wyoming moose, sheep and goat


Long Time Member
LAST EDITED ON May-02-06 AT 08:29PM (MST)[p]just checked the wyoming game and fish and resdents drawings will be out tommorow at 8 a.m. may 3-2006. good luck to you all.

LAST EDITED ON May-03-06 AT 08:24AM (MST)[p]No sheep or goat for me either. Not eligible to put in for moose until next year.
It was a big "UN" for us also, Dad has been applying for Moose now for 30+ years. Well there is always next year!
Sorry to hear you guys did not draw. My dad was lucky drew a unit 4 sheep tag. Time to get in shape.
The "you are a loser" for me and the wife on moose and sheep. Best of luck to those that draw!
I got the big UN on moose just points for sheep
My business partner drew on moose non res. He put in for the Hams Fork area 26. If any of you have advice please share it. This will be the first moose hunt for us.
GOING MOOSE hunting!! :)

My dad drew Res. Unit 26. He had 10 points. Figured he would have a good shot this year and he drew.

Kirt C.
Hunt Odds.com
LAST EDITED ON May-03-06 AT 10:19AM (MST)[p]Congrats! Diamond J & Oddnut1 to your Dad's successful draw. Kill a nice one.


Proverbs 3:5-6
They posted the General odds, but nothing yet for Pref. Points. Non-Res' in 26 with 6 pts and up probably had a great shot, if not guarenteed. 5 pts was probably the line again. Curious to see myself. I have alot of buddies "sitting on Non-Res points" since they raised the fee so drastically. Next year will be very interesting since people might lose those points they are sitting on.

Kirt C.
Hunt Odds.com
I lucked out and drew a unit 27 non-resident tag. My son drew the same tag a few years back, can't wait to get back out there.

LAST EDITED ON May-03-06 AT 11:57AM (MST)[p]Rick,
Good luck on the hunt and hope that you get a big one. Paul & I will be rooting for you.

I am not positive but I think he had 3 or 4 points. I have 5 and he did not have as many points as I do.
no sheep, moose or goat, i guess there is always next year. hopeing i could draw before i go to college than i would take off two months to some hardcore hunting.

Wyoming Bighorn Stats

LAST EDITED ON May-03-06 AT 05:46PM (MST)[p]Some interesting stats from the 2006 draw:

Total 2006 apps. 5,517

Total 2005 apps. 10,756

Reduction in apps. 5,239

Over five thousand applicants drop out of the race. Still... over five thousand stay in... a big money maker for Wyoming at $100 per applicant.

Total Ram permits 57
Preference Pt. draw 46
Random draw 11

Preference Pt. draw allocation
11 pts. (max) 34
10 pts. 9
7 pts. 1
5 pts. 2

Random draw (est.)
11 pts. (max) 1
< 11 pts. 10

Max Preference Pt. analysis
Following 2005 draw 191
Entering 2006 draw 173
Attrition 18 (max Pref. Pt. holders bailing!)

Max PP Projection for 2007
Entering 2006 draw 173
2006 Pref. Pt. draw 34
2006 Random draw 1 (7% of 11 est.)
Attrition 3 (2% of 138 est.)
Entering 2007 draw 135 (est.)

Years to "Burn Off" Max Pref. Pt. Holders

Divided by total PP permits 135/46 = 2.9 years

Divided by "premium" PP permits 135/34 = 4.0 years

Conclusion: 5,239 bail out of the game... but 5,517 remain.
It will take many years for anyone holding 7 or fewer preference points to draw a bighorn permit, unless they apply for one of the inferior units, or get lucky in the <1% random draw. Good luck.
Thanks guys.
If anyone has hunted or has some information on unit 27 that they wouldn't mind sharing it would be greatly appreciated.

RE: Wyoming Bighorn Stats

Wow! 18 max point holders bailed! That is a lot.

"Whatever you are, be a good one."
- Abraham Lincoln
RE: Wyoming Bighorn Stats

No. I kind of figured that a few more points only guys would decide to get in and get out before paying too many years of the $100 fee. I guess the same happened in your unit. Oh well.
HT as always very good info thanks - I save and use it. I am extremely surpirsed more then 1 max pnt holders bailed, holly smokes, they could hunts sheep SOON!

I guessed half the applicants would drop, I was pretty close.

Do you have any idea how many guys had 8 points, 9 points etc that remained in?

I got my 7th point this year, so I am right in the pack with a huge group of applicants. I am hoping to reach max pnts in 15-20 years, math shows a little longer but I think next year a lot more guys will drop (I know a lot who decided to stay in for 1 more year just to see what happens) and also I think a lot of older guys hold points and in 20 years will no longer be in the draw for one reason or another (besides having drawn a tag).

What is your guess as to when I would reach max pnts? (Ignoring the fact the premium units will take longer).

I thought random draw tag odds would go up with applicants dropping out, curious to see if that help. Even at 1%-2% odds after 10 years it is a chance.
Wyoming Bighorn Stats, part II

I should have mentioned it, but the Stats given above are for the Non-Resident Wyoming Bighorn draw.

For the Resident Bighorn draw, the number of Max PP holders from the 2005 was 931, but only 873 entered the 2006 draw, for a pre-draw attrition of 58. Of the 873, 132 drew permits in the PP draw. Subtracting an additional estimate of 4 permits from the random draw, and 18 attrition, projects 719 Max PP holders to 2007.

The total number of applicants in the Resident Bighorn draw fell from 8,798 in 2005 to 7,593 in 2006. This reduction was much less, on a percentage basis, than the reduction in the Non-Resident draw, based in part on the fact that the cost of a PP for the Resident draw was only $7, while for the Non-Resident draw it was a heafty $100.

The distribution of the 2006 applicants, Resident and Non-Resident, among the various PP classes (from a Max of 11 on down to a Min of 0) has not yet been posted. The link for this information for 2005 is:


One would assume that a disproportionate number of the 5,239 Non-Residents abandoning the Bighorn draw from 2005 to 2006 were from the ranks of those who had the fewest number of points entering the draw. Any projection of a "time period to draw" for those holding fewer than Max points. however, will have to wait until Wyoming publishes the Total Preference Point data for 2006.
Well after a long 30 years of applying in different area's, I finally drew an area 4 sheep tag. WOOHOO!!!
Congrats Fuzzy on the sheep tag. I hope I can draw one in the next 15-20 years, between six states. Are you going with an outfitter?
Yeah I booked a hunt with wind river mountain outfitters. For the last five days of archery season then if it aint lookin good for archery I will have the first five days of rifle season to try to finish the job off. After 30 years of waiting and probably my only crack at hunting sheep I couldnt see trying it on my own. To some it may not mean as much guided as it does to do it yourself but I felt the need to hedge my bets anywhere I could. The limited time I have spent hunting sheep with friends in that part of the world has had me nervous with the grizzlies also and will be nice to have people around that know them and how to work around them.
I am sure you did your research but I wanted to add that the outfitter you chose has a great reputation in the state of wyoming. I am a life long wyo resident and have heard lots of good things about the way Fritz runs his operation. Kill a big one.
Yeah wyo_shortmag I called a few friends that have hunted with him and a few of his references and could find nothing wrong. Have talked to Fritz a few times on the phone and seems to be a yoda amoung sheep men. Like I have said after waiting for thirty years I am trying to do everything as right as I know how to make sure I get the results I am looking for (IE taxidermy bill hehehe) As of right now I am thinking I wont be turning down many 3/4 curls with lamb tips just cause I would like a sheep so bad, especially with my bow. But then again I sure would like a sheep that shows his age and has a little age so I am being really wishy washy right now as to what I will turn ammo loose at... Right now I am in fantasy land. Will have to talk with Fritz a little more I guess before I make a decision on what my bottom end will be before I pull a trigger on my gun or bow but it sure would be nice to have a 160 type ram when all is said and done. Thanks for your input about my choice in outfitter...
good choice on the outfitter. fritz will get you on to game. i hunted deer with him this past year and would have no problem using him again.

good luck!

jason sanders
RE: Wyoming Bighorn Stats

No, applied for a unit that took six points last year, I had 10 going in (one off the top pool), and it took max points this year. Oh well, it was worth a try.

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