Wyoming Unit 64 Antelope


Active Member
After many years of trying, I finally drew a decent unit for antelope. Been out there a few times over the years, but would love to get some advice from anybody that's willing to share. Thanks in advance for any help.
I'd been applying for that for a few years, but HF bumped it up to their #1 unit so I'm sure that killed the odds. Curious to see, but I bet the max point odds were only 25%

Member RMEF, Pope & Young Club, UBNM, UWC & the SFW Hate Club
>I'd been applying for that for
>a few years, but HF
>bumped it up to their
>#1 unit so I'm sure
>that killed the odds.
>Curious to see, but I
>bet the max point odds
>were only 25%

I know the feeling. The odds kept getting worse every year I put in. Three years ago the odds were around 65% with max points. Not sure what they were this year yet.
Congrats on the tag.
We hunted a "premium" Wyoming unit last year and my son ended up taking a killer buck 85". (I missed another big one)
At any rate, I have always previously hunted antelope opening day. I would go a day or two ahead of the opener, find a buck I liked and then sit on him opening morning. That always worked for mein the past. But this past year we went later in the hunt during the rut. Didn't see another hunter and the antelope were seriously crazy in love. From one ridge we sat and glassed maybe 50 different bucks chasing groups of does. It was amazingly fun.
So for what it is worth, you may want to consider a later rut hunt.
Good luck and share pictures.
Looks like the odds were 52.5% with max points in the cheap draw and 100% for anyone with more than 5 points in the special.
>Looks like the odds were 52.5%
>with max points in the
>cheap draw and 100% for
>anyone with more than 5
>points in the special.

Is that for this year's draw? Did they publish the odds already? If so that's funny. I was sitting in a lodge in northern Wisconsin kept checking WY draw results knowing I had good odds, same with several other hunts in UT & OR..................but all USUCS! Then I got blindsided out of nowhere. Wasn't even aware Maine & New Hampshire had their moose draws because I knew my odds were only 1% ! But boom went the dynamite! iphone had a message from a stranger asking if I was the Zim from Illinois who drew the New Hampshire moose tag in C2! Crazy lucky. So no WY 64 this year but I am huntin!

Member RMEF, Pope & Young Club, UBNM, UWC & the SFW Hate Club
LAST EDITED ON Jun-29-12 AT 08:20PM (MST)[p]ZIM---The G&F had the odds up the same day the draw results and leftover licenses were posted. That percentage is correct in that it took the max of 6 PPs to have a tad over 50-50 chance to draw the 64 tag in the regular draw.
OK well I expected odds to be a little worse considering the HF ranking. I expect the top draw pool is just getting small for lope about now. Many red desert units are better than 50/50 now.

Member RMEF, Pope & Young Club, UBNM, UWC & the SFW Hate Club
I finally got unit 64 drawn for my first ever Pronghorn hunt & I'm looking forward to a great time.
I'd also appreciate any info to help get me started & welcome any advice on how to hunt during the last 2 weeks of the season, when I'll be able to go.

Congratulations on the tag, I also drew this unit. Where are you guys coming from and what dates do you plan on hunting? Only my 2nd antelope hunt, looking forward to it.
I'm coming from Mississippi & so far I'm traveling solo.
I have lots of experience with deer & elk out West but just haven't got around to the Pronghorn's yet. I am really looking forward to it though.

I'll be able to hunt the last 2 weeks of the season.
Not sure if I'm driving or flying out yet.

Congrats to both of you on the tag. I'm coming from Northern Utah, so my drive isn't to bad. Checked the unit out last week and the antelope are looking pretty good. Not sure as to the dates when I'll be hunting yet. Good luck to both of you.
Jeff, Mississippi is a long drive by yourself. I'm coming from IN so I'm not much closer. Too bad you were'nt on the way or I would just pick you up!I think I'm hunting the last 2 weeks of Sept unless something changes.

Hunt30, would you describe most of this unit as typical antelope rolling sage type terrain? I've never been in the unit. Are you taking a 4-wheeler? I'm usually pretty "anti" 4-wheeler when it comes to hunting but it looks like a lot of gravel roads in the area that might make it a little easier. I would PM you but your profile is disabled.

The roads are typical for antelope country. In places they can be a little rough on your tires because of the rocks so bring an extra or two. I am not bringing an atv. Never been out their when it's wet, but I would assume it can get pretty messy. Feel free to pm, even if my profile is disabled. Thanks
Be prepared to look at a 1000 bucks before you find a big un - if you find him. We spent 7 days in 2009 in 64 and never found one over 78. Never pulled the trigger.

Had a buddy draw it in 2010. He scouted hard and killed an 80 incher on day 1 as he hadn't found anything bigger and that was the 'prettiest' buck he found.

Growth is looking good this year, so maybe this is the year. I have seen some BIG goats in the unit, most the time it's after a big snow when they bunch up - herds up to 2-300. We hunted the last 7 days of the season in 09 waiting for such an event that never happened.

Cool unit to see awesome high desert Wyo goats with lots of scenery around. Most the time you won't be able to drive 1/4 mile whithout stopping and pulling out the glass to look at the next herd. Good luck!

- Cade
1000 antelope bucks! GULP! I have not seen 1000 animals with antlers/horns combined in my lifetime (don't see many antelope in Indiana)! Hope I don't get too excited and shoot a 12 incher within the first hour. Guess I better brush up on my field judging. Thanks for the post Cade, that has me super excited for this upcoming hunt. Also, great website, fantastic quality photo's/video, and family oriented.

If you have never hunted antelope before, you will need someone to hide your bullets for the first day or two. That will keep you from spoiling all the fun.
As ihunt said, look over as many bucks as you can to get an idea of what is in the area. If you are not too late for the rut, the bucks will be chasing the does and you are in for a blast!
Good luck
Antelope are hard to judge, i would get the grimmetts video on judgei ng antelope. I had never killed a buc k over 13 in my life till i watched the video. First year out killed a 15 1/4 inch 83 6/8 gross buck and high 70
s ever since. You will know a big one when you see it it will dwarf everything you seen beforehand
It's looking like this will really be a fun first pronghorn hunt for me.

How might I get my hands on one of those videos on judging these critters?
Thanks guys, I got the videos & I'm in the process of planning my hunt. I'll go with the truck camper shell & ATV ready to camp & hunt for awhile.
I have the first 3 weeks of October off so I'm looking to get into some other hunting along the way. If anyone has any ideas, I'm open to suggestions.
Since you have the video you have a good idea of how to judge antelope in the field.

I find antelope very difficult to judge. I've been trying for 36 years, and I'm still terrible. (I can tell a 90 from a 70, especially if they're standing next to each other, but the difference between an 80 and an 82 not standing together - I need help).

A permit in Area 64 is hard to come by. Don't waste it. Call the Grimmetts and see if you can afford a scouting package from them, if not a full guided hunt. If you can afford it, you won't regret it.

I killed an 88 in 64 a couple years ago. I couldn't have done it without help.

Life is short. Make the call.
Thanks prong_hunter,

Interesting insight. I haven't considered that.
Did you use the Grimmits on your hunt?
LAST EDITED ON Aug-23-12 AT 09:35PM (MST)[p]>NO ONE is even close to
>what Tony and Eli have
>accomplished in the Pronghorn world!

That's why you have to hunt WITH them!

Keep hunting, my friend.
Well I am all set to go, once I get the next 3 weeks of work behind me.

What's the rule on hunter orange there? I have trouble with their website not working properly for me.
One hunter orange garmet is requires. It can be a hat, vest, shirt, whatever. An orange baseball cap is sopmewhat the standard. WY is the most reasonable state that requires any orange. They are quite flexible.
Thanks guys,

just a couple more weeks and I'll be getting set to head out.

I'd be glad to hear any updates from hunters between now & then.
We're headed out there in the AM, weather looks great! 1st time back to WY in 6 years, looking forward to it. I will be sure to let you know some specifics about the unit before you arrive. Troy
I won't be going home immediately after this hunt, but will head down to New Mexico for a bear hunt. With any luck I'll need a good Pronghorn taxidermist, maybe someone in Cheyenne, or somewhere between there & Silver City, NM.
I could be a week or two fooling around & I don't want to chance letting the cape get ruined while waiting to get it home.

Anyone care to recommend a good pronghorn taxidermist?


There is a good taxidermist in Rawlings (WY), its called Trails West I believe. Its been a few years since I was there, but it looked like they did good work. Troy
Yep, I both researched & spoke with 'em a bit and I think they'll do just fine. Conveniently located for me as well. I'm sure they do a ton of pronghorn.
Now, to get out there & get mine!

Tom at Trails West is actually at Sinclair east of Rawlins. I will never have anybody else mount an antelope for me as long as he's still going. I have two I'm looking at that he did they are awesome.
I think you should be chasing pronghorn in beautiful Wyo about now. Good luck. They are truly an amazing critter........
I hope you get to take one sightseeing in the back of your truck all the way to Mississippi!

- Cade
LAST EDITED ON Sep-26-12 AT 11:37AM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Sep-26-12 AT 11:30?AM (MST)

Just back from unit 64, what a great time. Hope everyone else with the tag has some success. The rut was heating up and the chasing was going on like crazy, what a great show to watch.

I am halfway through my last day of work here in Africa before getting on a plane tomorrow night and heading home.

Leaving out for Wyoming as soon as the weekend is over, and I'm pretty excited to be going on my first Pronghorn hunt!

email me some pics, etc. to:

[email protected]
Hunted 64 1st week Sunday thru wednes. Saw lots of 12-14 inch bucks. Passed on several 15 inches or a little better but just ave. mass and/or prongs. Antelpoe a little spooky. Ended up killing a buck that grossed 80 1/2. Not quite 15 inches but great mass.

Opening day had to kill a sandhill crane before going on my antelope hunt. LOL.

Saw 5-6 big groups, coveys, bunches, of sage grouse. Killed my possession limit the 1st 2 days. Also 30 or more feral horses.

from the "Heartland of Wyoming"
Good stuff kilbuc. Share a photo or two with us.

What is the limit on those grouse?
I'll need to buy a small game license for that, huh?

How did those 30 horses eat? lol
Jeff....feral horses,taste like chicken..LOL.

Sage grouse limit is 2per day but season closes Sept.30th.

Maps can be purchased at BLM offices, depending on where you are coming from, both Rawlins and Rock Springs have BLM offices.

Good luck, take your time, you will have a blast. Wish i still had a tag, fun hunt.

from the "Heartland of Wyoming"

Yep, hunted hard for 5 days & had a total blast! I can't say enough about how much fun I had or how much help you guys were.

The unit was all it was said to be. The goats were pretty darn spooky and hard to get close to. I don't believe I have ever crawled and slithered as much as I did there, but it was all worth it in the end. I buggered up a couple of opportunities by being too careful & not shooting when I probably should have, but I wanted to get the best buck I could, and didn't mind putting in the extra days as I was enjoying myself and learning bout speed goats. With one day left, I got lucky and punched my tag on this guy. He ain't the biggest goat you guys have seen, but he's the best I saw during my hunt, and that's what counts in my book.


Oh yeah, Trails West Taxidermy & Processing took great care of my antelope for me. They are great folks & Demetrick went above and beyond to accomodate my needs.

Thanks everyone! This turned into a great adventure for me and I love hunting Pronghorn!
Glad to hear you had a good trip. I was in the unit last weekend filling a few doe tags with my wife. Very surprised to see the goats bunching up and starting to move seriously to winter ground. It may not be particularly early, but with warm temps and lack of rain/snow it was somewhat of a surprise.Still had a good hunt, and even met a friendly warden in the unit who was a credit to the state of WY.
Jeff-thx for the pics and great job. Very nice buck; you probably already know this but goat hunting is addictive.

Thank you for reposting the picture, attempted it from my cell phone without success. Also, thanks to llamapacker and all the others that offered information and suggessions. Congratulations Jeff, it appears you had a great time as well. Troy
Thanks Troy,

I had a blast!

Your directions put me right into the place where I found the most and best animals. I appreciate your sharing what you learned with me.

I also appreciate the info and help shared by all of you guys here. It was a great hunt in a unique place. I hope to go back one day.


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