World Cup USA vs Brits

I watched the game and was not really impressed by either team. I thought they were both a little sketchy out there. All I know is USA got lucky when the English guy knocked the ball down only to have it roll behind him into the net. That doesn't happen a whole lot in professional soccer.

I hope USA can learn how to play together sooner than later and make a great show of the World Cup.

Nobody on the planet knows less about soccer than me.

I thought I knew that the ball was black and white, but now I see I was even wrong about that.

I think that there are eleven players on a was a crossword puzzle question that fit.

If the object is to put the ball in the net, why do they spend so much time in the middle of the field just kicking it around there?

Seems dumb to me......even if it is the most popular team sport in the world! I don't get it.
Me neither...

But I do have a serious question:

America has a population of 360+ million. For at least the past 20 years or so it seem every kid in suburbia has been playing soccer.

So why is Team USA always such a mediocre to crappy team?
>Me neither...
>But I do have a serious
>America has a population of 360+
>million. For at least the
>past 20 years or so
>it seem every kid in
>suburbia has been playing soccer.
>So why is Team USA always
>such a mediocre to crappy

Soccer dont get you layed in high school.

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