
Long Time Member
Here He is Boys!

A Good Friend of mine called to see if I had a Book Cliffs PISSCUTTER Tag!

Wished I did!:D

He got a few Nice Mug shots of a Rare Sight in the Book Cliffs!

There is Hope Boys!

There's one left!



If somebody ends up Harvesting Him,I'd like to see a Pic of the finished Product!

Even though We are Good Friends,He would NOT give me any GPS Coordinates,So Don't even ask!:D:D:D

This Story happens alot it's True!
But Ya Best Hope it don't ever happen to you!
Man that is a big buck! My dad has a BC archery deer tag. We were out there this past weekend and saw some good bucks, but nothing that compares to that!


You Boys Suckin up to the DWR?

Or how you pullin the Tags?

This Story happens alot it's True!
But Ya Best Hope it don't ever happen to you!
CAT! I don't know what's happening but, I pulled the rifle tag with 1 point! I ain't gonna ask questions or look a gift horse in the mouth. I'm gonna take the tag and run! My 3rd LE tag in 5 years..... Deer, Elk, Deer... Now I gotta put in for those smelly goats til' I can put back in for elk!

Wishin I had an archery tag out there now! He won't make it til the rifle hunt!

"Speak It Like It Is, Not Like It Ain't"
Big-time stud buck, Bess. Some of those Utah outfitters will be sending teams to camp on him until the season opens. We'll likely see his pic next to people with $$ in a few months.

I hope he stays hidden and lives to breed about 30 does this fall. He's a heckuva herd sire.
That is a dream Buck.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
Your good friend who sent you the photo wouldn't happen to be that drunken Obummass lover from Oregon?
>Not tall enough!
>It's always an adventure!!!

Cool buck, but I would sure like to see some more height to him!
Kinda weak main I guess the spread and trash will have to make up for it. Smoker buck!!!
My first impression was that this buck isn't as big as he first looks. Then again, if his ears are set at 22", he's got easy 5" on each side, making him about a 32" wide buck and that alone would make him special.

I agree, some height would really make this buck into a super trophy.


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
Damn I got an archery tag out there this year. I've been scouting a few times and haven't seen anything quite that big. I have seen some very nice deer but that is a smoker buck in my eyes. Want too give out any more info on this buck hideout?
Dandy buck but I don't think he is anywhere near as big as what a lot of people think.
Forks are not real strong, has a lot of extras but even them aren't super long.

I would be very surprised if he breaks 200" gross.


"Hunting is where you prove yourself"

Let me guess, you drive a 1 ton with oak trees for smoke stacks, 12" lift kit and 40" tires to pull a single place lawn mower trailer?
I think that buck is better than some are thinking. His main beams wrap back in quite a bit. Looks like double eye guards on both sides and I'll bet he gains another inch or two on most points.
He's a dandy buck! I'm getting him close to 190", but if each point puts on another inch or two and he grows a little taller he'll probably be over 200".

There are some Finicky Bastards on here!:D

You Boys ever tell your Girlfriends/Wife that She Ain't Tall enough,She Ain't this,She Ain't that?

For GAWDS Sakes We are in the Basin where PISSCUTTERS are the Norm!:D

I will tell you this!

You Tag Holders see anything even close to this Buck in the Book Cliffs you Best Think it out a bit!

Or you could let him walk in Hopes of nobody Harvesting Him this year,Nobody Poaching him this coming Winter,you get another Tag next year in Hopes He grows more Height next year & becomes a Shooter!:D

I'll Wish you all Luck on that!

Keep the Replies coming Guys!

This Story happens alot it's True!
But Ya Best Hope it don't ever happen to you!
oh, don't take my post as saying I would pass him up on the book cliffs or nearly any other unit. I would shoot him no doubt unless I had a henry's tag, island tag or a handful of other units across the west...


"Hunting is where you prove yourself"

Let me guess, you drive a 1 ton with oak trees for smoke stacks, 12" lift kit and 40" tires to pull a single place lawn mower trailer?
I would whack him even with a Henrys tag.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
That deer is gonna be 200+ all day, any day. My vote is help the blind hunter find him and pope him.


Theres logic, and theres women. They don't go together.
My guess, for what it's worth, is he'll end up 184 on the frame with 17 inches of extras and just puts him over 200 at 201.

I think you shoot that buck almost anywhere, maybe even on the Henries unless you have been scouting some bigger. I am betting an archer gets a crack at him.
Weather or not he breaks 200" or is 32 inches wide (which he will likely) this is a G-R-E-A-T buck for the Book Cliffs. If the DWR managed the unit better there would like be more like this buck...
I have spent every weekend since june first out there. I have not seen a buck that big. I have only seen one buck big enough to shoot actualy. He was a main frame three that would go one seventy five ish. You boys with a deer tag might be dissapointed. Yelum, let me know if the blind hunter might need some help.
I'll also put him over 200", but not by much. I would also put him closer to 34"-35" than 32". I could be wrong, though. But really, WHO FREAKIN' CARES!!! That buck is a no-brainer! SHOOT!!
>Bess, after telling my wife she
>was too wide, she put
>on another 4 inches in
>width the next year!

LMAO Runnoft!

Did you tell Her you wanted Hieghth rather than Width?:D

This Story happens alot it's True!
But Ya Best Hope it don't ever happen to you!
Yea, It's easy to sit in a chair in front of a screen and find a few negatives about him, but the reality is after a few days hunting hard and not seeing much we all would tripping on our tongues to get a shot at a buck like that. Bow or Rifle. 5
>Hasn't this bucks been posted before
>in years past? Or
>am I nuts.

You're having Visions!:D

This Story happens alot it's True!
But Ya Best Hope it don't ever happen to you!
Hay assassin. He is still in the same spot. I got more video of him again last weekend. To bad we don't have a permit.
That is a great buck. It would be awesome to have bucks like that runnin on every unit in Utah again. People shoot bucks smaller than this guy on the Henrys and Paunsy every year and are happy as hell. Bucks like this are special. When he rubs off, if he survives till Sept. He will look even better. Thanks for posting up a pic of the best buck of the summer so far Bess.
He could be 32" or more outside, hard to judge when they get that wide (with stickers out both sides), but the score that counts is his inside spread which I would put at about 22 1/2". His frame just doesn't look that big, I would guess to be around 170 tops as a 4 point. Once he loses the velvet, he will lose all that mass that it looks like he has, where I feel he is average at best.

Again, he is still a great buck and I would not pass him up on most units including the books from what I hear about the unit. Just not the true monster he looks like at first glance. IMO


"Hunting is where you prove yourself"

Let me guess, you drive a 1 ton with oak trees for smoke stacks, 12" lift kit and 40" tires to pull a single place lawn mower trailer?
Nice job now the MB DB crew will be up there keeping an eye on him until some fat slob hunter can fly in and shoot him.I thank God every day I dont live in your state.Awesome buck,the only negative is that there arnt more like him.
>Nice job now the MB DB
>crew will be up there
>keeping an eye on him
>until some fat slob hunter
>can fly in and shoot
>him.I thank God every day
>I dont live in your
>state.Awesome buck,the only negative is
>that there arnt more like

What a coincidence, we thank him every day that you don't live in our state either.
LMAO now that is a true story.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
great buck in the books no doubt but its hard for me to say its over 30" when every deer out there seems to have 15"-18" ears

id still shoot him on any unit


who farted?
That is an awesome buck. I think the best way to know how big a buck really is by his age and body size, which go hand in hand. I can't tell by the pictures, but if that is an old sway back buck, then he is probably as big as he looks at first glance. If he is a young buck, he is not gonna be as big as people think.
I told my wife she wasn't tall enough once. ONCE! Here's some free advice, don't say things like that with your manhood exposed!

It's always an adventure!!!
Is it really acceptable to allow these kinds of deer to run around on anything other than a Premium unit.

If this isn't another of the Cat's scratch jokes, humoring himself, again, somebody better get rid of that rascal before it starts to cause a viral movement for bigger bucks. Let us never, ever, forget, that sucker has never given birth to a single fawn. Shame on you all, for your public lust!

yep never gave birth, BUT without him being a part of that deal You wouldn't have any births in the wild by does or bucks(are you seeing the truth).Does are as much a part of a genetic make up as the buck to produce a good deer.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
I hope somebody does get him. If people think we should not than just close it down to hunting and change it to the basin zoo. Hes a great buck and im sure he has bread a time or two in the past. There are some deer out there that call him daddy. It would be nice to see someone who really put in the time to enjoy the hunt and make the most of it be able to put their tag on him. Would be very satisfying I think.
Updated photo's anyone? Be nice to see what he has added. Thanks!!


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
That buck is pushing 200" for sure, but like others said, who gives a crap? I would shoot that buck on just about any unit. It is exciting to see a buck like that on the Book Cliffs, it has been awhile. He's without a doubt breed does at least a couple years, so his genes have been passed on and that is a great thing. A lot if not most units in Utah have the genetics hidden in there just like the Book Cliffs, if we can just have the proper management then the cream will rise to the top just like this buck.
Bcrazy, what would "proper management be"?

There's a vast difference between "proper management" for mature harvest and "proper management" for maximum harvest?

What would "proper management be" for coyote, cougar and bear to mule deer ratios?

Just interested in your definition of "proper management" because there are many proactive hunters on both sides of the "proper management" discussion.

And............ just for my own curiosity, what is your age, in as much as I'm starting to believe "proper management" opinion might be somewhat slanted according to the age and years of field experience. Not sure, just ponding the possiblities.

Geez, didn't mean to touch a nerve, but I should have known I guess that even mentioning the word "management" would ruffle someones feathers.

My definition of Mule Deer management is to quite shooting does in areas where we need to recover the herds, to have proper management of public lands and resources where Mule Deer live, i.e. improving wintering areas on a bigger scale, purchasing sensitive area land including migration corridors, and limiting highway mortality more than has been done. Also, yes I think "proper management" needs to include predator control, especially in areas where it has the greatest impact on wintering deer and birthing areas in the spring. What are those numbers "ratios"? I have no clue, but in many areas it is too high.

So, my term "proper management" would include all of these areas. Some of these I think the DWR has done a decent job, but other areas I think they have failed miserably. For instance, there are several roadways that for YEARS manage to kill hundreds of deer, but they haven't done a damn thing. I talked with one of the biologists a couple years ago that is over that and he said "they are in the process of studying the impact" well, two years later and its still the same...seriously, do something already.

Also, my age is 38, I have brown hair, green eyes, drive a truck and my social security number is 925-get-bent.

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