Wyoming Non-Res Goat Question


Active Member
I first want to say that I'm not asking for hunting locations... I am asking about an article I read about Mountain Goat in the Targhee and Grand Tetons. I know I have the smallest chance in the world but my question is The hunt in those units is it worth the money and time to try and harvest a goat coming off of the park or is there enough goats that I would have a chance to harvest an animal. I know the hunt will be extremely hard and I'm ok with that. I just would like to know if its worth it to apply in a unit like that. Only thing I can go off of is google earth to scout some possible areas to decide rather or not to apply.
If you go on a guided hunt you have decent success opportunity. As a non resident you can’t hunt the Wilderness without a guide, Most of those goats are in the Wilderness. They have issued 36 resident tags in that area past few years to almost eliminate them. The NPS wants the goats eradicated from the Park and has looked at hiring professional hunters to remove them. Goats do migrate out of the park and also they came in from the Idaho side but very low opportunity on non wilderness. They have hit it hard the past few years but if you are willing to get a guide then you stand a fair chance at harvesting one in the wilderness.
I looked at the goat hunt idea a long time ago. Now it is even more true.
For the money and time spent, quality of the hunt, I wouldn't.
British Columbia is for goat hunters.
Wyoming is for elk?.......
At least that's how I see it.
If you go on a guided hunt you have decent success opportunity. As a non resident you can’t hunt the Wilderness without a guide, Most of those goats are in the Wilderness. They have issued 36 resident tags in that area past few years to almost eliminate them. The NPS wants the goats eradicated from the Park and has looked at hiring professional hunters to remove them. Goats do migrate out of the park and also they came in from the Idaho side but very low opportunity on non wilderness. They have hit it hard the past few years but if you are willing to get a guide then you stand a fair chance at harvesting one in the wilderness.

Do you just like to make stuff up? You pretend to be the expert on Wyoming and then make totally false claims.

The WYGF has not issued 36 tags for the units bordering Grand Teton the last "few years".

They issued tags for the first time in those numbers last year, and last year only.

I don't understand why you insist on spreading misinformation.

Do you just like to make stuff up? You pretend to be the expert on Wyoming and then make totally false claims.

The WYGF has not issued 36 tags for the units bordering Grand Teton the last "few years".

They issued tags for the first time in those numbers last year, and last year only.

I don't understand why you insist on spreading misinformation.

Oh OK, so you are going to recommend he hunt DIY in the Targhee area as only 42 goat licenses were issued the past few years and now ongoing helicopter hunting in the Grand Teton National Park. Also knowing he is a nonresident. LMFAO. I think you can stuff your advice where the sun doesn’t shine.
Oh OK, so you are going to recommend he hunt DIY in the Targhee area as only 42 goat licenses were issued the past few years and now ongoing helicopter hunting in the Grand Teton National Park. Also knowing he is a nonresident. LMFAO. I think you can stuff your advice where the sun doesn’t shine.
Where is he recommending hunting there?

Also they are not helicopter hunting them. They are shooting them from a helicopter.
They issued licenses for that specific area last year ONLY. Not the past few years. Last year was year #1. I had one, i tagged a great Billy, and I would suggest anyone to not waste your money because there will be very few if any goats left to be found in the legal area this fall. Not an easy hunt last year, and basically a pointless hunt this fall
They issued licenses for that specific area last year ONLY. Not the past few years. Last year was year #1. I had one, i tagged a great Billy, and I would suggest anyone to not waste your money because there will be very few if any goats left to be found in the legal area this fall. Not an easy hunt last year, and basically a pointless hunt this fall

My point exactly. Not a DIY hunt for a nonresident.
A. to manage in the search for game hunts
B. to pursue with intent to capture
C. to search out : SEEK
D. to drive or chase especially by harrying
A dictionary definition of hunting is a lot different than what most ethical sportsman would call hunting, for example I wouldn’t call flying around in a helicopter shooting feral hogs in Texas hunting, nor would I call it hunting to shoot a bull elk in a 200 acre high fence ranch. This goat removal is no different it’s not hunting it’s shooting pretty plain and simple
saw this all over facebook the other day. so I took a screen shot to share for those that didn't see it. It was on Mark Gordons facebook page so one can assume its real.

How many did they take?
They haven't released the amount. Friday was blue sky all day so they probably did a good number. That being said, basically none of these goats being shot would ever set foot in the open hunting area year round. They live in the park and never leave
The article I read was that a phone call was made to stop the gunning. As said above no number was given on how many were shot
All politics...its an inside job all the way. Bernhardt knew he was getting the letter from Gordon from the start. Nobody finds it funny that Bernhardt "made the call" AFTER a full day of shooting goats from a chopper on a crystal clear day in the dead of winter?

How many goats do you think made it when they're all highly visible from the air and daylight to dark culling?

Everyone gets to save face, the Governor gets to tout his concern for goats and state rights, Bernhardt responds to the tongue lashing from the Governor AFTER allowing his Park Service to do what they wanted...and in the end the precious wild sheep get priority and the goats still died.
All politics...its an inside job all the way. Bernhardt knew he was getting the letter from Gordon from the start. Nobody finds it funny that Bernhardt "made the call" AFTER a full day of shooting goats from a chopper on a crystal clear day in the dead of winter?

How many goats do you think made it when they're all highly visible from the air and daylight to dark culling?

Everyone gets to save face, the Governor gets to tout his concern for goats and state rights, Bernhardt responds to the tongue lashing from the Governor AFTER allowing his Park Service to do what they wanted...and in the end the precious wild sheep get priority and the goats still died.
I would like to Kick you in the Bullets, But this was the one thing you said I could agree with!
Thank You
If they did not retrieve the goats then that Is considered wanton destruction of protected wildlife. They all should be arrested.
If the Park service and Wyoming Game and Fish are so concerned about the few remaining Bighorn Sheep, what steps have they taken to decrease mortality by predators like, Wolves and Mountain Lions? What habitat enhancements and prescribed burns and winter range habitat protection have they undertaken? Even if they eradicate the entire Targhee/GTNP mountain goat herd the Bighorn sheep herd is most likely doomed for multiple reasons. Also, now the Park Service announced their fall 2020 plans, they aren’t very clear. What does their plan entail for eradicating the remaining goats? (Quote) “The National Park Service is continuing to develop a skilled volunteer culling program that could be implemented as early as this fall,” the park said. “This culling program will utilize trained volunteers to remove non-native mountain goats via ground-based methods.” Are they going to hand a spear or a cowboy lasso to take care of the remaining goats? Seems like a very vague and distasteful Washington D.C. politics based solution in the works. It seems like the Wyoming Game and Fish should have been in charge of this eradication from the beginning not this Gopaul Noojibail bureaucrat mucking it up.
What everyone needs to realize is that in Wyoming every big game species is a second class citizen to Bighorn Sheep. I am a life member of Wyoming Wild Sheep Foundation, but I am not proud at all of what is happening to these Rocky Mountain Goats, which are being branded "non-native" and "exotic" by proponents of their removal from the Tetons. All the while sheep are being transplanted to areas in Wyoming where they are "non-native". I wait for the day the next species is considered to be in competition with wild sheep. Will it be deer or elk that is next? And while herds of sheep, like those in the Whiskey Mountain unit, are dying off without any exposure to domestic sheep or wild mountain goats, we are destroying a viable and growing herd of mountain goats.

Sad times for wildlife in Wyoming.
Also.. Park service said, the "skilled volunteers" will not only be accompanied by park employees, you also will not be allowed to keep the "trophy". So it is similar to the elk hunting program on Theodore roosevelt national park in terms of having to be watched by an employee, but you can still keep the meat there. But, as of now the park has no plans to allow the hunters to keep the hide or horns. So that is their way of still not giving into the demands of sportsmen or the game and fish.
I read that too. The National Park Service has no intent on using the term 'hunt'. They want to keep this defined as a 'cull'. They cannot stand allowing hunting in a National Park. Perhaps Wyoming's friends in Washington, maybe even Don Trump Jr. :rolleyes:, can convince the NPS that this can be a hunt and provide a unique opportunity for sportsman and allow meat, horns, and hide(s) to be kept by the volunteer. As a volunteer under their current ideology , I'd be told what & when to shoot. Doesn't feel like much of a hunt then, for me anyways.
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I read 36 goats were gunned down before getting stopped, I think transplanting them would be better option. Better yet transplant the sheep to an area they are thriving. Tetons seem more like goat habitat anyway. Game and Fish not sure what to do for quota on area 4 now, but bet it’s not many and if the hunt was hard last year gonna be almost impossible this year I would think. I’d be charging the park gunners with wanton destruction as was mentioned above .
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Those who applied for the A license are being sent this letter by Game and Fish to warn of low goat densities. Sorry it isn’t clear, but wasn't on my computer either.

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