WY Sheep


Active Member
I am writing this for not me. My father. We're from Montana. After doing some crunching of the numbers, its coming to a realistic conclusion he'll never
catch up the point game to draw a unit where theres not issues with wilderness and guide requirements. Hes in his earily 60's and in awesome shape,
but time waits for no one.
Not holding much faith in the random draws in units such as 5.
Hes killed afew rams elsewhere but wants to get another bighorn, if possible.
As much as he dont want to hire a guide, hes seriously re considering the situation for Wy sheep.
Areas hes kinda looking at as a preliminary start that drawing might be a better chance.
Units 1, 8, 10, mabey 9
What Im asking here, any of you have any good recommendations on guides within those units
that he can call to do some researching. He would like to find a guide he likes who hunts
in the area before applying.
To get the most out of asking, Im placing this in both the Sheep forum and the Wyoming forums.
Also look at area 2.

As for outfitters, Meade Dominick(7D Ranch), Shoshone Lodge Outfitters and Crandall Creek, all hunt area 1 and are top notch.

Meade's hunter killed a mid-180 ram out of area 2 last year. Shoshone Lodge guided 3 governors tag holders in 2012.

There are a real good core group of guides in the Cody area that know sheep and know their hunt areas.

from the "Heartland of Wyoming"
LAST EDITED ON Dec-30-13 AT 04:17PM (MST)[p]Give Fritz Meyer, Windriver Mountain Outfitters a call in Dubois.
I'd also shy away from unit 8.
How many points does he have?

The random draw is a tough way to go. unit 1 has by far the best random draw odds if you want to play that game. I don't think 8,9 or 10 have any random tags.

Stay thirsty my friends
If you are from Montana and really want to hunt sheep, Why not hunt in one of the unlimited units and put in a ton of time, effort, and miles to find a Ram for the opening day? That is your best chance of getting a tag because you are guaranteed it...Just a thought.
Hes got 14 and I got 15 points.

Thanks for the thought. Hes in the waiting period as hes drawn a MT tag in the last 7 years. As for me, along with a ton of other people Im sitting with max points and dont want to use them on a unlimited area.
That makes sense then... Check with Justin Jarrett of Wapiti Ridge Outfitters...hes a great guy and sheep fanatic as well.. Multiple people on this forum have hunted with him and would say the same. The other outfits listed by others are great as well, I just know Justin as a great guy and incredibly hard worker for his hunters through the guiding realm.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-01-14 AT 09:40AM (MST)[p]

I second that on JJ, I hunted elk with him last year and I'll hunt sheep with him when I draw in the next few years ( I have 16 ). top notch outfit and guy.

With 14 and 15 points I think you can draw area 1, you might give that some serious thought. 2-3-4 and 5 you'd be on the random draw for sure.

Stay thirsty my friends

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