WY antelope 64, 67, 68


Very Active Member
I was thinking about cashing my antelope points in this year. Fits my schedule and I have not hunted goats for awhile. Did anyone hunt these units last year. I know it looks like tags were reduced due to the previous drought. I am going to monitor the moisture levels this year prior to application dates. If you would rather use the PM feature I understand. I am always willing to share info on other states also,

There really is not much difference between them. You stand and equal chance of finding a nice buck in any of those areas.
I've hunted 67 3 times over the past 12 years and its a shadow of what it was. The population is half of what it was in 2009 and the quality is down dramatically. The winter of 11/12 hammered them and the persistant drought from about '09 - 13 really affected fawn recruitment. So, the older age class of bucks is very small in number. Last fall 5 of us hunted hard from sunup to sundown (lots of hiking to spots away from the road too). We saw quite a few goats and we had a fun hunt. We went 5 for 5 and I killed the biggest one we saw. I haven't taped him but he's maybe mid 70's. He's a pretty buck and I was happy with him. As you know the unit is 95% public or walk in and there aren't many hunters. So, from that perspective its a high quality hunt. Of course there are booners killed there every year but I certainly wouldn't expect a very good chance of that. Sorry to be a wet blanket but I'd hate to see you burn points expecting something that you're not likely to get. GOOD LUCK ! Chip
Just to add some hope - last fall that country was greener than I've ever seen it and we saw lots of fawns. Last winter was good and it sounds like this one is too. Another 2 - 3 years of favorable conditions and conservative management should change things for the better significantly.
64 is discussed in detail just down the page, 7 Points thread should be helpful to you, also guys that hunted 64 last year and pictures of their antelope. Good Luck
If you put in for and draw 64 let me know I probably still have my maps and I'll help as much as I can.
I drew 64 last year and would be glad to give you info. PM me and I can fill you in on my hunt.
Unit 67 used to be a good unit.I hunted it 14 years ago. Did great,witha 15 inch buck to go home with me.I was thru the area last fall and did not see anywhere near what used to be there .All units west of Laramie took a hit a couple years ago and will take a few more years to bounce back.
I concur with chipc on unit 67. I hunted it last year also. Still a fun hunt though. I can see the potential for that unit in the near future, if all goes well.


It's written in the good Book that we'll never be asked to take more than we can. Sounds like a good plan, so bring it on!

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