Wyoming Elk Results?


Very Active Member
Last year they came out the 21st of Feb, the 3rd Tuesday of the month. Will results be up on the 19th then? If so only a week to wait...good luck to everyone.
My first time actually applying after building points since points started. Probably won't draw, but excited at the "maybe!" Good luck to all of you.
Not the way it works in Wyoming Robb. The CC should have been hit soon after the person completed their online application and then they get a refund check if they don't draw. You won't know if you drew until the results are posted on the website.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-13-13 AT 12:24PM (MST)[p]I always look forward to the Wyoming elk draw...it gets the blood pumping as all the draws start soon after.
Kudos to WY for doing the draw so quickly and so early in the season. Good to know the results before applying elsewhere. Nothing worse than late spring / early sumer when all the other states' apps are in and I have too many balls in the air. Seems like they all either fall to the ground or end up with more tags than time!!

Good luck to everyone (unless you are competing for my tag).
LAST EDITED ON Feb-14-13 AT 12:40PM (MST)[p]Marburg,

Heres the options you have...

1. They can conduct the drawings prior to knowing how the winter has impacted deer and pronghorn numbers. This will lead to either over-issuing tags and harming populations with over-harvest and creating a crap hunt for those that draw. They can be overly conservative and severely limit tags numbers/opportunity.

2. You can cans shut your mouth, quit complaining about the dates, and have proper game management decisions based on actual data.

Its always funny to listen to people whine, cry, and carry on about how "inconvienced" they are by drawing dates...while systematically ignoring the importance of spring counts and how much bad decisions can impact hunters and wildlife.

The me, me, me and instant gratification crowd can both go pound sand...

Making correct decisions with tag numbers should always trump the "needs" and "wants" of the whiners who cant wait for draw results.
Breathe Buzz, breathe!

A simpler explanation would have worked without busting his balls! Maybe he really didn't know why they had to post the draw results so late.

Do you suppose that his statement might have meant he simply doesn't know what you know?

Guide people with that big stick, Buzz, don't beat the shiite out of everyone with it!

Love, Zeke

I tend to agree with you, but I am quickly running out of patience with uninformed hunters.

Its pretty sad that hunters, as a general group, know SO LITTLE about the animals and sport they claim to like so much.

The results of the uninformed are why we have things like preference point bills, transferable point bills, archery set aside bills, and idiots pushing the G&F to provide their drawing results when they want them.

How about hunters take a giant step back and think about the resource/health of the wildlife first?

Todays hunters have really lost sight of the big picture, its all about them and their opportunities...who cares how it impacts wildlife...as long as I get mine!

It isnt hard to figure out why the drawing date is later for pronghorn and deer...

Maybe he could have asked why the date was later, rather than clubbing the WYG&F over the head with his stick?

Just sayin'...
>I tend to agree with you,
>but I am quickly running
>out of patience with uninformed
>Its pretty sad that hunters, as
>a general group, know SO
>LITTLE about the animals and
>sport they claim to like
>so much.
>The results of the uninformed are
>why we have things like
>preference point bills, transferable point
>bills, archery set aside bills,
>and idiots pushing the G&F
>to provide their drawing results
>when they want them.
>How about hunters take a giant
>step back and think about
>the resource/health of the wildlife
>Todays hunters have really lost sight
>of the big picture, its
>all about them and their
>opportunities...who cares how it impacts
>wildlife...as long as I get
>It isnt hard to figure out
>why the drawing date is
>later for pronghorn and deer...
>Maybe he could have asked why
>the date was later, rather
>than clubbing the WYG&F over
>the head with his stick?
>Just sayin'...

Damn good reply Buzz!
I feel your frustration.

I agree with you 100% that the vast majority do not spend enough time learning about the critters we profess to love.

You have so much great info to give to those guys.... and all of us.

I have always wondered why they do nonresident elk only ahead of everything else, including herd surveys and tag numbers. I guess it all averages out, but if tag numbers go up in a year the herds are good, nonresidents will get a lower percentage, and in a bad year where tag numbers drop, nonresidents get a higher percentage. And nonresidents get no crack at the leftover resident elk tags till the leftover draw.

Just seems strange to seperate the nonresident elk out. Must be for outfitters to get first crack at nonresident elk hunters before they apply in other states. Oh well, I suppose elk herds usually take bad winters better thgan deere or antelope.
>I have always wondered why they
>do nonresident elk only ahead
>of everything else, including herd
>surveys and tag numbers. I
>guess it all averages out,
>but if tag numbers go
>up in a year the
>herds are good, nonresidents will
>get a lower percentage, and
>in a bad year where
>tag numbers drop, nonresidents get
>a higher percentage. And nonresidents
>get no crack at the
>leftover resident elk tags till
>the leftover draw.

***I don'tt know why any NR complains when we get such a good percentage of the overall tags in Wyoming compared to any other state. My gosh, we're down to 6% in NM, AZ has the "no more than 10% rule and that means they don't have to give us any if they don't feel like it, etc. As far as your last comment, the NRs are on an equal when it comes to leftover tags because it's first come first serve for them on 7/10 and 7/17. They could let all the residenst have their pick of those too before we get our chance---just sayin!

>Just seems strange to seperate the
>nonresident elk out. Must be
>for outfitters to get first
>crack at nonresident elk hunters
>before they apply in other
>states. Oh well, I suppose
>elk herds usually take bad
>winters better thgan deere or

***Elk take winters a whole lot easier than deer and antelope! How often do you hear of elk having a problem during the winter? Other than in areas where G&F has had to set up feed grounds for them, they do very well on their own most of the time. The feed grounds are only there basicly as a political solution or remedy for those areas so they can maintain an artificial number of animals that is contrary to the actual carrying capacity of the land. That then brings on other problems by concentrating wolves in those areas, increases the chances for the spread of Brucellosis, etc.
NR get the same number of Full Price Elk tags regardless of the overall tag numbers. We are legislated to receive 7,250 rather than a percentage of the whole.
I usually don't respond to childish rants on the net because I get plenty of practice debating the whys and how?s of life with my three year old who like you has a Napoleonic personality. Thing is, she has plenty of time to grow out of it. It's late though and a hectic day at work as me unable to sleep so I will try to do this response justice.

Wyoming posts their draw results nearly a month after most the other western states. At least two of those states you could safely argue manage their game better than Wyoming. The tardiness has more to do with typical governmental bureaucracy than game management.

Rest assured I don't wish preference points, set aside bills, or any other such nonsense upon the residents of Wyoming. I usually agree with your line of thinking on the politics of game management in Wyoming though I don't post about it much.

From a non-resident's point of view, with archery seasons starting in early August and draw results available in late June, you typically have approximately 45 days to arrange for a trip, not much time for those who have things to do besides bang about on a keyboard trying to be the undisputed champion of the internet. In this day and age I think that time period could easily be widened.

That being said its only my humble opinion and in the grand scheme of things it matters little to anyone, anyone apparently but you.

I hope your myopic rants are not a reflection the real life Buzz. If so your days walking this earth enjoying natures creatures will be shortened by the toxic toll such venom takes upon one?s soul. The only real solution I can offer via the net is to send you some of my wife?s makeup. Maybe you can eat it and make yourself pretty on the inside.

Good luck to you this season, enjoy Wyoming it's a great state
BuzzH may not put things out in a "touchy feely" manner a lot of the time, but if you throw out the chaff he hits the nail on the head most of the time! You are correct in regards to the short time period between early hunts and draw notification, but I haven't heard an outcry for a change. I think most everyone is just thankful to have such a great state to hunt in with so many opportunities to go after a number of animals every year compared to some places. You have to take a little bit of bad for all the good Wyoming has to offer IMHO.
I agree. We get draw results for Elk in a hurry but pay for it by possibly missing hunts they may add after our deadline, as they did last year.
The Antelope/Deer numbers are available before the change date but need to be emailed. Most aren't informed or concerned enough to take that step.

For those willing to take that step, pm me and I'll forward his email.
My guess would be by next Friday.
The start of this years draw process hope it goes better then last year.
Good luck to everyone
oilcan---What do you mean by you hope the draw is better than last year? Are you meaning because you didn't draw a tag or something else?

Great response to Buzz. I think "myopic" is a good term to use when describing him.

I tend to agree with most of what Buzz says, and he generally comes armed with information. However, he tends to get personal in nature when somebody disagrees with his point of view.

Like you mentioned in your post, it is a character flaw that most tend to grow out of when they become adults.

TOPGUN I was referring to this being the first of many draw results for the year and just hoping to have better luck then last year.

Nothing wrong with the draws i was just unfortunate and didn't draw anything( in any state).Some tags would have taken alot of luck,some i had a decent chance and a couple i was really surprised i didn't draw.

For example the Wyoming Elk tag i applied for in 2011 in the special draw it took 2.5 points for 100% draw we put in with 4 P.P. last year and it jumped to 5 P.P. for 100% draw.On top of that 3 out of 4 applicants with 4 points drew and our group was the one that didn't.
oilcan---Sounds like you have the kind of luck that piper says he has in the random resident draws! That unit you mentioned really jumped up in PPs in just one year and then you were really unlucky when 3 of 4 got the tags with 4PPs and you missed out. I hope the draws this year makes up for last year for ya!!!
TOPGUN we will find out soon i'm not complaining i have drawn my fair share of tags Wyoming has been very very good to me.
Now back on track guys...what do you think about tomorrow? Not looking good since fish and game hasn't posted anything on their site yet. Who has the intel?
Yep, the bulletin just went up on the top of the G&F website that the NR elk draw results will be posted tomorrow morning. Good luck everyone!
Hoping for a miracle on my first choice...if not, I should hunting the General.

Well.....the Wyo site shows 2013 Draw results, but only shows my preference points with no changes. Anyone get anything else?
Hang tight you two, as they won't activate that part of the the site so you can check your results until 8AM Mountain time tomorrow morning.
>Hang tight you two, as they
>won't activate that part of
>the the site so you
>can check your results until
>8AM Mountain time tomorrow morning.

Hard to hang! I had such a poor hunting season (sick on my only hunt.........) this past year. I am chomping at the bit already. Gonna be a long year!!
Actually my company was awarded the computer programming contract this year and they assigned me to flip the switch to post results before they left the office. They said I could post any time after 7 but I'm watching the Blackhawks game and Hossa just scored! Will get to it if I get time.

Member RMEF, Pope & Young Club, NRA, UWC & the SFW Hate Club
LAST EDITED ON Feb-19-13 AT 09:20PM (MST)[p]Dang he scored again! Time to crack open a cold one!

Now overtime. But promise I'll get on this first chance I get.

Member RMEF, Pope & Young Club, NRA, UWC & the SFW Hate Club
Dang!!!! I have a 2-hour meeting that starts at 9 am (8 am mountain time). I will have to wait to find the results. That will be one long meeting!
>Yep..another point for me. gonna be
>a shitty day

Cheer up Reddog! At least you can take comfort knowing my string of bad luck continues right along with you....... And on to the next application we go!!
Point for me, 31 for my Dad. Excited to get into 'em.


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