Wyo Sheep/Moose Results!


Long Time Member
Get ready first thing in the morning fella's!

Draw Results for Moose, Bighorn Sheep and Mountain Goat will be Available on May 4th at 8:00 a.m. (MDT).

Dang it, Robb! I went and did a quick search for my results before I opened your post.

Best of luck to all in the morning!!
Any bets if they goof it up worse than last year? I am betting a server crash. Just kiddin, all my respect for the G&F! Except for deer management!
looks like if you were unsuccessful, you can look it up now under the drawing results. is that true? i'm not sure i'm reading it right.
Wyoming issued 58 non-resident permits in the 2012 Bighorn Sheep draw. Of these, 50 went in the preference point draw and 8 in the random draw.

Of the 50 permits issued in the preference point draw, the distribution by point class (MAX = 17):


17 / 3
16 / 17
15 / 18
14 / 7
13 / 3
12 / 2

This is the first year in which greatest number of permits was drawn by the group with MAX-2 (15) points.

Of 27 prospective applicants with the maximum of 17 points entering the draw, only 6 applied with 3 of those drawing permits. This leaves 24 applicants with MAX points to carry over to the 2013 draw, less whatever number choses not to participate in the preference point only application process later this year.
I'm hoping another 7-10 years will clear out the top and open it up to those of us just below. I've been tracking this for years and its amazing at how many drop out over the years.
LAST EDITED ON May-04-12 AT 01:43PM (MST)[p]For moose they issued the following in the PP draw:
Points Drew
17 - 0
16 - 2
15 - 4
14 - 4
13 - 0
12 - 30
11 - 16
10 - 7

I stopped at 10 points
Is this phenomenon economic based?
I can't imagine being that close to drawing and not making application for a tag! Maybe they know something I don't.
I would say possible factors would be economic (the tag alone is expensive let alone the guide cost), timing, maybe even a couple aged based...just some thoughts.
Waiting makes you subject to price increases, rule changes, herd dieoffs, personal health going bad, and it costs the point fee every year to stay in. I wouldn't think the percentage of those in draw position buying points without applying would be quite so high, but you have to keep in mind that most of the max pointers left should have drawn by now had they applied every year. It might be more the dreamers than doers that sit the fence so long...

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