Wyoming help please.


Very Active Member
Well here I am again looking for some help this year. 1. I'm looking for some info to the match of this shed I found last week. 2. I'm also looking for a NR points partner or two to carry me and a buddy through the draw. This is lame sauce I know but my heavens, I can't resist asking again this year. I dream of dirty, giant bucks in the high country all day every day. Region H will be the target unit this year. It's of course steep and deep but requires less points than the famed sister unit(G). My hunting partner and I have been successful in taking 6 bucks from 200 to 240 on general public land units. We hunt hard, very hard. It's our passion, our obsession and our calling card of sorts. We are open to suggestions if you happen to be interested in working something out for the 2018 draw. I'll share a few pictures of Wyoming bucks I scouted last year and one I decided to go after but After busting him out on an archery stalk, I never saw him again (13 days to be exact).
The shed....I know of one previous set that was picked up a couple weeks ago but I think this is the year after.


The buck I was After in 17? wyoming

Buck I killed in 16? wyoming

Sit tall in the saddle, hold your head up high, keep your eyes fixed to where the trail meets the sky...
>That buck looks really close to
>one we ended up with
>last year. I tried posting
>a picture but I no
>figure it out.

Email me the picture and I'll post it for you... I'm sure theirs a few that would like to see him...
I'd sure like to see a picture also. I was told by a couple people that buck was killed late in the season by a high school aged kid. I spent a lot of time keeping tabs on that deer. Was told if it's the same deer he grossed in the 205 range.

Sit tall in the saddle, hold your head up high, keep your eyes fixed to where the trail meets the sky...
I'd love to see a picture

Sit tall in the saddle, hold your head up high, keep your eyes fixed to where the trail meets the sky...
Enough to be dangerous

Sit tall in the saddle, hold your head up high, keep your eyes fixed to where the trail meets the sky...
All great photos, but I love the look of the live buck, looks like he was posing for the camera, what a deer!

Sitting on 7 WY deer points, but won't be able to use them this year...

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