Wolves in Northern Utah


I went out lion hunting this weekend and stumbled across something I have never seen in the past 20 plus years of hound dogging around the mountain. I found a wolf track following the top ridge. We followed the track out a ways and came across a coyote track crossing its trail and snapped a picture to show the size difference of these two animals. After I found the track I came across my cousin moving cows off of the mountian and he informed me that the neighbor had seen a black wolf two weeks ago on the bottom end of the property. Needless to say I am extremely worried about running my pack of hounds in the area with wolves present. I sure wish Utah would hurry and get their ##### together and issue some tags. I am feeling the need to go on a wolf hunt.
The minute that the authorities admit that Utah has wolves they will have enormous piles of legal documents stacked on their desks.
As of now, they technically don't exist, so thin out those big coyotes, just don't bring them back into town....

I would be very concerned if they were my hounds. When in wolf packs they will kill those dogs in seconds. Be very cautious.

I think that ridge you were on, runs clear into Wyoming. Wolves are now considered predators in much of Wyoming. Just a thought.
I looked very close at the pic of the track. It was obvious to me that (from this track) this large canine DOES NOT have the correct DNA to be classified as a Pure Wolf ( All this from the track pic)
So my advice to you would be get some snares,223 ammo,whatever it takes.Dig a deep hole,then fill it with the mixed breed cure. Cover said hole and walk away saying nothing to anyone.good luck and happy hounding
As far as I know, wolves are fair game from Ogden Cayon north to the idaho border, and east to the wyoming border.

But, like has been said before. SSS.
Never been much for bar stool talking, just stating a concern and supprised wolves have moved into the area. My family homesteaded our ranch in Box Elder County and to our knowledge this is a first for wolves in the area.
There are no wolves in Utah. but there is a predator control program in Utah that involves killing predators, even coyotes that are abnormally large.
The track looks a little small to be a wolf to me. There may well be a wolf or two roaming around in northern Utah, but the track size in your photo is more indictative of a 60-70 lbs domestic dog. Just saying.
Kevin I appreciate your comment. I wish you were correct about the track being from a dog. I have plenty of dogs that size running around and can assure you this track is double that size. When I first came across the track I had to do a double take because my first impression was that it was a large lion. I wish it was a domestic dog track I would definitely sleep better at night.
LAST EDITED ON Nov-21-12 AT 12:31PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Nov-21-12 AT 12:21?PM (MST)

LAST EDITED ON Nov-21-12 AT 12:15?PM (MST)

LAST EDITED ON Nov-21-12 AT 12:07?PM (MST)

Dog track.. The coyote is fresh, the dog isn't as fresh. Notice the actual track size in the lightly burned/wind blown out track? Its really is not that big of track either. I have had over 25 dogs and they easy have feet that big.Been at this game since birth.lol Could it be... maybe,is it? no lol.

oh and a side note smarty... that still would not be a large "lion" track if it was! 20 plus of lionhunting?? must have started hounding a couple year ago hmm.

I would trust Kevins track identification,probably seen more dead and alive critters in trees or on the ground than most.

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