Wisdom comes with age and exposure.


Long Time Member
This ole boy understands the difference between prudence and valor.


Funny looking cat....

Cancer doesn't discriminate...don't take your good health for granted because it can be gone in a heartbeat. Please go back and read the last line. This time really understand what it says.
Our Young German Shorthair Pointer has endless agility and energy.

If he spots me laying in my chair, he gets a running start, jumps and lands his legs on my arms and he is already licking my face.




Love for your Dog is Blind. Its all Good Fun. Until This young Pup meets a Skunk.

Jagerdad :)
PS: We do have Skunks. If the bad thing happens, I will tell my Wife: "YOUR DOG smells and is outside".

Well.... Maybe its better to say that to my Daughter Stefanie..:)
Skunks, ugh!

Years ago a local, a young Utah DWR fish hatchery Assistant Superintendent moved into a brand new, never lived in, home, located on the hatchery property, on the edge of a small rural community, in Southern Utah. He was newly married, thrilled with his new wife, his new job, and his new house.

He was also the proud owner of a behemoth black lab "house dog". No children, just "Coot", with a head the size of a 13 qt. milk pail. Coot was the Crown Prince of the newly furnished living room.

The home was built high on the basement walls, with a 6' by 6' front door landing, up four or five steps off the ground.

One evening............ while watching the late evening news, Coot leaped to his feet with a terrible howl. The gentleman, equally nimble, leaped to his feet and commanded, "LAYED DOWN, YOU SON OF B1TCH, AND SHUT UP THE HELL UP. Nope, ole Coots is having none of that, an heads straight for the front door, teeth bared.

Wondering what in hell is going on, our friend stomps to the door and jerks it open. Coot lunges forward. Skunk, slow at times, spins on a dime, an fires both glands of hot sulfur/thiols, straight up Coots nose.

Course.......Coot's straddling the threshold and the live-room carpet, so what doesn't cover his face shoots right on by, covers the carpet, the recliner and the mist floats across the room and settles on the new couch. Coot does a full gainer and starts making laps through the rest of the house, scrubbing his eyes and face against any surface he can feel with both eyes shut, mostly the rest of the floor covering, and ends up under the bed, in the master bedroom. The sounds coming out, from under that bed, are pathetic and heart wrenching.

The young Assistant is not doing all that well himself and his wife has abandon him and vacated the premises. She is not the least bit interested in reentering to the building.

Long story short, the construction crew were back at the house for a few days, before it was put back into service.

Never did hear what become of the skunk but I know the ole lab never touched his hide!!


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