WY BHA hosts...


Long Time Member
LAST EDITED ON Jan-14-14 AT 11:15AM (MST)[p]a discussion on technology and hunting.

Hope everyone enjoyed the holiday season. We want to invite you all to a gathering that we'll be hosting at 7:00 PM, Thursday, January 16th at Uncle Charlie's Tavern and Lounge in Cheyenne (6001 Yellowstone Road). We will have complimentary food, beverages, door prizes, a raffle and great discussion on "technology and hunting."

This will be a casual, informal gathering of members and sportsmen interested in participating in an open forum on "Technology and Hunting." The Director of Wildlife from Wyoming Game and Fish, Brian Nesvik, be joining us to give his input on fair-chase hunting, traditions, ethics and how technology fits-in.

Feel free to invite friends and family. And let's pack the house!
Dang, I wish I wasn't 1500 miles from you, as I'd really like to attend the discussion on those topics! Ihope it's well-attended and everyone stays civil!
It sounds like an interesting topic and one which is due for discussion.
I'm sure we all have our own preconceived notions of which techno-devices are ethical and which are not.
The future is here when an animal can be killed and the shooter needs not be in the same State!
Good luck Buzz and thanks for the heads-up.
Dang! Wish I could make it! I hope they outlaw flying! Makes me sick to think of all the big mature animals that have survived everything for years and are being murdered by the lazy guys with money.
Seems like it crosses the line to me. But I guess the line is something I've created for me. Some guys would think this item is fine. I see it as an attempt to replace skill and dicipline with electronic gadgetry.


That is one of the items we are going to discuss tomorrow evening...along with drones, and any other technology that folks want to discuss.

A line has got to be drawn...technology is out-pacing regulations.
I'd like to see Nevada's flying law implemented in Wyoming. Their law bans flying when any big game season is open. That means it would be over about Aug 15th with archery antelope.
I wish it were a little closer to home. I have some real issues with technology and Buzz H is right about it advancing beyond the regulations. A few years ago I discovered a very advanced trail camera set up in a wilderness area of NW Wyoming. It was tracking migrating mule deer. I suspected who the outfitter was that owned it. I ran across that outfitter during hunting season and asked him about the camera. He denied it was his. After the denial, I told him that in that case I suppose you wouldn't mind if I smashed it with a rock. The look on his face was priceless. Instead, I put a piece of flagging tape over the camera's lens with a picture of a man's head with big ears that I had drawn with a permanent marker. My concerns with regulating technology is would anyone enforce it? The Game and Fish is stretched thin and the USFS seems less inclined to do anything but collect fees from outfitters without concern for what they do on National Forest land. Buzz H the comment on the USFS was not intended as a jab to you. Just my observation of the powers that be in this National Forest.

LAST EDITED ON Jan-16-14 AT 10:03AM (MST)[p]>I wish it were a little
>closer to home. I have
>some real issues with technology
>and Buzz H is right
>about it advancing beyond the
>regulations. A few years ago
>I discovered a very advanced
>trail camera set up in
>a wilderness area of NW
>Wyoming. It was tracking migrating
>mule deer. I suspected who
>the outfitter was that owned
>it. I ran across that
>outfitter during hunting season and
>asked him about the camera.
>He denied it was his.
>After the denial, I told
>him that in that case
>I suppose you wouldn't mind
>if I smashed it with
>a rock. The look on
>his face was priceless. Instead,
>I put a piece of
>flagging tape over the camera's
>lens with a picture of
>a man's head with big
>ears that I had drawn
>with a permanent marker. My
>concerns with regulating technology is
>would anyone enforce it? The
>Game and Fish is stretched
>thin and the USFS seems
>less inclined to do anything
>but collect fees from outfitters
>without concern for what they
>do on National Forest land.
>Buzz H the comment on
>the USFS was not intended
>as a jab to you.
>Just my observation of the
>powers that be in this
>National Forest.

***You sure do have some issues and that one sucks the big weenie!!! Doing what you did just lost some of the respect that I had for you! Was the camera in violation of any law that's on the books right now? If not, you had no right doing what you did. In fact, even if it was in violation of the law, you still had no right to do anything other than contact responsible authorities to have it taken care of. I can't believe you would put up a post like that saying you violated another person's rights that were not violating anything. Am I missing something here and is there a new law in Wyoming banning game cameras? My personal opinion is that I wish they had never been invented to lessen the physical scouting that one has to do, but doing what you did was over the line!!!

Thank you for your input, I will get a discussion started about trail cams as well tonight.

I think its a legitimate concern, in particular with the live feeds with trail cams.

I also have NO problems with your comments regarding the lack of enforcement by the Gov. Agencies. The reasons for that are many, and I'd rather not get into the particulars any further than I agree with you.

I will say, that as technology gets more of a foothold, its really tough to put the cat back in the bag once its allowed. Its much easier, and effective, to stay in front of technology rather than trying to pass laws once the technology is widely used, marketed, and accepted.

As to the trail cam(s), you witnessed, there could be regulations regarding their use in Wilderness Areas. I'm not sure, actually, one way or the other. However, it would be the land Management Agency that would have the regulation in place, as there is nothing regarding trail cams in Wyoming hunting regulations that would prohibit their use.

I'll report back tomorrow on how the discussion went.

It is my understanding that trail cameras are illegal in Wilderness Areas on the National Forest. I also believe that if you are going to film on the National Forest and in the Wilderness Areas that you need a permit to do so. I know this is true if you are doing it for commercial purposes. I don't believe that any outfitter would utilize a trail camera except to benefit his guided hunters and therefore his own wallet. I contacted the authorities at the USFS a couple of years ago and advised them that the camera was there. They told me it was illegal in a Wilderness Area. I gave them the GPS coordinates of the camera and they did nothing. It was there again in both 2012 and 2013. This same outfitter also sets up a tent in an area permitted only for day use. Maybe the outfitters operate under a different set of rules than the rest of us on National Forest. The law or regulation on this would be federal and not state.

I think sometimes you, Topgun,live in a world different than mine. The outfitters(for the most part)run roughshod over the law in this area. I could tell you story after story of my altercations with guides and outfitters. I have no use for most of them and the way that many of them abuse the resource and treat public land as if it were their private fiefdom. I will continue to say my piece even if I risk the chance of losing your respect in the process.

just sayin... mh
LAST EDITED ON Jan-16-14 AT 05:08PM (MST)[p]MH---The different world we live in may be the result of my being in LE for over 30 years with the thought process that civilians shouldn't take the law into their own hands like you did, but rather have the responsible authorities handle the situation. I understand your views pretty well and I'm sure that we are pretty close on our thinking on most hunting related stuff. I know that Wyoming has no state laws governing the use of trailcams like Montana instituted not too long ago. It sounds like you're not sure of what the Federal laws are on them where you found it and IMHO you should have looked into it further. Even from what you stated, I would still not touch equipment that wasn't mine, but would go up the ladder as far as I had to until it was taken care of, if indeed it is illegal to have it out there. Taking the law into our own hands is not the way to handle things IMHO, and if everyone did we would still be a lawless nation like we started out when our country was growing back in the 1800s. At least I'm glad you didn't damage it and saying your piece was not what I mentioned when I made the "respect" statement.

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