Wyoming elk units?


Very Active Member
I'm looking into applying for two units in Wyoming for elk and was wondering about the two. They are unit 24 and 100! I really don't know very much about either of them except 100 is mainly public land and, looking at the map quite large of an area. Unit 24 is much smaller but looks to be also public land. Is there any other info that someone can provide that will help me make my decision. Also, is there Grizzlies in either of these areas? Thanks
I've never hunted for elk in these areas so I can't tell you if there are many elk down there. I do know there are no grizz in that country. I usually hunt antelope in that area.
lots of elk, lots of public. Tough draw, not many bulls over 300-320. Never hunted it. Fun hunt if you draw.
Hunted 100 last year. It was an absolute blast! Lots of elk that are easily located, and easy terrain to hunt. A unique place to chase elk (more like an antelope hunt). Very few bulls over 320, but tons of 6 points in the 260-300 range (last year's drought was pretty bad in this area). It's not unusual to see upwards of 200 elk per day. The only downside is the tough draw odds.
Thanks for the info, just what I wanted to know about the areas. Have been applying for unit 100 since 2000 with the hope if I draw it would be a nice hunt. The size of the bull isn't as much of a concern as the amount of elk. I love archery and would mainly hunt with that weapon type. Hopefuuly 24 is as nice! Thanks again.
If you're going to hunt archery in 100, good luck. Its pretty hard. The herd bulls gather cows way early and won't leave them. The terrain is definatley against you and the water sources are sparse. but your biggest downfall is the drawing odds.

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