Wy opener


Long Time Member
Once again for 10 straight years i put down 15-20 miles walking old boot/wheeler tracks the entire way!
How long should a guy wait till he joins the dark side and starts early? It seems like plenty of people don't care about this stupid law that can't and never will be enforced! What's everyone else seeing?
With little snow this winter and it leaving by the middle of March in those areas that had some, it was to be expected. Its not illegal to go walk the winter ranges before May 1, go walk the dog or take the horses for a ride. Those guys out on 4 wheelers early in motorized closures is the most frustrating. Or even yet, like yesterday, using 4-wheelers to instead of their two legs to cover areas where there are no roads. Kinda' funny how many 'road shed hunters' there are. I'd bet half the vehicles I seen yesterday were just driving roads to the high points and ridges, glass around a little, then on to the next ridge. Quite the social event anymore. I wasn't even in the heart of the winter range and still surrounded...lol. By noon the fireworks were over.
I didn’t make it this year but I actually heard quite the opposite. Little sign of people in there before. But I heard the number of people was crazy.
The area i went too had obviously been poached. Still found several and some decent ones but they were all in heavy cover where they couldnt be seen by the poachers driving around. Not a single one in the open or on a ridge.
Never seen so many people. It was tough finding a walkie channel that just my dad and kids could be on. Even more than last year I think.

I was the most unlucky, but my family had some good luck, including my dad, who was coming off a knee replacement. While hunting horns, luck is everything. :)

Couldn't tell if there had been poaching, but I saw so many people with horns all over the place, I'd say everyone had an enjoyable day.
The area I went had clearly been poached. Old boot tracks and side by side tracks on top of every ridge. Also some some asswholes riding enduro bikes cross country. Not a road anywhere close to where they were.
We did ok. No early boot tracks helped keep the motivation up. Lots of people, all really friendly. Great time.
Definitely seems like more people are following the rules. The biggest bucks were picked up opening day and lots had a side found by different parties. While the shed season is BS it seems like it’s better than it’s been the last few years. Friend picked up a year old white set from a pretty popular buck that everyone assumed was picked early last year. There were 40 people on the hill last year looking for him. Yet there they sat for a year ?‍♂️

Glad to hear you guys are getting out there with your kids !
We found about 30 antlers. Nothing real exciting. Plenty of people!
We didn’t find much out in the open. Most were in thick stuff. Not sure how much that means, but it sure makes me wonder if spots are getting hit early. I don’t know???
It just seems that when I’m up there looking in the winter that I see a greater ratio on 4 point bucks to yearlings than what we find in sheds. BUT, maybe I just notice more of the 4 point or better bucks than I do the yearlings. ???
I always wonder why I don’t find many big ones, then have to go through photos of days on the winter range to remind me just how few there really are.
What if they were to open every state for shed hunting on the exact same day? That would help reduce the pressure on each state wouldn't it? There is nothing you can do about the poachers. Unless they start getting caught and fined heavily that won't stop.

But if nonresidents had to apply for a limited amount of nonresident shed hunting permits and then the rest of the states opened up on the exact same day I think it would help a ton. SW Wyoming looked like a storage facility for Utah trucks last weekend. Would be nice for the locals to be able to enjoy the majority of the resource without having to fight the Hushin groupies for horns.

Or maybe the first week should be residents only and then they open it up to nonresidents. I'd bet a lot of people would be cool with that (not the utah guys of course).
Has anyone thought to put a game camera on sheds in a visible area to catch shed poachers? Probably not to high on L.O. priority list
Funny thing is I don't shed hunt! I just know loads of guys that do and they all say the same thing about how crowded it has gotten and how much of a joke it is.

I honestly don't care if guys find sheds or not but I would love to see my local buddies get to enjoy their stomping grounds without having to compete with 10,000 guys from Utah.

My opinion is that spring is for Turkey hunting so I never got into shed hunting. I dedicated 10 years of my life to mastering turkey calling and hunting so I never had time for sheds. But the way shed hunting is these days I most certainly won't get into it moving forward even though I do like picking up sheds when I see them.
Funny thing is I don't shed hunt! I just know loads of guys that do and they all say the same thing about how crowded it has gotten and how much of a joke it is.

I honestly don't care if guys find sheds or not but I would love to see my local buddies get to enjoy their stomping grounds without having to compete with 10,000 guys from Utah.

My opinion is that spring is for Turkey hunting so I never got into shed hunting. I dedicated 10 years of my life to mastering turkey calling and hunting so I never had time for sheds. But the way shed hunting is these days I most certainly won't get into it moving forward even though I do like picking up sheds when I see them.
Yea I wish more people turkey hunted and would quit shed hunting !!! Maybe you could make some cool turkey hunting videos and put them on YouTube
Heres an idea get rid of the stupid shed season on all states and you solve all the issues.

No shed poachers,
Not competing with every Tom, D!ck and Harry on the same weekend.
The shed seasons have actually made it more popular in my opinion you created something for everyone to get excited about you created a new opening day.
Its already damn near un enforceable.

Just get rid of the stupid seasons and it would fix all of this.

I can make the argument the opening of the season its harder on the animals then no season is, especially on the pregnant females. They literally have nowhere to run away too on the opening because there is literally people everywhere all at the same time.
Has anyone thought to put a game camera on sheds in a visible area to catch shed poachers? Probably not to high on L.O. priority list
They will get in trouble if they do. Thats considered "locating" the way the law reads (i got to find out the hard way) the definition of picking up sheds is basically to locate, to search for, to attempt to search for and to stock pile.

So basically if you see a shed before may 1st you're illegal...
They will get in trouble if they do. Thats considered "locating" the way the law reads (i got to find out the hard way) the definition of picking up sheds is basically to locate, to search for, to attempt to search for and to stock pile.

So basically if you see a shed before may 1st you're illegal...
They way that law reads, you could get a ticket riding your wheeler with binos on your neck.
Oh it’s not turning into a joke. It IS a joke now. Look at the photo posted in this thread and look at the kids in it. That’s all you need to know about shed hunting these days. Little punks picking up participation trophies is all it is now.

it’s not even worth the time or effort to go do it anymore.
With your user name I would suspect you would be military’. No wonder we’ve lost the last few wars because of that attitude. It’s harder now so I’m just going to quit. So sad.
Oh it’s not turning into a joke. It IS a joke now. Look at the photo posted in this thread and look at the kids in it. That’s all you need to know about shed hunting these days. Little punks picking up participation trophies is all it is now.

it’s not even worth the time or effort to go do it anymore.
Coming from a guy who has to brag about killing a turkey ?
At the very least I can back up my claims. Yours seems to be nothing more than hot air and picking up antlers off the ground. What a challenge that is
Spread the news of how cool turkey hunting is, make a YouTube video, pull some of the hush crowd over to turkey hunting!!!!
Oh it’s not turning into a joke. It IS a joke now. Look at the photo posted in this thread and look at the kids in it. That’s all you need to know about shed hunting these days. Little punks picking up participation trophies is all it is now.

it’s not even worth the time or effort to go do it anymore.
First off , thread in general.. what does
Non-residents of Any state hurt adjacent states in general life?
heck, I bet a good majority of guys on this site throw a few 100 bucks towards hunting different states.. every year. SO.... are they WYtards , IDtards or NVtards trying expand shed hunting or hunting in general. We are all in this big ass sh** show together...
Hey, Delta there is allot of ground out there in Wyoming. Your saying it’s a joke cause it’s harder for you to find antlers? Or cause of non-residents creating memories with their families.. that’s causing you to not find some antlers?
Heck, I’m shed/hunting on my on home turf and see a non-resident.. first thing I think is ... poor sum Bit** , good luck bud!!
Same thing in Wyoming. Locals no when where and how to kill and find big sheds/bucks.,
Delta Farce, those little punks your talking about might have got a moment of clarity and started enjoying being outside and not being such an enclosed p***y..,

hunt harder longer if ya can..,
First off , thread in general.. what does
Non-residents of Any state hurt adjacent states in general life?
heck, I bet a good majority of guys on this site throw a few 100 bucks towards hunting different states.. every year. SO.... are they WYtards , IDtards or NVtards trying expand shed hunting or hunting in general. We are all in this big ass sh** show together...
Hey, Delta there is allot of ground out there in Wyoming. Your saying it’s a joke cause it’s harder for you to find antlers? Or cause of non-residents creating memories with their families.. that’s causing you to not find some antlers?
Heck, I’m shed/hunting on my on home turf and see a non-resident.. first thing I think is ... poor sum Bit** , good luck bud!!
Same thing in Wyoming. Locals no when where and how to kill and find big sheds/bucks.,
Delta Farce, those little punks your talking about might have got a moment of clarity and started enjoying being outside and not being such an enclosed p***y..,

hunt harder longer if ya can..,
Blackhawk down!
First off , thread in general.. what does
Non-residents of Any state hurt adjacent states in general life?
heck, I bet a good majority of guys on this site throw a few 100 bucks towards hunting different states.. every year. SO.... are they WYtards , IDtards or NVtards trying expand shed hunting or hunting in general. We are all in this big ass sh** show together...
Hey, Delta there is allot of ground out there in Wyoming. Your saying it’s a joke cause it’s harder for you to find antlers? Or cause of non-residents creating memories with their families.. that’s causing you to not find some antlers?
Heck, I’m shed/hunting on my on home turf and see a non-resident.. first thing I think is ... poor sum Bit** , good luck bud!!
Same thing in Wyoming. Locals no when where and how to kill and find big sheds/bucks.,
Delta Farce, those little punks your talking about might have got a moment of clarity and started enjoying being outside and not being such an enclosed p***y..,

hunt harder longer if ya can..,
Hahahahaha this is too easy.

hook, line, sinker.
Oh it’s not turning into a joke. It IS a joke now. Look at the photo posted in this thread and look at the kids in it. That’s all you need to know about shed hunting these days. Little punks picking up participation trophies is all it is now.

it’s not even worth the time or effort to go do it anymore.
I prefer to pick up the "participation trophy" then get the real trophy in September and October also ?
I guess the temptation is too strong for some people not to resist picking them up early. Sucks for the rest of those that follow the law and wait.
First off , thread in general.. what does
Non-residents of Any state hurt adjacent states in general life?
heck, I bet a good majority of guys on this site throw a few 100 bucks towards hunting different states.. every year. SO.... are they WYtards , IDtards or NVtards trying expand shed hunting or hunting in general. We are all in this big ass sh** show together...
Hey, Delta there is allot of ground out there in Wyoming. Your saying it’s a joke cause it’s harder for you to find antlers? Or cause of non-residents creating memories with their families.. that’s causing you to not find some antlers?
Heck, I’m shed/hunting on my on home turf and see a non-resident.. first thing I think is ... poor sum Bit** , good luck bud!!
Same thing in Wyoming. Locals no when where and how to kill and find big sheds/bucks.,
Delta Farce, those little punks your talking about might have got a moment of clarity and started enjoying being outside and not being such an enclosed p***y..,

hunt harder longer if ya can..,
Does this include night hunting?

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