massaging your fake conservative boner, it takes a faker to rub a faker the right way.

Hey you bought the act hook, line and sinker and then to top it off you bought his fake book he didn't write. You should look up the definition of "Useful idiot", that's your picture there.

>AT 10:15?AM (MST)

>Well I didn't vote for her
>and I didn't vote for
>Trump. Neither was good
>enough to deserve my vote.
> For the first
>time in my life I
>wrote in a candidate.
>Fakers voted for Trump based on
>being ill informed about what
>he truly believes and what
>his goals are.
>He likes crony capitalism, doesn't
>like free trade, doesnt' like
>free markets and enjoys using
>tax payer money to like
>the pockets of his friends.
> Like I said I
>get your enjoyment of his
>massaging your fake conservative boner,
>it takes a faker to
>rub a faker the right
>Hey you bought the act hook,
>line and sinker and then
>to top it off you
>bought his fake book he
>didn't write. You should
>look up the definition of
>"Useful idiot", that's your
>picture there.
I get it Linda Lovelace
LAST EDITED ON Dec-13-16 AT 10:50AM (MST)[p]you don't have a clue in hell about what he's going to do. You just blow more hot air because it's all you've got left. You also know he's got to right the ship because if he doesn't we're in trouble just like we said. See Nemont others on here seem capable of being able to have rational thought besides you. Trumps surrounding himself with well qualified business people and proven leaders and if he was just going to suck off the cream he wouldn't be doing that. He'd have done it like Obama did and scream we won and shove a healthcare plan down everyone's throats they couldn't afford while telling the nation we could.

I doubt he'll opt for giving guns to known drug lords so they can kill innocent folks but you liberals can only hope that your crack and illicit drugs will continue. Then we can only speculate about him building those big doors to allow free access to all those who wish entry irregardless of religious affiliation posing as cooks that know how to get a real bang out of their cookware.

Imagine how disappointed we'll be, not being able to hear Our President blaming a low budget movie for riling up 1/3 of the world causing them to want to kill our kids. Then to add to our illusions of being safe he wanted to disarm us to make it easier for them.

Then imagine the dismay of not being able to play where's Waldo with the 10 TRILLION bucks they managed to spend but we seem unable to find.

You seem enamored with Reverend Al's and Barry's traveling Snake Oil show but those of us in the fake conservative camp cast our ballot for change you on the other hand couldn't wait to see Sister Hillary's & Brother Bill's imaginary Emporium of Magic and personal enrichment. Get over it Skippy you lost!
I never lost diddly squat. I didn't vote for either because I understand that both were turds that couldn't be polished. It amazes me that people over the age of 12 believe Trump will get done 1% of what he promised them. Again his single saving grace is the Supreme court nominees.

I never want to see another Clinton or another Bush in the White House so sticking a fork in Hillary was a great thing.

The true losers are going to figure it out too late but then they always do. Trump is going to be a transformative figure for this country and for the Republican party. It is going to be a wild ride for the next four years.

I wonder how all the fakers are going to like their government socialized health plans? The Republicans repeal and delay is going to finally do what no democrat ever dreamed of: crater the health care system enough for the government to pick up the pieces. I don't think most here understand what will happen if they remove the individual mandate, require guaranteed issue and defund the tax credits. Carriers are already planning to exit if that happens. What ever happens in the individual market makes it's way to the group market.

I know you don't really care because you are still over the moon on the Trump victory. Enjoy it, these will be but a fond memory when he expands government and further runs up the debt but who really cares about the debt right? Our kids and grandkids owe it to us.

That isn't the issue. I know my way around the kitchen. As my kids would say, "we don't let mom cook unless dad is gone".

Oh I don't know Nemont, I think a guy that Obama publicly humiliated at a dinner, that managed to get himself elected in spite of lack of support in both parties may surprise us. He just overcame the greatest odds in the world of getting elected and when he tells us he's going to straighten out this country I wouldn't under estimate his resolve. He just proved he's a doer on the biggest sense of the word. Given that he actually has business experience, as opposed to an agenda it may work out for us. Time will tell but he's the only horse we have in the race that hasn't kicked us to this point.

Hope you wife gets back so you won't be such an easy mark! :)
LAST EDITED ON Dec-13-16 AT 04:17PM (MST)[p]Well my advice is: be prepared to get kicked.

Hardly an easy mark. I am just listen to what the Trumpteers say and what he promises. Big productions so far, I suspect the finish will be more disappointment for those who believe we have to deal with the debt, entitlements and fiscal shape of the country.

Trump says he will cut taxes, spend on infrastructure, spend on the military, cover everyone with health coverage and in his spare time fix immigration. That is would be an amazing feat and also just as likely as him getting a Oscar for Best hair in made for TV drama.

I will say as a political junky, the coming four years are going to be chance to watch history in the making. Great time to alive, be an American and be able to laugh at all the stupid people out there.

So maybe we should take up a collection for a nice high quality hair brush so he doesn't kick us so hard. They all kick us we both know that. :)
well Nemont.....you certainly didn't help sticking a fork in her....the fork would have been deeper if she had also lost the popular vote....so you did ABSOLUTELY nothing with the fork...thanks.

You can thank all us fakers for the supreme court.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-13-16 AT 06:44PM (MST)[p]Wasn't fakers who got him elected it was union democrats
LAST EDITED ON Dec-13-16 AT 06:47PM (MST)[p]well thank them too then....you were willing to let Hillary appoint judges.
>AT 06:47?PM (MST)

>well thank them too then....you were
>willing to let Hillary appoint
>well thank them too then....you were
>willing to let Hillary appoint

Electoral College results

Electoral Votes Winner
California 55 Clinton (D)
Montana 3 Trump (R)

Talk to me when your home state isn't always blue no matter what.

must hurt to live in a Smurf colored state. Get your home state in order first then you can worry about the rest of the country.

Hardly I voted for almost every Republican candidate for state wide office except for one.

What do you suppose the Poplular would be if California wasn't a liberal fortress? Why don't you fix your state first before worrying about red states?

Nemont, if the rest of the people in your state and other states were like you, Hillary would be the president. talk about fake conservative, you are just a egotistic one. Your opinion on just about everything is worth a big pile of horse manure. Please forgive us if we just ignore you in the future.

.....it is comical to listen to these nutty LA population centers seriously wanting to secede.......talk about f&cking the liberals in the rest of the country .......without those 55 electoral votes there would never be another democrat president......
LAST EDITED ON Dec-14-16 AT 04:43PM (MST)[p]RELH,

and your opinion are worth what? Just the same as mine, jimmy crack corn. You know what they say about opinions, it holds true.

Please do ignore me. That would be a vast improvement over the status quo. I dare ya to.

LAST EDITED ON Dec-14-16 AT 05:06PM (MST)[p]

>.....it is comical to listen to
>these nutty LA population centers
>seriously wanting to secede.......talk about
>f&cking the liberals in the
>rest of the country .......without
>those 55 electoral votes there
>would never be another democrat

So you are saying the whole country would never have to deal a liberal in the White House again if California would just leave or fall into the Ocean? Seems about right.

What can we do to encourage California to Secede? or trigger that earthquake?


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