Wolves - Endangered Species Soon


Long Time Member
Yeah, the Fish and Game Commission voted to move for consideration. There are no wolves here to consider endangered, but why quibble over technicalities...

So, all that work the groups (anti's, hunting, farming, ranching alike) are doing with the department on a wolf plan (the appropriate move)is being superceded by these dips.
Gee, I sure hope I get to hear a wolf howl in California before I die. My life will be complete.

I posted on the California thread last winter that I had seen a wolf on Highway 36 west of Chester. I emailed the person at Fish and Game that oversees this area and told him all of the details of what I saw. I received no response.
I read this article online today:

California Fish and Game Commission votes to add gray wolf to state endangered list

Feather Publishing


The California Fish and Game Commission has voted to move forward with listing the gray wolf as an endangered species under California law.

The vote took place at the regularly scheduled commission meeting in Fortuna on June 4. Commissioners Richard Rogers, Jack Baylis and Michael Sutton voted for listing, while Commissioner Jacque Hostler-Carmesin voted no. Commissioner Jim Kellogg was not present.

?No land animal is more iconic in the American West than the gray wolf,? said Sutton, who is also president of the commission. ?Wolves deserve our protection as they begin to disperse from Oregon to their historic range in California.?

The new regulatory language will take several months to complete and approve. However, the recent decision provides permanent protection for the gray wolf, and immediate protection under the California Endangered Species Act. That protection will remain in place throughout the required regulatory process.

The gray wolf is already federally listed as an endangered species and is therefore protected by the federal Endangered Species Act in California. The federal Endangered Species Act makes it unlawful to take any listed wildlife unless permitted by regulation. The term ?take? means to harass, harm, pursue, hunt, shoot, wound, kill, trap, capture, collect or attempt to engage in any such conduct. The protection provided under federal law overlaps, but does not supersede, protection provided by listing under California law.

At this time, there are no gray wolves known to be in California. A male wolf known as OR7 that originated in northeastern Oregon has crossed the Oregon/California state line several times since December 2011. At this time, OR7 is in southwestern Oregon, where he has found a mate. On Monday, June 3, biologists from the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife captured photographs of two wolf pups in the vicinity.
>Gee, I sure hope I get
>to hear a wolf howl
>in California before I die.
>My life will be complete.

The only thing I want to hear from a calif wolf is a death moan!

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