Would this one look good on your wall?


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Would this one look good on your wall? 15 seconds you've got to decide! Yes or No???
How wide is he? What kind of score would you give him? Think his back straps are tasty?

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Brian Latturner
LIKE MonsterMuleys.com on Facebook!
How wide is he? Don't know! What kind of score? Don't know!

If I see him in G this fall hes going to be on my wall.
Great buck and would be happy with him on most hunts. Might pass on a top end limited unit if I had scouted and know there was some better bucks around. I'd also say around the 28 wide mark, great front forks, one week back fork, average mass. Great buck, but does not have that O My Gosh factor (Mass, extras or cheater other then the one).

I'm sorry, what was the question? Coming from an eastern whitetail hunter with only a few 120-140 class mulies in the bag...
LAST EDITED ON Jun-01-16 AT 07:49PM (MST)[p]I would also say around 28" wide 170's. After last years luck on a BUCK!!!! I'd pass. Id let wife shoot him though then it could still look good on my wall lol!
I think I figured him to be right around 180. But I don't know. I do know that there aren't a whole like him running around in the area.

Brian Latturner
LIKE MonsterMuleys.com on Facebook!
I him, especially in the velvet. I'd likely shoot him just for that. And I agree; he's right at 180. And I also agree there aren't many 180+ bucks around either.
I'll parrot what the other posters have said: 180"(-) and about 28" outside width.
This buck would be in trouble anywhere except a few spots on the planet.

175sh 28 wide.... don't think he will make 180 but he is a great looking buck. Depending on where im hunting and what I'm seeing, I don't think I'd pass. If I see him in H this year on
day 1 he is in trouble
If you passing on this buck ....your a lot better Hunter than I am. Only way I'd pass is if I've got a PREMIUM TAG in my pocket with at least 2 days left to hunt. That buck imo is every bit of a 28" and 180 class buck. A keeper in my books.
When that deer splits his velvet he is going to look a hell of a lot smaller. Pencil thin on mass.

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