Mtnrunner, who is the contact, and what is the contact info for the survey?
I am in, if they need volunteers.
I know the area, and the goats pretty well.
I already spend a bit of time up there photographing.
Think about it, how did the above photo happen? Its a mirror image right?
That is two goats, who just happened to pose in that exact position at the time when I was there, with my camera. Looks like one goat standing in front of a mirror.
There are currently a couple goats in the area that are inured.
One with a severely broken lower leg. I contacted the DWR about it a month ago.
And one that was doing fine, but then seemed to have been attached by a mountain lion. Multiple punctures around the neck, and torn flesh around the hind leg.
Could have been from a real nasty fall, but I believe it was from a lion attack.
I have photos of the goat two weeks before the attack, and photos and video after.
I assume most guys will have areas near the top. From the north end, or the south end.
If they need guys fit enough, and familiar enough with the middle ground, I would be willing to get the goats that cant be seen from the top.
Funny, nobody at the DWR mentioned a survey when I contacted them about the injured goats.
I like goats. Not as much as sheep, but I do like goats.
Post up some info, lets get a good count.
I will photo document whats in my section.