"Willfully Ignorant "

Manny you're not ignorant at all, you're just stupid.

Explain how conventional sporting arms including the 1911 can be banned without reversing the Heller case law. give it try sport.

Stay thirsty my friends
I'm sorry but I willfully did not study Modern day Law, but I have studied the Mosaic Law of God? which in turn poses you to be the more intellectual here in this case.

thus you've become irrelevant in your determination that I am inferior to your stature and by doing so you have become the most ignorant as well? sorry couldn't help myself
Well I can read and I looked it up.

Quoting from the Heller case:

Like most rights, the Second Amendment right is not unlimited. It is not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose: For example, concealed weapons prohibitions have been upheld under the Amendment or state analogues. The Court's opinion should not be taken to cast doubt on longstanding prohibitions on the possession of firearms by felons and the mentally ill, or laws forbidding the carrying of firearms in sensitive places such as schools and government buildings, or laws imposing conditions and qualifications on the commercial sale of arms.

Miller?s holding that the sorts of weapons protected are those ?in common use at the time? finds support in the historical tradition of prohibiting the carrying of dangerous and unusual weapons. Pp. 54?56.

How many semi-auto rifles and handguns of the type Feinstein is trying to prohibit are there in the US? I would say enough to be classified as "in common use at the time".

If it does go to the Supreme Court as you say, the court will have to change its present position. And that IMO is an erosion of the 2nd Amendment. So maybe Ted Cruz is actually smarter than you, Feinstein, or Scarborough Fair.

Now, if Feinstein was trying to prohibit the German Nebelwerfer (look it up) then I would say she may have a case.:)

Dude are you really that darn ignorant, or are you just trying to stir the pot. The 1911 was designed for use by the military and John Browning had to add certain design features to the 1911 from his 1905 model at the request of the U.S. Army.

It would not take very much for Feinstein or another Democrat to argue that it is a military type assault weapon. In fact it was designed and used by our troops in close quarter combat in sweeping the trenches of WW1.

You keep forgetting that Diane Fienstein's altimate goal is the total ban of all firearms. She is on record saying that during the first AWB that passed under Clinton.

If the courts decide that it is lawful to ban M-16 semi auto type rifles, it would be very likely the 1911 will be the first semi auto pistol to fall under the description used to ban the M-16 weapons.

If you can not put certain items together to come to that conclusion, then you are to ignorant to even continue this argument.

Who cares about your Feinstein and what she wants? the Hellar case set the law and it says semi auto pistols are legal. end of story. Feinstein by the way isn't even challenging that.

Scalia later did say there are limitations, so how far beyond the 1911 can we go? that is your $60,000 question. to that I say, who cares?

So forget the legislation and focus on the constitution. without a reversal how can the 1911 be banned considering the Heller case law? now can we agree it's really only assault weapons in jeopardy or not?

Stay thirsty my friends
Dude, re-read Feinstein's bill. It is aimed also at semi auto pistols. Now I agree it will not pass as written by her. I would say a toss up in the Senate depending how many Democrat Senators are willing to buck their party.

If it should pass muster in the Senate, it would fail in the House due to majority GOP.

I just hope that Congress does not end up having a majority in both houses, or we are screwed.

Yes I know, if a anti gun law is passed by both houses of Congress,and signed by a liberal President, it still could be challeged in the U.S.Supreme court. But keep one thing in mind if we should ever get a Democrat majority in both houses with a liberal President. It would not be the first time they passed a law that was later deemed to be illegal by the courts. Another thing, how much time would it take to get that decision by the courts as the Democrats sit back with $hit a$$ grins on their faces since it would be no skin off their noses if the court overturns it.

Okay, you're ignorance isn't willfull you're just ignorant.

Let your Feinstien have her fun, who cares? unless you don't think the NRA has the balls to challenge the bill? you might be onto something there . while not impossible it's HIGHLY unlikely the high court would reverse a decision or even consider it for years. so once again, how can a ban on the 1911 clear the supreme court?

Back to the real subject, assault weapons. yeah, you might be screwed.

Stay thirsty my friends

Read up on United States v. Miller. According to that ruling only military type weapons are protected by the 2nd Amendment.
I can read the second amendment myself, and there is enough documented statements from the founding fathers about the subject written after the fact. Enough so that I can draw my own conclusion as to what the second amendment means and was was intended to mean. Furthermore, I don't need some liberally diluted Supreme Court to come up with some bastardized version of the second amendment to appease a liberal, politically correct society, or any other portion of the constitution for that matter.

Unlike the Pope(pun intended), the Supreme Court is not infallible. They have agendas just like any other corrupt politician.
As long as the supreme court justices are appointed by a freely elected president they will interpret the constitution and you will accept it. end of story, keep your Freeman crap to yourself would be but too cowardly traitor.

US vs Miller was 75 years ago and it did not establish anything about assault type weapons . a militia, was considerted " a body of citezens enrolled for military discipline " Bubba showing up to an NRA rally with an ak-47 wearing a wifebeater shirt and and 3 bags of pork rinds doesn't make hime enrolled in military discipline.

I'm not a lawyer, but I know you're going to have to do better. much better.

Anyone wanting to show how the 1911 can be banned without a Heller case reversal or not? if not then I think we've confimed you can stop worrying about storm troopers busting in your doors and taking your pistols. correct?

Stay thirsty my friends
Gun confiscation is a PR ploy by the NRA and their political allies to get Americans to fork out millions of dollars to fatten the bank accounts of the NRA and gun industry. It's simply a money making scam people.

Since they're stupid enough to fall for it it's doubtful they're smart enough to figure that out.

Stay thirsty my friends
Eldorko, you statement is just B.S. to disguise what YOUR PARTY is attemping to do with gun control. You are either a liar or a complete idiot that the Brooklyn bridge can be sold too.

Come to think of it, since you treated a patient for a non existing diease here, maybe you are just a complete idiot. I used to wonder why our medical care is so screwed up, now I know.


Your grasping straws, I guess that makes you "willfully ignorant" on top of being an asshat
220, I can see by your position that you are hellbent on existing inside the parameters set forth by your handlers...the corrupt US Government! If thats how you want to roll, more power to you.

Furthermore, any violation of my rights as a free human being, guaranteed by the Constition, by the Supreme Court...I will not freely accept. End of story.

I believe the words of General Emiliano Zapata went something like this... I would rather die with my boots on than oppressed on my knees.

Which one will you be 220?
Then you will die in your boots. if there ever comes a time we citizens are forced to take up arms if our government is still elected by the people in free elections my guns will be used against you freemen, not my nations government. you call yourselves patriots, in my eyes you are traitors.

You have no rights other than those your government gives you, end of story. go shoot your mouth off like you do in most other nations and you'll get the drift.

You're lucky enough to live in the greatest nation on earth, your forefathers and countrymen died to protect your rights. show a little gratitude and act like an american not some spoiled drama queen. if you think you have it so damn bad leave , nobody will miss you or your kind.

Stay thirsty my friends
And there we have it!!! When the balloon goes up, 220 will be fighting on the side of the corrupt, constitution violating US Government. 220 will take up arms against free sovereign americans fighting for their rights against a corrupt, oppressive government. I guess if you lived in 1776, that would have made you a British sympathizer. At least we all know where you stand you coward!

Government gives us our rights? What about our inalienable rights granted by our creator and explained in the Constitution. Oh, that's right, you don't believe in a creator do you 220?

The government as a whole has betrayed the trust of an entire nation. You speak as if the government is the nation. "WE THE PEOPLE" are the nation and don't you forget that you azzhat wearing pompous jackazz!!! You have picked your side and YOU are a traitor to the PEOPLE!!! And traitors will be dealt with in due time!
Triggerman, you nailed it!! 440 has finally stepped in it and really shown his true colors. He usually tries to balance along the top of the fence, so he can bail which ever way makes him look good. After all the lies, coverups, crooked deals, and high on the hog living, that this administration is involved in, if he can still support them.... that is very telling. "The Government gives us our rights" Are You Kidding Me!! THE GOVERNMENT IS THERE TO SERVE THE PEOPLE, not the other way around. And I agree with you, triggerman, if these idiots are not soon removed by the voting process, it only means they have stacked the deck with illegals, takers and not makers, multiple voters, and pansy assed liberals with no clue what it has taken to build this country. It might be close to a 50/50 split, in how this country believes, but I do believe that one of those sides are a lot more familiar with the tools needed to fight for our freedoms. This Nation is worth fighting for. But she is changing rapidly, and most people are too wrapped up in false security, or have their heads too far up their own back sides, to admit it. I hope it never comes to that, but if things don't get better soon, there won't be much choice. Again, 440, your comments are absolutely amazingly pathetic. Yes, we all have a "right" to believe how we want, but if people like you have your way, that, too, will be lost. You are a disgrace to what this country stands for.

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