wyoming unit 82


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I was wondering if any body has had experience hunting deer in Wyoming unit 82 . I drew that tag this year , and I'm starting to do some research .
All I know is that it's not what it used to be. There are still some decent bucks, but the Game and Fish is changing the regions to make 82 a separate region from D. It gets too much pressure and numbers and quality are both down. I'd do the normal deal - look for rugged country away from roads. There's also some country that's tough to hunt along the state line, but it's choked with oakbrush and they can really hide in that stuff.

Good hunting.
I'd agree, there are some big deer that come out of that area every year, but overall, it gets pounded each year and most deer taken are smaller. I live near that area, and each year, a large army of hunters descend on the area. Last year, I hunted the Sand Hills region and from the top of a ridge, I counted over 50 orange dots(hunters) from my vantage point. With that said, there is some very rough country that the deer get pushed into after 4 or 5 days of pressure. A good map and some scouting, should help you determine where this might be. Most of the deer get pushed around by the thousands of hunters and it's just a matter of being in the right place at the right time. Look at maps and determine where most people start hunting and position yourself before sun up in escape routes the deer might use when pushed by these hunters.
When I put in for the Limited Quota license , I didn't notice that the area was hunted on the general tag . Looking at the tag numbers for the Oct.15 hunt it looks like there is only 25 tags for the later hunt .
Does any body know if the weather plays a role on that hunt . I figured I would hunt the last part of Oct. , and hope that the deer had settled down after the pressure had left .
If you drew the late season tag, congrats, that is a hard tag to draw, usually only about an 10-12% chance. The deer won't be settled down then because general elk season is open October 15-31 in that area and there are also alot of elk hunters in the area. I would definately hunt lower elevations in late October because all the elk hunters up high tend to push the deer down. Should be a very good hunt with that late season tag. Every year, I see nice deer in the back of guys trucks during that time when I am elk hunting. Try the Savery stock drive area and battle mountain.
Thanks for the info. WyomingMan . Looks like my draw odds for a non resident were only 2 % , so I'm feeling pretty lucky . I'll check in to those areas . I don't live too far away so I'll be able to get some scouting in .
Tons of roads in the area, so a 4 wheeler would not be to bad. You probably want a horse if your scouting down low around battle mountain. Much of that area is deep canyons and big draws. Would be nice to have a horse to look around.
If you are going to be using a wheeler, do your self a favor and stay on the roads. If you are not willing to pack a buck out on your back you have put in for the wrong area. With that being said congratulations on drawing a late season deer tag in this area. You actually should be able to take a good deer. I use to hunt that area and did very well for a better part of 10-12 years. I always wished they would open a late season deer tag out in the forest. But until I had moved on they had never allowed it. I had a good buddy draw this tag last year and took a good 180" muley. You are going to see alot of people but don't get discouraged because chances are good that they are hunting elk, but the pressure all in all is going to be pretty bad.

Wyomingman gave you some good advise, find one area and hunt it. There is a ton of country out there, just pick one specific area and stick with it. There are good deer all over this country, you just have to find a spot and give it some time, it will produce!

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