WOLF MEETING in Pinetop Mon Aug 11


Active Member
Pays to be on Defenders of Wildlife email list to keep tabs on what they are up to.

Show up & speak out; you know the wolf huggers will be out in force!


Over the course of two days, Mexican gray wolves will have their fate decided.

On August 11th and 13th, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) will hold two crucial public hearings to determine the future of Mexican gray wolves in the Southwest (Aug 13th is T or C, NM).

Monday, August 11th, 2014

2:00pm - 4:00pm ? Informational session

6:00pm ? 9:00pm - Public Hearing

Hon-Dah Conference Center

777 Highway 260

Pinetop, AZ 85935

There are fewer than 90 wild Mexican gray wolves in the entire world. Now, FWS is proposing to change the way the wolves are managed ? changes that will determine whether the wolves recover and thrive, or die out and disappear.

These wolves are doomed to a slow extinction if this proposal is finalized. Their last hope is for you, and people just like you, to stand between them and changes that could drive them toward extinction.
They are bold faced liars. In mexico poised for release from pens are hundreds of wolves according to usfws. There are more than 90 in AZ alone

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